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The Parable of the

Wedding​​ Feast

By Jan Lilleby


This parable is actually two parables, and nothing

in​​ these​​ parables,​​ or any other parables​​ told by Jesus

had anything to do with our present dispensation

of the free Grace Gospel according to Paul!


This parable seems to be prophetic – He pointed to something in the​​ future​​ to happen.

Why I say this is because there cannot be much doubt, as we look back at​​ Bible​​ history,​​ that the​​ first half​​ of this parable found in Mat.​​ 22:2-7 was what happened as the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the temple and great parts of Israel in 70 AD.

Thus, I find it convenient to explain that part of the parable separately, and we shall then have a look at the second part after that.

From New King James Version, Mat. 22:2-7,

The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell​​ those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.” ​​ But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business. And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them.​​ 7: But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.” ​​​​ (In this narrative, the​​ servants​​ are the apostles and their associates)

We will notice that Jesus delivered this parable to the audience in the temple site, as it was​​ the​​ 13th​​ of Nisan 28 AD (our 27th​​ of April, Thuesday), the Passover was the next day, the day of the crucifixion of Jesus.​​ IMAGE:​​ The temple burning in 70 AD.

Jesus had cleansed the temple at 12th​​ of Nisan (see Mat. 21:12, 13), healed many sick people and thus provoked the evil-minded Pharisees there. They were after Him, but they dared not arrest Him in the open – with the people there witnessing it, like told in Mat. 21:46,

And although they were trying to arrest Him, they feared the throngs because they regarded Him as a prophet.”​​ 

Imagine then, that as Jesus spoke the parable saying that​​ ‘A king sent out his servants to invite for his son’s wedding banquet’​​ – the angry hateful Pharisees were listeners among the crowd there. Jesus addressed His parable directly to them!​​ As it says in verse 1, it is clearly an addressed parable, and that receiver was the flock of Pharisees present there:​​ “Jesus spoke to them (Pharisees) again in parables, saying:”.​​ And the Pharisees understood that it was them He talked about …THEY were not willing to come (to the wedding).​​ It was still the Pharisees He shot at, saying, …and the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and KILLED them.

That​​ last sentence​​ was then a prophesy. Jesus told them to their face that they would go and kill His apostles/disciples, in a persecution. Jesus was right, for we read of this in Acts, how they jailed them and killed them, over the years.

As we find Paul at Rome​​ in custody 60-62 AD, Josephus​​ Flavius​​ told in his book on the Jewish War, that Governor Festus,​​ who represented the Roman rule in Palestine at that time, got very ill and went to Rome for cure. That left the strict rule of the Roman Governor partially vacant, since no one could fill the position immediately, and thus, Josephus wrote that the​​ priesthood and temple guards took advantage of his absence and attacked the Messianic assembly at Jerusalem. Ananias II​​ (he who had slapped Paul in the​​ face) had the elders and James stoned to death, and many fled up to Pella to escape this killing spree.​​ 

This was the​​ very end​​ of the persecution which Jesus foretold in His parable of the Wedding in Mat. 22, for just four​​ years after, the war with Rome was started as Jews made rebellion against their rule.​​ 

The brutal attack against the assembly at​​ Jerusalem – added to the confrontation Paul had with the unbelieving Jewish leaders at Rome (Acts 28:25-28) – had the effect that God simply​​ gave up on Israel, and​​ He​​ considered them fallen away from Him.​​ 

That fall was confirmed by God letting the Roman army destroy Israel entirely, sending thousands of prisoners to the slave market in Alexandria, all according to Moses’ prophesy in Deu. 28:68.​​ History tell us that Titus made use of around​​ 70 000 Jewish prisoners​​ to build the huge arena Colosseum in Rome.​​ But the other prisoners were sent to Egypt like I mentioned.

This destruction was what Jesus prophesied in verse 7 of the parable. The king got angry and​​ sent his armies​​ and killed the murderers and set fire to their city (Jerusalem).​​ When king Nebuchadnezzar took Judah​​ and Jerusalem in 587 BC, Jeremiah​​ on behalf of the Lord, said of the king​​ that he was a servant of God for​​ that​​ punishing​​ cause. And so it was also when Rome took Jerusalem, it was​​ an army of God sent to punish and destroy the sinful nation which had just persecuted and killed God’s servants, the apostles.

That took place on 10 Av (our 10th​​ of September) which was a Sunday. Same calendar day as when king Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army took Jerusalem in 587 BC​​ when​​ Zedekiah was king​​ of Judah​​ – and burned down the city​​ and deported Jews as prisoners to Babylon.

So, there is no doubt that Jesus​​ foretold​​ of the destruction of Israel in 70 AD.

Ironically, the destruction was not​​ really​​ a Roman initiative but it was​​ provoked by the Jews themselves​​ as it arose two men among them saying they were the Messiah of God.​​ 

There had been an episode of sacrilege in the synagogue at Caesarea initiated by a Roman official, and that stirred up an angry mob which attacked the Roman Garrison there, and it spread to other places – especially near ​​ Galilee, north in Palestine. Eventually this brought in among others, the two leaders I mentioned above.​​ They both had followers and they started​​ a more organized​​ rebellion which ended by a total disaster for Israel.​​ 

The two leaders were​​ Eleazar ben Ananias​​ and​​ Johannes Ben Levi. The entire time of the rebellion seems to have been a​​ time of confusion​​ and Jews fighting Romans,​​ and​​ Jews fighting Jews in disagreement – total mayhem was raging. Eleazar was the leader of the​​ first​​ aristocratic Jewish rebel government. ​​​​ Ananias II eventually was killed by his own​​ followers turning on him​​ during the struggle between the Sicarii extremists and the more moderate party in this rebellion against Rome.

The Jews could only thank themselves for all the destruction that fell upon them – a direct result of having crucified the one and only Messiah God had sent them, Jesus.​​ The king was​​ infuriated​​ and had His army execute these murderers who had killed His servants, the apostles.

There are​​ three​​ elements I would like to mention here, which are the parable of the barren fig tree in Luke 13, and the incident which took place just the same morning Jesus told His parable of the Wedding Feast – as we read Mat. 21:19 Jesus​​ cursed the fig tree​​ at the road side and miraculously it withered up immediately. His disciples were shocked.​​ And the third element is that Wedding Feast parable.​​ 

Actually, Mat. 22:1 is using​​ plural tense​​ “Parables” introducing the parable of the Wedding Feast. This is correct, for it is two parables told there, and I shall come back to this shortly.​​ If you read the rest of chapter 22, until the last verse 46, you will find no other parable/parables in that chapter. Neither will you find any in the next chapter, Jesus’ famous chastising of the Pharisees and all of their hypocrisy, lies, and heretical teachings – branding them as the children of the devil. So, it is quite Biblical to say that the​​ plural tense​​ in Mat. 22:1 –parables,​​ is actually​​ only talking​​ of the one of the Wedding Feast. Mat. 22:46 says straight forward that Jesus hereby had definitely stopped the Pharisees and their many attacks against Him,

“And no one was able to answer Him​​ a word, nor from that day did anyone venture or dare to question Him.”

I am convinced that the barren fig tree in Luke 13, which should have been cut down, was a​​ prophetic image of the unbelieving Israel: In three years the owner of the​​ vineyard (the fig three was planted in a vineyard) had come looking for fruit but found none. In three years Jesus spent His ministry on earth to preach to Israel, but they would not receive Him, they would not believe (the fruit is their eventual​​ faith).​​ Israel would not believe on Jesus, - so therefore cut down that fig tree! But the vinedresser pleaded with the owner, if he could try one more year putting on​​ manure and digging in the soil around it to see if it could come up with fruit. That ‘one year’ was equal to the time used by the ‘vinedresser’ (here the vinedresser represents​​ the flock of apostles Jesus sent out). But even after that extra year (30-some years in historic timeline​​ of Acts) the fig tree of Israel was still barren, AND IT WAS FINALLY CUT DOWN BY THE ROMAN BATTLE AXE.

Likewise, Jesus cursing the​​ fig tree​​ at the road side, and it withered, - this was also a prophetic image of the very same. This fig tree made up Israel and her lack of faith.

And as third element, as already mentioned above,​​ in the same narrative, Jesus delivered His parables​​ of the Wedding Feast, for which He sent out His apostles to invite Israel to come to the wedding – for Israel is the​​ bride of Jesus Christ​​ as she comes to faith in Him. BUT…the big awesome BUT: He foretold them that they would NOT BELIEVE​​ ON​​ HIM in the future, and therefore they would persecute and kill His servants.



There are​​ several scenarios​​ involved in how Christianity interprets this part of the parable.

Let me first quote it to you, from verses​​ 8 to 14, (Amplified Bible)

“Then he said to his servants, The wedding (feast) in prepared, but those invited were not worthy.​​ – So go to the thoroughfares where they leave the city (where the main roads and those from the country end) and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find. ​​ - ​​ And those servants went out​​ on the crossroads and got together as many as they found, both bad and good, so (the room in which) the wedding feast (was held) was filled with guests. – But when the king came in to view the guests, he looked intently at a man there who had on no wedding garment. ​​ - ​​ And he said, Friend, how did you come in here without putting on the (appropriate) wedding garment? And he was speechless (muzzled, gagged). – Then the king said to the attendants, Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the darkness outside; there will be​​ weeping and grinding of teeth. ​​ - ​​ For many are called (invited and summoned) , but few are chosen.”

Before we can leave the parable, we need to learn what is said in verse 15,

“Then the Pharisees went and consulted and plotted together how they might entangle Jesus in His talk.”

They had become more and more angry – actually they became filled with pure hate against Jesus. Why? He hung them ‘Out-to-dry’ while the people in the temple heard it all. Then we read that they came with the foolish attempt of trying to make him speak badly of the Roman Emperor…as they showed Him a coin asking Him if He thought it was lawful to pay tribute to him or not. Then we get the famous saying from Jesus:​​ Give to​​ Caesar what is due to him, and pay to God the things that are due to God. ​​ The Pharisees lost​​ again​​ and had to leave Him,​​ shamefully over their lack of ability to talk back.​​ They were SPEECHLESS just as Jesus told of that one man who was thrown out into the darkness outside! This made the Pharisees even more certain that Jesus talked of them – as He had left them speechless more than one time.

And angrier than ever!



Jesus started actually a​​ new parable​​ – it had changed contents and He had ended the first half (verses 2 to 7)​​ with the king sending armies to kill the Pharisees, - and​​ made a different ‘cast’ of the scenario than the scenario which ended with the destruction of Israel in 70 AD.​​ As I already mentioned above, Mat. 22:1 says that it were​​ parables, in plural tense and not parable as in singular! Jesus used the scenario of a wedding in both parables, and that can bring some confusion if the Bible reader skips​​ such facts. We need to read the Bible often in a scrutinizing manner.

Jesus therefore could not​​ have begun at the same start-point as that of the destruction of Israel. We have to look upon this whole parable as a short preview of contexts, which in the verses 2 to 7 was all about Israel’s destruction after having killed His apostles during Acts period.​​ And the second half verses 8 to 14 is of the Pharisees being​​ cast out of the kingdom of God​​ for their lack of faith.​​ Thus creating a​​ second​​ parable​​ actually.

Neither can we regard verses 8 to 14 as something that​​ followed after​​ the destruction of Israel in 70 AD.​​ 

The actual context in the parable’s​​ last half​​ is that​​ Jesus used the theme of ‘inviting to a wedding feast’ – but with the intent to show that there was an illicit guest there who had not put on wedding garment:​​ Jesus pointed directly to the Pharisees. They knew this, and therefore they tried desperate to catch Jesus by His own words, but failed miserably. Notice what Jesus said:​​ Tie him hand and foot and cast him into THE DARKNESS OUTSIDE (outside the kingdom of God – remember, the parable was about the​​ kingdom of God) – there shall be weeping and grinding of teeth.​​ IMAGE:​​ Cast the unbelieving Pharisees out into the darkness!

Jesus had already warned the Pharisees prior to this telling of the parables​​ of the wedding feast, in Mat. 21:43 He spoke straight forward to their faces​​ …the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce the fruits of it. ​​ Verse 45 says a lot: ​​​​ “And when the chief priests and the Pharisees​​ heard His parables​​ (comparisons, stories used to illustrate and explain), THEY PERCEIVED THAT HE WAS TALKING OF​​ THEM.”

And so, the next parable after the Pharisees concluded and understood that Jesus was talking of them, He came up with this parable​​ (parables)​​ of the Wedding Feast.

And Jesus used that​​ ‘sneaked in’ single wedding guest who had not the wedding garment on,​​ to tell the very same Pharisees that if they came into this wedding, they would be thrown out into the darkness. They would be lost of the kingdom of God, because of​​ their unbelief.​​ 

The Pharisees heard that Jesus told them that they would persecute and kill the apostles; they heard Him also conclude sternly that because of that, the nation of Israel would be destroyed.

Jesus concluded the second part of the parable, that​​ many were called but few are chosen – saying that to be able to come to the wedding, one must be chosen, that is, one​​ must have faith​​ in Jesus Christ. The Pharisees did NOT have faith in Jesus.

Some scholars and preachers and pastors – both​​ inside the Acts-28 camp and outside it,​​ -​​ hold that the parable is telling of a future ‘Wedding Feast’ and thus invitation, to people along the ‘Highways’,​​ as some translations say, such as NKJV;​​ (but NIV says ‘Go to the street corners’).​​ In the understanding of that this ‘invitation’ went out​​ after the destruction of Israel in 70 AD.​​ But I cannot agree with those.​​ They are ignorant of the fact that the parable of the Wedding Feast actually is two parables.

We​​ cannot look past the fact​​ that Jesus prophesied the end and destruction of Israel, which was fulfilled in 70 AD.

Since that time, no​​ ‘kingdom-gospel’​​ has been preached by​​ anyone​​ sent by God,​​ and absolutely no ‘Wedding Feast Invitation’.​​ 

If such an enterprise has been going on, then I ask: Where is it? Who are they?​​ What exactly are the names of the leaders of such a movement?​​ Can anyone give me a valid actual address with a phone number or an email address so I can check them out?​​ Can I participate in a meeting or service they eventually hold? Are they seen and heard on any TV-media?​​ I could go on and on…but I am afraid this so-called operation of going out on the ‘Highways’ with such a wedding invitation in the aftermath of Israel’s destruction is just chasing invisible ghosts. It is a​​ fantasy​​ freak-show which nobody can see or identify in any manner.​​ It simply does not exist.

I say that all kingdom-preaching​​ ended the same day as​​ Paul had his revelation of the Mystery​​ in Eph. 3:1-9 – the dispensation of the Church, the Body of Christ.​​ Most probably we are talking of the year 62 or 63 AD. That is when Paul wrote his two epistles, the one to the Ephesians and the one to the Colossians;​​ revealing the free Grace Gospel for all people, and no more preaching of the kingdom of God, the millennia.​​ It is possible that Paul was in​​ a second jailing​​ when he wrote to the Ephesians and Colossians. He might have been sat free from all charges by Nero’s appeal court, but arrested a second time, maybe because of the turmoil caused by the great fire in Rome…but this cannot be proven.

In​​ this​​ dispensation there are only​​ true Jesus-believers, trusting​​ in the Gospel of the free grace for all people on earth, as taught us by Paul the apostle to the Gentiles.​​ Israel is fallen and is just one nation among other nations. Eph. 2:14, 15.

So, there is​​ no parallel calling​​ running at the same time as the calling of the Body of Christ is.

The last half of the parable​​ of the Wedding Feast is therefore NOT a continued effort on God’s hand to reach out to Jews with the message of a Wedding Feast (only Israel can be the Bride of​​ the Lamb,​​ Jesus,​​ the believing Israel, and not all people on earth).

The dispensation of the Church, the Body of Christ, is standing​​ all alone​​ as long as it exists. God is not working with Israel today, they are still considered as fallen away from Him, actually, they are considered as ‘non-existent’ when talking of a nation. They were returned to Egypt as slaves in 71-72 AD by Roman​​ sea vessels to Alexandria.





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Going Lost or Getting Saved

Can​​ Only Be Decided in This Present Life!

By Jan Lilleby


Can you repent from a life in opposition to God, for instance if you are an Atheist in this life, and come to faith in God and Jesus Christ​​ after​​ you have died?​​ Resulting in your salvation?

I shall give you the most direct answer straight up front:​​ No, you cannot.

The​​ first reason​​ I will mention to such a scenario is that there is no automatically​​ life or existence after death. You just do not​​ wake up​​ one morning, dead.

The Bible says​​ the dead knows nothing.

If a person is dead, he is STONE DEAD, and he actually no longer exists​​ as a person. He has been​​ reduced to a corpse​​ without any life in it, but the bacterial decomposition setting in.​​ 

At creation​​ the Lord breathed oxygen into Adam’s​​ still unused lungs, and that made Adam come alive – the Bible says of this conclusively​​ in Gen. 2:7​​ ​​ and God Jehovah formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (ASV​​ Bible).​​ 

Here it says clearly (as in many other Bible translations) that Adam became a living​​ soul. Body plus oxygen pumped into the lungs of that body, resulted in a living soul.​​ 

Without oxygen (if one day no longer this living​​ soul​​ has​​ any oxygen) he is dead.​​ No​​ soul​​ anymore.​​ There is no separate ‘soul’ that lives on, after oxygen has left a man’s body, regardless of reason.​​ Or if death caused by for instance an accident​​ having his head smashed, or being hit by a gunshot, or stung in the heart by a knife, etc.​​ 

The fairytales​​ of humankind on what will happen after death are countless.​​ 

But it is entirely false if saying that there is​​ automatically life​​ after death. Only believers in Jesus Christ have such eternal life promised them. They shall be raised from the dead by God. Only God has immortality says the Bible.

Give that dead person a beautiful burial, let the Minister hold a dignified sermon, let his family cry​​ tearfully​​ and grieve, and keep the memories of this dead family member in respect and love.​​ Still, the dead beloved​​ one remains dead.​​ No man on earth can do anything to alter this.

And God will not raise anyone from the dead​​ unless he had faith in God and Jesus Christ when he was alive, here on earth.​​ 

The dead will be gone forever; like he never had existed.​​ 

And by the way, let me tell you that there is no Hell or everlasting torment or any such fictive ‘reality’ after death. Paul​​ never​​ used a single word in his epistles talking of a supposedly harsh punishment by eternal fire or any other sort of torment, often called for Hell in English speaking nations, or Helvete in Norway where I live. No such place of punishment for disbelievers exists!

Paul only talked of​​ ‘going lost’​​ when talking of unbelievers. Our faith in Christ has only valid currency​​ if we have that faith here on earth, and I shall come back to that shortly.

Likewise, no intermediate​​ Paradise-like waiting place exists, in which a dead person can make up his mind to believe on Jesus for salvation if he did not believe on Him when alive on earth.​​ Such a scenario will suit Hollywood​​ better,​​ rather than people in real life!

The second reason​​ I can say there is no automatically​​ after-life​​ in which you can make a final choice of eternal life or not, is simply one that screams at you right here and now, but you can’t see the forest for all the trees:​​ 

Earth is inhabited by humankind by the billions. But since this life has no use or value to decide our choice for eternity, - it is​​ pure nonsense​​ that we are here in the first place! ​​ Why let us suffer through the earthly life for decades, fighting illness, accidents, hunger, wars, poverty, divorces, - you name it, if this life has​​ no decisive effect​​ on the coming eternity whether salvation or going lost? ​​ Life here is a waste of time and effort – so why not just create us right there, in that Paradise-like waiting room, and let us go right into the full salvation?​​ 

One important element into this equation is the fact that you are​​ actually already​​ given a ‘Second chance’ for each new day you wake up to! If you are an Atheist you can recon every day that you live to see, as your new chance – not just second chance – it may be your​​ chance number 5000, if you have lived as an unbeliever for almost 14 years and each day count as a new chance. ​​ And yet, some foolish ignorant Christian bookworms dig up a fantasy, that God may give all people a ‘Second chance’ in a supposedly ‘after-life’ setting. How can one go for such incredible lies and fictive ‘reality’?

The whole foolish idea of an​​ after-life,​​ so people can decide for salvation or going lost,​​ is totally out of reason and logic.

The third reason​​ I can say there is no automatically​​ after-life, is that you cannot find any such​​ doctrine with our apostle, Paul; the apostle to the Gentiles. Our doctrine of faith can only be found with Paul, written in his two epistles Ephesians and Colossians. Not one single word on any “second chance” to get saved after death.​​ On the contrary, Paul warns against believers getting caught up into foolish thoughts, Eph. 5:17,

“Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.

In same chapter, verse 5, Paul really gives us a mindbender in the right direction,

Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure person (homo) or one who is greedy (that is, an idolater)​​ has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.”​​ (NRSV Bible)

Here, if you are not an unfortunate born dyslectic (word blind) or disturbed in your mind, keeping you​​ unfit to live without nursing​​ assistance, - we cannot understand Paul’s exhortation as anything other than such​​ described sinners are​​ already lost for salvation.​​ Paul has declared that this is a​​ closed case​​ here and now.​​ If he doesn’t repent and turn away from those sins, he shall not come into heaven, which is the other way of saying ‘salvation’. We have inherited the heavenly salvation ALREADY HERE in this life by faith alone, no works, and thus it is ‘Case closed’.​​ And likewise, you go lost already here, case closed.

Paul also tells us that we must KEEP OUR FAITH at all times, for without faith we will go lost in eternity, Eph. 1:22, 23,

Yet now has Christ reconciled you to God in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His presence. - - ​​ PROVIDED​​ THAT YOU CONTINUE TO STAY WITH AND IN THE FAITH, well-grounded and settled and steadfast, NOT SHIFTING OR MOVING AWAY from the hope glad tidings, which you heard and which has been preached to every person under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.”

Notice that right here, at the end of the verse above,​​ -​​ Paul would have had an excellent opportunity to point out to his readers if there was a ‘Hidden catch’ in there:​​ 

“Hey, fellas! Relax, don’t get too anxious over my mention of eventually shifting or moving away from the faith. Cool it now! You see, God has shown to me that​​ He will give all eventual backsliders or atheists or God-haters a glorious second chance after you die! Aint’​​ that​​ just​​ glorious fellas?”​​ 

We are not to be taken into some place after death, to have any second chance. If we, the believers, as described by our apostle Paul here are saved by faith and keeping away from those sins he described,​​ - then it is the same principle in effect for those who are​​ not saved​​ by faith here. They must be considered lost forever unless they repent and come to faith in Christ​​ here,​​ now, in this life before they die.

Eph. 2:8, 9 is Paul’s concentrated summary on our salvation, telling us that we ARE ALREADY SAVED, here in this life, and in no need to have a supposedly ‘Second chance’,

“For it is by free grace that YOU ARE SAVED, through faith. And this is not of yourselves, but it is the gift of God. - - Not because of works, lest any man should boast.”

Can it be told any clearer than this?

Must you have the archangel Gabriel come to you and tell you these things straight to your face to make you believe?

C:\Users\megselv\Pictures\Image 2 Thes 2.jpg

Having just read Paul’s doctrinal statements on salvation by faith, we have to be aware of the fact that a scenario of a ‘Second chance’ in life after death, is not one where people can be saved by faith! ​​ If you are shown into a place like this, you have become one​​ who sees​​ these things. You cannot be a believer like we now can in this life, for in this life we are believers since we​​ walk by faith and not by sight! ​​​​ Have you thought of that?

The demand from God, using His elect apostle Paul to tell us, is that we have to have faith in Jesus Christ, and only if we have such faith can we be considered as saved persons. It is irrefutable and non-negotiable Bible truth.

Here you may read the passage above, II Thes. 2:10-12 – Paul telling them of the future anti-Christ and what trouble he will cause for the Jews in the time of the Great Tribulation.​​ It says that God – seeing​​ that the Jews refuse​​ to believe on Jesus (the Truth) – shall turn them over to a strong delusion so they get stuck in a false belief. Why this? So that these wicked unbelievers shall be judged and CONDEMNED (lost of salvation). They took pleasure in unrighteousness.​​ 

There can be no doubt that this prophetic saying from Paul is a word that is​​ irreversible and therefore will be fulfilled​​ when time is up. It is out of the question that these ungodly sinners will ever get a ‘Second chance’. We better believe what Paul says, if you think you are a serious Bible believing Christian!

And if these cannot get saved, then​​ all other people like them, with unbelief and opposing God and Christ, cannot get saved either. It is a fact.​​ No ‘Second chance’.

I hereby end this little article. Much more can be said, but if you cannot grasp truth by these vital points I have shown you…then I doubt that you would grasp it after reading 20 pages more from my hand.







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By Jan Lilleby


This article is written to point out important Bible truth

regarding the so-called ‘Rapture’ of saints found

in 1 Thes 4 and add this to my first article on

this subject – called

“Will the Christian Church Be Raptured Up Into Heaven

In Clouds, Meeting Jesus in the Air?​​ 

This new article will therefore overlap it slightly


When Paul wrote his epistles, especially those he wrote in the same time as described in Acts 28​​ – 62 AD, all of​​ his teaching was centered on​​ the doctrinal basis of The New Covenant for Israel and the imminent return of Jesus Christ to come and establish the earthly Millennial Kingdom in THEIR LIFETIME.​​ It all hung on​​ whether Israel​​ would come to faith in Jesus Christ and​​ to​​ repent​​ taking the water baptism.​​ Acts 2:36-38.

Paul remarks the importance of the New Covenant in Heb. 8-9 chapters, see Heb. 9:15 for instance. This New Covenant was introduced/established by Jesus during the Last Supper the evening before His crucifixion (Luke 22:19, 20). Via Heb. 9:15 we learn that this covenant is the very same one prophesied by Jer. 31:31-34. It was promised to Israel only!

The entire time of the apostles – as reported in Acts ​​ 28 – 62 AD – did not the dispensation of the Church exist, neither was the free Grace Gospel of Paul revealed to the world. The apostles preached only what we call​​ The Gospel of the Kingdom on earth,​​ the Millennial Kingdom (see Dan. 2:44).

What was taking place in Acts was that God had a private dialogue with His ancient people,​​ the Jews, and He would have them repent to Jesus as their Messiah and be baptized (see Acts 2-3​​ as already referred to). The Jews were already the people of God on earth, so what really happened was that God would have them to CONFIRM THEIR STANDING WITH HIM, as He now had sent them His Messiah Jesus.

The Book of Acts starts with showing Jesus teaching His disciples to preach the​​ Kingdom of God​​ which was the Millennial Kingdom on earth Acts 1:3; and in Acts 28:31 we find Paul still pounding on the Jewish door at Rome, as he tried to convince them of Jesus as their Messiah. The entire Acts history is about that Kingdom for Israel, which should have been established as soon as Israel had repented.​​ 



Reading,​​ Amplified Bible,​​ -​​ For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will also bring with Him through Jesus those who have fallen asleep (in death). - - For this we declare to you by the Lord’s (own) word, that we who are alive and remain​​ until the coming of the Lord shall in no way precede (into His presence) or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep (in Him in death). - - For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first. - - Then we, the living ones who remain (on the earth), shall simultaneously be caught up along with (the resurrected dead) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord! - - Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words.”

​​ Paul’s using of the words​​ We, You, The dead in Christ, Them,​​ and Each other​​ – has to be understood as his words spoken​​ exclusively to the nation, Israel’s Christ-believers.​​ This is not written to ‘All the Christians in the entire world’ – like we would have said it in our time. ​​ He actually (in Galatians) called such Jewish believers and their proselytes for​​ “Israel of God”.

But in the times after Israel’s fall from God as His nation, as Paul wrote the epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians in which he reveals and establishes the dispensation of the Church, the Body of Christ, -​​ then there was no longer​​ any preaching or any offer to Israel to get the Kingdom on earth. It had been postponed to a​​ future far ahead, and the apostles simply stopped preaching it. Instead they got on with the preaching and teaching of the new free Grace Gospel revealed to Paul,​​ an international gospel for all people on earth, as opposed to the previous Gospel, that of the national message to Israel of​​ a Kingdom.

Another matter is, that during the Great Tribulation which shall come upon Israel in the end times, that Kingdom-Gospel will be preached to them again, Mat. 24:14. This will be the main message which the 144 000 tribal Jews shall preach to Israel while the tribulation rages.​​ As opposed to the times of the​​ apostles, when Israel had it preached to them under God’s grace, it will be under a time of judgement and doom when they shall hear the Kingdom-Gospel anew. And no grace, because if they refuse to believe it when the tribulation is raging, they will perish and cannot be given salvation.​​ 

Israel was from that point in time, when Paul confronted them in Rome in 62 AD,​​ no longer the nation of God, but they had been​​ put down a notch​​ to just being one nation among all other nations on earth! Eph. 2:14, 15.​​ There are no longer ‘Jews first, then Gentile’ Rom. 1:16.

Therefore, we can already at this point conclude surely that the doctrine of a coming rapture as well as a​​ raising of dead believers in same instance, - never was offered to us, the Church, we who are under the free international Grace Gospel given through Paul’s ministry – and to whom the hope of salvation was the heaven up above the heavens (Greek,​​ Ephiouranos) and not the earthly Kingdom, the Millennia.

The doctrine of a rapture for the believers was​​ only valid to those who belonged under the Acts period and the preaching of the Millennial Kingdom to Israel.​​ It all was​​ suspended​​ in the same instance as Israel fell away from God as we learn from Acts 28:25-28. Paul was the messenger of the judgement upon the disobedient Jewry, quoting the Sanhedrin at Rome Is. 6 of their deafness, blindness and lack of understanding, and their lack of repentance.




In Christendom there has been​​ a very misfortunate understanding of what Paul meant would happen regarding the rapture. The​​ main misunderstanding​​ is that they believe that Jesus should come down to the clouds, to rapture the believers up to Him and​​ from there take them into heaven! ​​​​ This is a total misunderstanding.​​ Bible says otherwise.

This intervention by God – the resurrection of the dead and the immediate rapture of them together with those who were alive – would happen at the coming (Greek,​​ Parousia) of the Lord DOWN TO EARTH.

Paul says​​ nothing at all of any ‘flight’ of the believers into heaven up above, I can assure you.​​ It cannot be found in the New Testament at all.

They were intended to be​​ brought down to earth​​ (Jerusalem I believe) with Him. The prophet says, He, at​​ that day​​ should set foot upon the Mount Olives which then will split into a valley ​​ etc. ​​ see Zec. 14:4, 5.

We are talking of a so-called ‘Fresh​​ ware’ doctrine, and​​ thus​​ it had a ‘Sell-by-date’ – Paul taught of the believer’s salvation​​ in light of the​​ imminent coming of Jesus in their own life time.​​ This had an unwritten date stamped on it, and that date-stamping has to do with the 30-some years we find in Acts. A time period that ended with Israel’s fall, not salvation!

And Paul’s rapture-doctrine​​ has no longer relevance​​ after that Israel fell away from God. It was​​ cut off​​ the lot. None of the things which belonged to that 30-year period has any continuance or any fulfillment of any sort; it was laid flat and irrelevant all at once. And in 70 AD God had the Romans destroy Israel utterly.

It is one certain point in Paul’s Acts doctrine however, that has relevance still: The yet unfulfilled prophesy of the anti-Christ to come and seduce Israel and destroying her. See​​ II Thes. 2:6-9.​​ And also, like I just mentioned, the Kingdom-Gospel shall again be preached to Israel – but then under judgement and tribulation. Tough times!

Anti-Christ has not yet shown up in Israel, but he will come soon I am sure. It is possible that Paul, as he wrote this, he might have​​ had​​ the impression that anti-Christ would meet up in​​ his life time, and not far into the future…almost 2000 years later. I believe this personally.

​​ Well, we know that anti-Christ did not come in the apostles​​ time on earth, however the​​ great falling away​​ came, which was that​​ fall of Israel​​ I mentioned above. Israel today is without question a platform/podium for this devious person who will try to stand forth as Israel’s Messiah.





If we read Rev. 20:4 we​​ will understand​​ that it is a whole new crew, a whole new way of preaching – actually the whole end-time stage is a huge play directed and kept going by God Almighty and Christ;​​ God holding the​​ steering​​ wheel.

The verse show the dead martyrs being raised from the dead, and they were killed because they refused to follow anti-Christ taking the mark of the beast upon their hand or forehead,

“Then I saw thrones, and sitting on them were those to whom authority to acts as judges and to pass sentence was entrusted. Also I saw the souls of those who had been slain with axes (beheaded) for their witnessing to Jesus and (for preaching and testifying) for the Word of God,​​ and who had refused to pay homage to the beast or his statue and had not accepted his mark or permitted it to be stamped on their foreheads or their hands. And they lived again (was resurrected) AND RULED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS”.

Please don’t tell me that this special ‘congregation’ of saints and martyrs must sort under Paul’s rapture-doctrine in 1 Thes. 4!

Because it is​​ obviously a​​ totally different crew, totally different dispensation (that of the Great Tribulation in Israel), and even the Law of Moses is back in the saddle again demanding believers in this tribulation to obey the Law. And the Law maker is present there together with the prophet Elijah. The two witnesses in Rev. 11 are the leaders for all Jewish believers and their eventual proselytes at that time.​​ At least for the first 1260 days, equal to 3 ½ years, Rev. 11:3. The 42 months mentioned in verse 2 points to the final half of the tribulation when anti-Christ start his raid against the Jews.

In Rev. 7 we find the more correct description​​ for this entirely new group/body of believers: The 144 000 elect tribal ‘evangelists’ – 12 000 out of ​​ Israel’s twelve tribes, and Moses and Elijah being prophets will know how to select those 144 000 out of the Israeli population when it is started by them coming down from heaven. They have​​ divine wisdom from God, and they name these 12 000 from each tribe by NAMES OF THE TRIBES, and these are,

Tribe of Judah, tribe of Reuben, tribe of Gad tribe of Asher, tribe of Naphtali,​​ tribe of Manasseh, tribe of Simeon, tribe of Levi, tribe of Issachar, tribe of Zebulun, tribe of Joseph, tribe of Benjamin. ​​ Rev. 7:4-8.

There is no way that these can use the New Covenant doctrine of Paul such as found in Thessalonians, and especially not the doctrine of rapture in 1 Thes. 4.​​ Paul taught Grace in connection to the message of the New Covenant. But the preaching of this covenant during the tribulation will – as I already pointed out – be not under Grace but under judgement. Very different from the time of the apostles.

These are the saints described in Rev. 20:4 being resurrected after first having been killed by anti-Christ. The ones to be ruling together with Christ in His Kingdom on earth, will be elected from the 144 000 – so that there will be some from each of the twelve tribes.

Therefore I find it obvious that Revelation 20:4​​ out​​ rules​​ 1 Thes. 4.​​ 

In Revelation​​ 20:4​​ it says that there will be resurrection of the saints from the Great Tribulation, but nothing is said of a supposedly rapture of the saints. It is entirely absent. ​​ Only the two witnesses (see Rev. 11:11, 12) were raptured and taken into heaven.​​ That’s it.

Only just reading of these 144 000 Jews, set them​​ entirely and decisively apart​​ from the Jewish Messianic believers in Paul’s time​​ and we know thus that they are under a totally​​ different commission​​ than that of the apostles, Rev.​​ 7:3, 4 is showing us that these 144 000 tribal Jews were sealed (marked) on their forehead – and it may be understood also, that the 144 000​​ are elected from the population for a special ministry to preach and witness to Jesus (…sealed the bond servants of our God upon their foreheads v.3).

What was that ‘seal’ exactly? Rev. 14:1 tells us they had been sealed on their foreheads with the NAME of the Lamb (Jesus) and His Father’s NAME (Jehova). If we were allowed to stand right before one of those 144 000, and reading what was inscribed on their foreheads, we would read,​​ JESUS JEHOVAH.

You may chew a bit on this!

Furthermore – we find that these 144 000 were all​​ entirely in celibacy, none had ever been with any woman, they had​​ not said any lies​​ upon their lips, for they are blameless before the throne of God. They followed the Lamb wherever it goes, it says. ​​ Rev. 14: 2-5.​​ You cannot find anything like this in Acts or in epistles written during Acts period. This is entirely outstanding, it is literary a​​ whole new crew​​ of anointed evangelists – they follow the Lamb wherever it goes. No one can be member of this group of 144 000 tribal Jews, unless you actually is a genuine Jew from the line of Abraham.

The well-known nonsense we have heard​​ of​​ from the work and writings of the Watchtower Society (JW.org)​​ called often for ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’,​​ and their weird lies, is that people within that heretical sect think they are among the 144 000. They are totally confused – for the Bible tell us exactly who they are and from where or what they come.​​ One must be a genuine Jew, and one must be found in existence as the Great Tribulation starts up, one must have a lifestyle of one hundred percent celibacy, and one must be a believer who never ever spoke a lie. And you must be wearing a written notice on the forehead, reading ‘Jesus Jehovah’. Try and fit in to this parameter!

Again, it is​​ entirely obvious​​ that these in no way are obliged to keep the same doctrine as that which Paul taught the Thessalonians. They never will have any rapture – but they get a resurrection so they can be rulers on thrones assisting their King Jesus at Zion,​​ in​​ the new fourth temple (see Ezek. 47).​​ There will be​​ no general rapture of saints after the Acts-period. We find only one​​ special rapture​​ mentioned, in Rev. 11 regarding the two witnesses taken up to heaven.

Originally, when we are speaking of​​ thrones and ruler ship with Christ, we recall Mat. 19:28 when Jesus told His disciples,

“Truly I say to you, in the new age (the Messianic rebirth of the world), when the Son of Man shall sit down on the throne of His glory, you​​ who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel.”

But that was only spoken by Jesus and​​ promised them IF Jesus had come from heaven in their life time.​​ Because of Israel’s disobedience and unbelief He could not come from heaven. Israel got destroyed by the Roman army as we know in 70 AD. ​​ The Second Advent was postponed into the future, which is in our days really, for it will not be long before Jesus shall come from heaven.

Just as Paul’s teaching of the rapture/resurrection in 1 Thes. 4, so it is with Mat. 19:28 and Jesus promising His disciples​​ to sit on​​ thrones: It was to be held only as ‘Fresh Ware’ – it came with a ‘Sell-by-Date’ which was when Paul stayed in Rome until around 62 AD. Shortly after his release from custody and given free from all charges, he wrote his epistle to the Ephesians as well as the one to the Colossians, both containing the fresh revelation of the ‘Mystery’ – the free international Grace Gospel which we still have in Christianity.​​ He stopped preaching the earthly Kingdom to Israel!​​ (NOTE: It is discussed in Christianity among scholars whether the chains Paul mentioned in Eph. 3:1 (Paul, a​​ prisoner​​ of Jesus for you Gentiles) was an undescribed​​ second jailing).

Peter and the eleven will not sit on thrones in the Millennia, but those in Rev. 20:4 will.

All saints who​​ have lived and eventually died since Paul got God’s new​​ Gospel revelation of free Grace​​ are saved to go to heaven (Greek,​​ epiouranos) and not to the earthly Kingdom in Israel. Those who are alive the day (see Eph. 4:30) God concludes the Church dispensation, will be​​ transferred supernaturally​​ into heaven by His immense power and might. They will actually never see death!​​ But this must not be confused with the rapture-idea of Paul in 1 Thes. 4. We shall be swiftly taken into heaven (don’t think vertical or horizontal) which is another dimension and outside and above the universe.

This will happen the very same day as Moses and Elijah comes from heaven to direct and prophesy judgement on Israel and purge them and chastise them to start believing on Jesus as the Messiah.​​ The Great Tribulation.

Nothing whatsoever written in Revelation has anything to do with the Church, the Body of Christ.

You will only find the Church in Ephesians and Colossians, because in the two writings Paul revealed the Mystery, the dispensation of the Body of Christ under His free Grace Gospel.

We are NOT expecting any rapture as taught in 1 Thes. 4,​​ but​​ we will, quote,

“…..appear with Him in glory”.

We shall come before Him in heaven. Those who died before this day of redemption (Eph. 4:30) shall be resurrected up in heaven.

Let me end this exposition with some quotes,

Eph. 4:30,

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for​​ the​​ day of redemption.”

Eph. 1:13, 14,

“In Him you also who have heard the Word of Truth, the glad tidings of your salvation, and have believed in and adhered to and relied on Him,​​ were stamped with the seal of the long-promised Holy Spirit.​​ - - That is the guarantee of our inheritance, in anticipation of its​​ full redemption​​ and our acquiring possession of it – to the praise of His Glory.”


ADDED TO THE ARTICLE Nov. 1st​​ -​​ 2021:


 ​​​​ Within several denominations there​​ exists a doctrine​​ of faith​​ which says that a Christian believer will spend a period of time between death and the resurrection.

This will be in some​​ kind of​​ heavenly Paradise-like place. I have seen Pentecostal preachers write about this in books, and also seen articles written by pastors and preachers, saying much of the same thing. They hold for true that when they die, they will enter such a place, but it is not yet the end-salvation – just an interim​​ in ‘Paradise’, awaiting their resurrection. People dies at different time through history, but the resurrection will take place in one and the same day for all who died.​​ Not only in the same day, but actually in the​​ same moment.

The same preachers who says so, they also believe that there will come a rapture of the Church, like I have written above – that 1 Thes. 4 are for the Church of our time.

But, …whoah….hold on for a moment!

Here we have a​​ spiritual doctrinal collision​​ – dead people being raised up from their graves,​​ and who have lived in a heavenly place for quite a time -​​ to be coming together with those believers who are alive – and the two groups are raptured up at the very same time….?

How​​ can that be then, the ‘dead’ are placed in a​​ certain​​ part of heaven, much like a Paradise they say, - but at the time of the rapture, they all of a sudden will come out from graves on earth….?!! And then, for the​​ second​​ time​​ they will be lifted back into heaven, accompanied with those believers who are alive when this happens!

This just does not add up to anything we can call a Biblical truth. This is more like a fiction story, a spiritual fairy tale.

No serious Christian believer can hold for true that - first they go up to ‘Paradise’ at death, for then to abruptly be raptured-in-reverse back down to earth and put into their dead bodies, and finally resurrected back up to life and ultimately end up in heaven.

How about those hundreds of thousands of dead corpses which have rutted away and gone back to regular dust over the centuries past?​​ What of bodies which were cremated, turned to ashes?

There simply are​​ zero examples​​ of anyone having been brought back to life​​ after​​ the body is entirely gone.​​ Such a fantasy scenario will never take place, I can assure you all!

This whole thing just confirms to us that my teaching here on the rapture as something which only sorted under the times of the apostles, and was a ‘Fresh​​ ware’ – it would have happened​​ only if Jesus came back​​ during the time of the apostles.​​ 

In Jewry (as it was with Jesus, and Lazarus as well) – they used caves for grave site, and did not put the dead bodies in coffins six feet into the ground.​​ They even had the tradition of​​ embalming​​ (only the outwardly)​​ the dead bodies and perfuming them.

Paul’s teaching had in mind the immediate​​ present and very near future, thinking of Jesus returning, and not a time aspect of almost 2000 years.


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Daniel 9:24 and the Year Weeks:

Gabriel’s Lecturing of Daniel is

Pointing to the Millennia

By Jan Lilleby


If one first have started to unwind such a topic as the Year Weeks in Daniel 9, it is not so easy to step on the brake pedal.

In Dan. 9:24 we find Gabriel giving Daniel a prophetic review in a rather shortened concentrated version on the future of Israel. The verse ends with Gabriel’s mention of the new Holy of Holies​​ in the new millennial temple being anointed. This shall happen at the Second Advent. ​​ Image:​​ Daniel unharmed in the lions den.

Let us look at the verse step by step. ​​​​ Amplified Bible,

“Seventy weeks (of years, or 490 years) are decreed upon your people and upon your holy city (Jerusalem), to finish and put an end to transgression, to seal up and make full the measure of sin, to purge away and make expiation and reconciliation for sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness (permanent moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation), to seal up vision and prophecy and prophet,​​ and to anoint a Holy of Holies.”

Seventy year weeks is same as 490 Jewish calendar years. But we know from the verses 25 and 26 that the row of details in prophecy ends with the 69th​​ year week (483 years) – and counting from king Cyrus the Great, the king of Persia in his first year (456 BC) declared the edict of the freedom for all Jews, to go home to Israel; thus we get the year of 28 AD – the year that Jesus was crucified (Dan. 9:26​​ …shall the Anointed One be cut off or killed…).​​ Then I have included the five years which the Catholic Church manipulated off. Jesus was about to reach 33 years of age in 28 AD, namely in September, NOT December.

The seventieth​​ year week has not started yet, as I write this article. But in that final year week Israel shall be brought back to God as a nation for Him, a position​​ they lost when they refused to listen to Paul in Rome, Acts 28:25-31.​​ They fell away from God after the apostles had used over thirty years to try to have the nation repent.​​ They started at Pentecost in 28 AD, when Peter, James and John were the leaders; later on Paul was given the leadership as he went to the Provinces outside Israel, to reach the Jews in the diaspora.

It is that falling away from God, which happened when Paul met with the Sanhedrin at Rome in 60 – 62 AD, that shall​​ be​​ sealed up and made full the measure of sin…God shall forgive Israel her national sin of having rejected Jesus for almost two thousand years. And this will happen due to the purging within that Great Tribulation to come. Israel will be chastised and cleansed.

Zec. 13:8 predicting one third of the population shall be saved, and two thirds will perish. The latter will not repent and receive Jesus Christ.

To bring in everlasting righteousness​​ said Gabriel – which means that Israel can be saved because of Jesus having died for them that day in Passover 28 AD. He is the Lamb of God who took upon Him all the sin and transgression.

They refused the apostles – but as they go through the Great Tribulation, they will finally come to faith. At least​​ one third​​ of them will, says Scripture.

The Book of Acts is the story of Israel’s falling away from God, and not of their salvation. I hope you are aware of that Biblical fact…? ​​ Acts 28:28,

So let it be understood by you then that (this message of) the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen to it.” (They will receive it)​​ as opposed to the Jews – who rejected Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately several of the Christian denominations in modern time have in error thought (and therefore preached it) that the mentioned​​ falling away​​ is a fall which will happen to the Christian church! ​​ That is how wrong you can be if one ignores studies in the Bible, rightly divided.

That fall has already occurred, and it was Israel that fell, NOT the church. The Church/Body of Christ​​ came as a consequence of the fall of Israel. Because of that fall, God revealed His Mystery to Paul, the dispensation of the Church and the free grace Gospel (Eph. 3:1-9).

Our Gospel according to Paul​​ is an international Gospel for the whole world to believe on. But the​​ gospel in the times of the Acts​​ was a​​ gospel only regarding the earthly millennial kingdom in​​ Israel.​​ It had nothing to do with the Church.

This new​​ Grace Gospel given Paul for us​​ can only be found in the Epistles​​ to the Ephesians and to the Colossians. The Gospel is weaved into these Epistles and we read it as a​​ summary of what Paul taught in them.

Paul’s doctrine of faith for the Church dispensation​​ was already spread widely into the civilized world, the early Christianity by Paul and his staff of helpers​​ long before the four Gospels​​ had​​ been issued and could be bought and read.

Matthew came in 80 AD, Luke was published at the earliest, 62 AD but most scholars say 73 AD. Mark came in 83 AD and John a few years later. So, Paul’s Grace Gospel according to his doctrine in Ephesians and Colossians were a​​ dominant factor, several years before anyone could read any of the four Gospel stories. These stories were NEVER meant to be faith doctrine to the Church dispensation. Can you get this, all you pastors and preachers out there?

Gabriel’s expression –​​ to seal up vision and prophecy and prophet –​​ has to do with the fact​​ that by the​​ fulfillment of the different prophesies on Jesus, His birth, His ministry and miracle healings, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension – all things have been fulfilled and verified as true. The Jews will have to​​ confess​​ that the prophets spoke the truth, for they will witness everything come to an end during the Great Tribulation, the Seventieth​​ Year Week. They shall see Jesus descending from heaven, and this will end Jewry’s long dreary Jesus-rejecting.​​ 

We have a prophet-word on that issue, Hos. 5:15 – as Hosea became the Lord’s voice, saying –

“I will return to My place (heaven)​​ until they​​ acknowledge their offense and feel their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction and distress (Great Tribulation)​​ they will seek, inquire for, and require Me earnestly, saying….”

If anybody have thought that the Jews​​ suffering in the world has been as innocents, that they are victims of the unjust world – but themselves have clean hands, - then we can learn here that this is not true. They are​​ definitively guilty​​ as charged! Jesus simply demand of them to plead guilty and seeking His face (presence) before He can descend from heaven. The tribulation will have them on their knees, for sure.

Gabriel’s final point of prophesy in verse 24, is​​ …and to anoint a Holy of Holies.

In that situation the Lord has come down from heaven, the fourth temple has been built, and finally the Holy of Holies will be anointed in the presence of the Lord and King, Jesus Christ.​​ Let me just give a slight remark: It is saying in some Bible Commentaries that the​​ ‘Holy of Holies’​​ can actually be a person, Jesus Christ​​ (Messiah)​​ **.​​ - However, I think they have misunderstood some and that it really means​​ that room, the most Holy hall in the temple, into which only the High Priests could be given admittance.​​ It will be only one High Priest, Jesus Christ.​​ 

I have taken the liberty​​ to write here a list used by the website​​ versebyversecommentary.com​​ – and they call that list of six points “Purposes for these 490 years”​​ The first three have to do with the sin of Israel and the last three with the kingdom:

  • “To finish the transgression” – this will bring to end the rebellion and apostasy that sent Israel into captivity.

2“To make an end of sins” – Israel as a nation will go back into ​​ fellowship with God after the divine discipline of captivity.

3 “To make reconciliation for iniquity” – restoration will bring  ​​​​ expiation or covering of past sins through the Messiah.

4 “To bring in everlasting righteousness” – God​​ will cause the ​​​​ restoration of​​ ​​ Israel in the Millennium and will launch new norms where righteousness reigns.

5 ​​ “To seal up vision and prophesy” – God will seal this prophesy until the restoration at the Second Coming will fulfill God’s covenant for Israel.​​ (this might be in error, since this is​​ already revealed​​ – the coming Millennia with Christ as king. It is not sealed (hidden from insight).

6 ​​ “To anoint the most Holy” – God will restore the​​ Messiah​​ in the ​​ restored temple. ​​ **​​ (this might be in error)​​ 

Do your own comparison using this list of six points….it can be alright to have more than just one voice into this issue.​​ But in this case, I actually found that site and their comments to Dan. 9:24​​ after​​ that I had written this article. That is why I let you compare it, so you know that I am acting in full openness, letting you see what others might say. What I then found is that most of these points matches my own understanding of the topic, and only point 6 ​​ and perhaps​​ point 5 may differ some. The letters in red has been inserted by me​​ after​​ I read their comments of course. Just to avoid any misunderstanding.

The third temple was destroyed in the tribulation, and​​ a fourth temple – as shown in Ezec. 47​​ are​​ built to replace it. There have been written lots of material on that topic.

This new temple, in which Jesus and His priesthood (Rev. 20:4) shall have their ministry in the millennial kingdom, it says in Scripture that there will grow trees near it with leaves that bring healing from sickness. They grow along the double-creek which springs from the temple area. The special power and blessings of the coming millennia have now come into full effect, and even the biological world with plants and vegetation etc are upgraded and entirely fantastic. ​​ Heb. 6:4, 5 mention this coming power,

“..and have felt how good the Word of God is and the​​ mighty powers of the age and world to come.”

Paul obviously must have had the healings and miracles in mind as he wrote this, I believe. But it will include a changed and upgraded nature as well.

The new temple will be placed near the Mount Olives – which at the arrival of Jesus from heaven​​ will be split into a valley​​ says Zec. 14:4 – it splits toward east and west and will actually alter Mount Olives radically.

One half of the mountain leans toward north, and the other half to the south.

Jerusalem will thus be much​​ altered in her structure, road system and residential areas.

As we take time to read of Daniel and all those things the Lord revealed to him as the angel Gabriel visited him over the many years – we just have to sit in awe and admiration of our Lord Jesus Christ. This must have totally filled Daniel’s life with so many impressions as a man can take;​​ he was totally given over to God in faith and in prayer. God gave this prophet extra power to endure all those years. See Dan. 10:16-18.​​ It is among scholars held for true that the prophet died at the age of around 90 years.


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Jesus on His Way Up to Jerusalem and the Cross:

He Knew What Awaited Him!

By Jan Lilleby


I have written some articles lately, which in various ways have been about Jesus and His crucifixion.

This was prophesied by Daniel among others, like I referred to in my article on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9 and so forth.

We had a closer look upon what year Jesus died and rose from the dead – which were​​ 28 AD when Passover was the 28th​​ of April, which was same day as the Jewish 14th​​ of Nisan. This fell on a Wednesday, which I proved was the​​ only day of the week possible​​ for the crucifixion to​​ have happened like described to us in the four Gospels. When the women arrived at the grave at early dawn of Sunday morning,​​ the first day of the week.​​ The grave was already empty, so it was probable that He rose from the dead in the evening of Saturday the 1st​​ of May…right before it would turn into Sunday. Every sundown marks the shift for the​​ next day​​ in Jewry, as we know.

The Road map​​ of the route Jesus travelled to get to Jerusalem in 28 AD for the Passover, see image above. He started in Capernaum, and avoided entering into Samaria as He went eastward across Jordan and southward through Perea. Near to Jericho He took lodging with Zacchaeus the chief tax collector, He continued along the pilgrim​​ road up to Mount of Olives, then to Bethphage and so to Bethany, staying with Martha and Mary in the house, sisters of Lazarus.​​ 

When we study this particular story of Jesus, as He set out for Jerusalem, we will be able to learn from Scripture that​​ the whole story – Jesus going up to Jerusalem – was a decisive initiative in which the ‘end station’ was the cross at 14th​​ of Nisan, the Passover. He was the Lamb to be sacrificed for the sin of the world. He knew that after the​​ suffering and death, He would rise from death, and ultimately go back to heaven.

In Mat. 17 and Luke 9 we have the​​ incident on the mountain when Elijah and Moses met with Jesus, and it was witnessed by Peter, James and John. Luke 9:30, 31 says, ​​​​ (Amplified Bible) -

“And behold,​​ two men were conversing with Him – Moses and Elijah. - - Who appeared in splendor and majesty and brightness and were speaking of His exit (from life), which He was about to bring to realization at Jerusalem.”

Because of these two known prophets that came to Jesus from heaven and told Him the details of what would happen, Jesus then knew what would take place.

He started His travel up to Jerusalem, followed by His disciples, plus a group of people which seemed to grow for each day.

In Mat. 20:18, as well as in Luke, Jesus tells His disciples that He should be arrested, flogged and crucified,​​ and after that He would rise from the​​ dead on the third day. But, say​​ the Gospels,​​ they understood none of these things, for it was hidden from them.

On His way, Jesus performed great miracles of healing.

He had laid the route to go through Jericho, and Mat. 20:29-34 say He healed two blind men,

And behold, two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, Lord, have pity and mercy on us, (You) Son of David! - - The crowds reproved them and told them​​ to keep still; but they cried out all the more, Lord, have pity and mercy on us (You) Son of David! - - And Jesus stopped and called them, and asked, What do you want Me to do for you? ​​ - - They answered Him, Lord we want our eyes to be opened! - - And Jesus, in pity, touched their eyes; and instantly they received their sight and followed Him”

Mat. 21 testify​​ that Jesus had divine foreknowledge of certain things. Here it was the known incident with the donkey and her colt (v. 2-3). He had some of His disciples to go and untie them, bringing them to Him.

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Mat. 21:7-11​​ tells of Jesus riding into Jerusalem right before Passover in 28 AD – and thus fulfilling Zec. 9:9​​ which read,

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King comes to you; He is (uncompromisingly) just and having salvation (triumphant and victorious), patient, meek, lowly, and​​ riding on a​​ donkey, upon a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

It is possible that this happened on Sunday 25th​​ of April, which was same as 11th​​ of Nisan that year. Therefore in some nations that day is named Palm Sunday.​​ 

HOWEVER:​​ It may have been on a​​ Monday,​​ one cannot say this for certain!​​ The entire city was on its feet, to see Jesus coming. People took off​​ their coats and laid on the donkey for Him, and upon the road before Him, and cut off branches from palm trees​​ and laid before Him, shouting (and perhaps even singing – from Psalm 118:26)​​ Hosanna, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna.​​ The precise words that Jesus told them, - that they should not see Him again before they met Him with those words from Psalm 118, which is the Passover Psalm. ​​ So this is the greeting that Israel will meet the Lord with, as He descends​​ from heaven at His Second Advent.

Again, the same kind of divine foreknowledge made Jesus send two of His disciples ahead,​​ to find a​​ suitable large room for the Last Supper, Luke 22:10-14,

“….a man carrying an earthen jug or pitcher of water will meet you; follow him into the house which he enters.



Mat. 21:12, 13​​ read,

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And Jesus went into the temple and drove out all who bought and sold in the sacred place, and He turned over the four-footed tables of the money changers and the chairs of those who sold doves. - - ​​ He said to them, the Scripture says, My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers.”

One should think that the Pharisees and those merchants there would explode of rage. But no: They were infuriated, yes, but not because the businesses were interrupted – rather it was the fact that Jesus went on doing great miracles and wonders​​ right there in the midst of their own turf, their domain!

Mat. 21:14, 15 read,

“And the blind and the lame came to Him in the porches and courts of the temple, and He cured them. - - But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the​​ wonderful things that He did and the boys and the girls and the youths and the maidens crying out in the porches and courts of the temple, Hosanna,​​ to the Son of David! They were indignant.”

The following verses of Mat. 21 shows Jesus in harsh arguments with them, and ending it with His parable of a man who had two sons, and the parable of the man who owned a vineyard. Jesus used the parable to condemn the Pharisees for their unbelief – telling them that the Kingdom of God shall be taken from them.

Verse 46 show us the cowardly Pharisees, afraid to go up against Jesus in public,

“And although they were trying to arrest Him, they​​ feared the throngs because they regarded Him as a prophet.”



As I wanted to check out certain important facts, such as what days in what year regarding Jesus,​​ I came across a website which I liked –​​ truthsearch.org​​ – which has a solid well informing research on this.​​ When​​ Jesus did what?​​ Where​​ Jesus did what? So I brought some of their research into my article. But not to make the calendar a main issue. I am just using some of this to give a​​ broader picture​​ of things.

Above I already mentioned that Jesus​​ probably​​ (it is not hundred percent sure)​​ rode into Jerusalem under the enthusiastic cheers of the people along the road on Sunday 25th​​ of April, which in Jewry was 11th​​ of Nisan. It was three days before His crucifixion.​​ But we must still keep open to the idea that it​​ might​​ have been a Monday, sorry.​​ This seems to fit in better with the Gospels story of this event.​​ Can it be the early Catholic Church which produced the ‘Palm Sunday’ idea? I am not sure. Perhaps.

The ‘Posse’ had passed through​​ Jericho the day before.

Mat. 21:17 let us learn that Jesus went out to​​ Bethany and lodged there. And the next morning at dawn He left Bethany and went in to Jerusalem again. He had been with Simon and his family, a man Jesus had healed from leprosy earlier. It was during this stay with Simon, that a woman had anointed Jesus,​​ pouring expensive nard​​ perfume​​ oil over Him. Some of the guests were insulted by this, but Jesus defended her saying (Mark 14:3-8),

“…let her alone; why are you troubling her? She has done a good and beautiful thing to Me. - - v.8: She has done what she could; she came beforehand to anoint My body for the burial.”

Mark let us know that the woman used up this oil, at a value of a​​ laboring man’s wages for one year, 300 Denarii. Well, this woman certainly showed that she had understood that Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb of God, she was a firm believer, - as opposed to the disciples, who​​ did not understand​​ this for it was hidden from them.

The next day was Thuesday​​ 27th​​ of April,​​ 13th​​ of Nisan, and that morning it was that He cursed the Figtree which had no fruit on it, and it just withered on the spot!​​ This date is a hundred percent certain for it fits in with​​ all four Gospels when we compare the stories. The Last Supper was held at Thuesday evening.​​ From this day we can follow the​​ chronology​​ of the rest of the Passover story.

Later that day, which was His second visit inside its walls, the Pharisees (chief priest and elders) jumped at Him again, trying to make ridicule and to hopefully​​ hear Him​​ say something they could arrest Him for. This time they wanted to hear Him say​​ with what authority​​ He said and did what He did – and Jesus answered back wisely by a “Hot Potato” issue,​​ John the Baptist: Was John’s baptism from heaven or from men? ​​ They were forced, by their own cowardly manners to say they did not know. If they did not admit John to be a man of God, they knew that​​ the people would come after them in anger and​​ cause them harm. So, Jesus then sent them away with saying:​​ Neither will I tell you by what power of authority I do these things.​​ 

Luke 22 gives us the Last Supper. Jesus established The New Covenant for Israel, - one which Paul explains in Hebrews 8 and 9 chapters.

Heb. 9:15 is clear on the fact that the New Covenant was ONLY FOR ISRAEL. One had to first been under the Old Covenant (The Law of Moses) to be able to come under the new one,

Christ is therefore the Negotiator and Mediator of an entirely new agreement (testament, covenant), so that those who are called and offered it may receive the fulfillment of the promised everlasting inheritance – since a death has taken place which rescues and delivers and redeems them​​ from the transgressions committed under the (old) first agreement.”

This​​ New Covenant​​ sealed with the blood of Jesus, should redeem Israel’s believers from the sins they committed when they had been under the Law, written with its commandments and ordinances.

But we, the Body of Christ, the Church dispensation in the Free Grace Gospel revealed to Paul, we are only obliged to obey and believe on​​ Paul’s faith doctrine, and no Covenant or Law,

Eph. 2:14, 15,

For He is (Himself) our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both (Jew and Gentile) one (body), and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us. ​​ - ​​ - ​​ By abolishing in His (own crucified) flesh the enmity (caused by) the Law with its decrees and ordinances (which He annulled); that He from the two might create in Himself​​ one new man,​​ so making peace.”

We, the believers in Christ, we are not each one of us individually a ‘New Man’ – no, it is the entire Body of Christ who is that ‘New Man’ Paul wrote of. We are together a new creation. I wanted to play this ‘card’ into this equation of Jesus heading for the cross. Because, Paul​​ started at the cross – by looking back at it as the 30-some years history it was when God in 62 AD revealed this new Grace Gospel to him as he was in Rome (Acts 28:25-31). ​​ But before Paul had this Mystery revealed to him, all things in The New Testament were only about God offering Israel the New Covenant and the coming of Jesus as soon as Israel had repented. But they never did, they fell from God as a nation instead.

We continue​​ in learning of Jesus on His way to the cross…and Mat. 26:20 tells of the Last Supper,

“When it was evening, He was reclining at table with the twelve disciples.”

The verse does not say that the sun had gone down yet, but it was​​ in the evening. So we are on a Thuesday​​ – which at​​ sundown would turn into Wednesday​​ 14th​​ of Nisan, or our​​ 28th​​ of April 28 AD.



I WRITE THIS THE 4TH​​ OF July, 2021 to give you an​​ alternative timeline​​ for Jesus going to the cross. The reason is that I have been more and more convinced that this will be​​ more scripturally true​​ than the first lineup I wrote. It will of course not inflict on our faith for salvation, this time-adjustment is not that important. But it goes:

Because we have a​​ discrepancy​​ between John 19:14 and Mark 15:25 on Jesus being crucified.​​ John gives us 12.oo noon and Mark tells us 09.oo in the morning. By a more accurate study of Scripture I can say now that​​ both are right:​​ John referred to the time of His​​ release​​ to the Roman system for execution, - which was next day at 09.oo. Mark wrote of the real time when Jesus was crucified, the day after 13th​​ of Nisan, which was Wednesday 14th​​ of Nisan, 28 A.D. Just like in today’s justice systems, the Judge releases the convicted criminal over to the respective prison, for execution another day. John​​ wrote of Jesus before the court of Pilate the 13th​​ of Nisan, and Mark wrote of His crucifixion on 14th​​ of Nisan.

This will have the consequence that Jesus really rode into Jerusalem on Sunday 11th​​ of Nisan, our 25th​​ of April 28 A.D.​​ This also dismiss my idea of Pilate and him checking to learn if the body of Jesus was really dead when Joseph came asking for it. This is not a certain proof that Jesus must have been crucified at noon rather than 09.oo in the morning. (Like I say below). ​​ 

This will furthermore let us adjust to the 12th​​ Nisan for the Passover Meal, but they ate it​​ right after sundown, which in Jewry means that it had turned over into next day – the 13th​​ of Nisan, a Thuesday. And it was at noon this very same day that Jesus stood before Pilate as I mentioned.

As far as I can see, all other issues in this article should be entirely correct regarding time line. Thank you for your patience with me!



That following night – after their meal was laid behind, and Jesus had declared to them His New Covenant in His blood – Jesus​​ deliberately in full openness​​ went out and into the Gethsemane garden so He easily could be arrested by the temple guards, and not in full daylight for everyone to see. He knew the Pharisees were cowards and wanted Him taken in secrecy. They even provided​​ false witnesses​​ so they could execute Him.​​ 

Judas betrayed Him by the sign of a kiss. We know this sad and dark story. Judas regretted this a few days later and committed suicide, after first having thrown the 30 silver coins into the court of the Pharisees.

John 19:14-16 show Jesus in the presence of Pontius Pilate, and the people present in the Gabbatha court,

Now it was the day of Preparation for the Passover (14th​​ Nisan) – and it was about the sixth hour (our noon). He said to the Jews, See (here is) your King! - - But they shouted, Away with Him! Away with Him! Crucify Him! Pilate said to them, Crucify your King? The chief priest answered, We have no king but Caesar! ​​ - ​​ - ​​ Then he delivered Him over to them to be crucified.”

​​ NOTICE:​​ Mark 15:42 explains that the 14th​​ of Nisan was Preparation day, since it was followed by a Sabbath (which always was an​​ extra Sabbath​​ each Passover – and that extra Sabbath was on 15th​​ of Nisan, our Thursday, which fell on 29th​​ of April 28 AD.

John 18:40 show us​​ that the multitude had cried out to Pilate to set free the rebel Barabbas. The Romans gave them free a man each Passover as a goodwill gesture to the Jewish people. As he asked them which of the two, Jesus or Barabbas, he should let go, they chose the latter.

John 19 says Jesus was crucified (given​​ over to them​​ for crucifixion) right after the interrogation by Pilate. Mark 15:25 says the​​ third hour​​ of the day (nine o’clock) as when He was crucified.​​ But I personally believe it must have been​​ after noon​​ – as said in John 19. This because Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate to have the body of Jesus, to put Him in his own grave cave near Jerusalem, and that was in​​ the evening. It seems​​ more logical (Mat. 27:57-60).​​ ​​ In Mark 15:44 we can read that Pilate, in the presence of Joseph – and it was already evening – he checked with a centurion on watch​​ whether Jesus really was dead already…in other words, in spite of the late hour Pilate would make sure He was dead, and could be laid in grave!​​ (As corrected in Alternative Time Schedule above, we can look away from this idea…it is no real proof of Jesus having been crucified at noon rather than 09.oo in the morning)

The day after 14th​​ of Nisan is an extra Sabbath, according to the Law of Moses. It was also the first day of the feast of the Unleavened Bread, it says.

Hereby we have had a look at the time-perspective leading up to the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, and those things which happened on the way to that climax. It seems that Jesus in full and​​ open purpose gave Himself​​ over to be sacrificed to bring salvation to us – lost as we were.

Eph. 2:8, 9,

“For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved, through your faith. And this is not of yourselves, but it is the gift of God. - - Not because of works, lest any man should boast.”






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What​​ Day of the Week Was Jesus

C R U C I F I E D ?

By Jan Lilleby


As​​ I worked on diverse facts about times and years regarding my article on​​ Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, I happened to read up on Passover and the dramatically​​ days when Jesus was crucified. Studying moon-phases and Jewish holidays can be exciting – and can​​ enlighten your understanding​​ of the reality of the Passover the year that Jesus died and thereafter​​ was​​ raised from the dead.

Therefore I shall use this little article to clarify certain Biblical facts in the topic.




First we shall have a​​ look upon which year it was when​​ Jesus actually was crucified. Therefore we must​​ notice that it was 14th​​ of Nisan, which always is the Passover – and it is decided by the​​ present Moon-Phases​​ for each year, which day of the week it falls on.​​ All according to the Law of Moses (the Tora).

That is why the Passover can one year fall on March, another year it is April, and yet – another year it is early May. Decided by the position of the Moon.

I have used below a listing of 9 years in row, inside which we are guaranteed to catch the​​ correct year​​ and day for the 14th​​ Nisan on which Jesus died. Those are the years from 26 AD ​​ to ​​ 34 AD.

I am using 1 Nisan and 14 Nisan for each of the nine years​​ to give you a wider sense of understanding dates, and the respective week-day names for each,


26 AD ​​ - 1 Nisan is Monday 8th​​ of April. ​​ 14th​​ of Nisan ​​ Sunday 21th of April.

27 AD ​​ - 1 Nisan is Saturday 29th​​ of March. 14th​​ of Nisan Friday 11th​​ of April.

28 AD - 1 Nisan is Thursday 15th​​ of April. 14th​​ of Nisan Wednesday 28th​​ of April.

29 AD – 1​​ Nisan is Tuesday 5th​​ of April. 14th​​ of Nisan​​ Monday 18th​​ of April.

30 AD – 1 Nisan is Saturday 25th​​ of March. 14th​​ of Nisan Friday 7th​​ of April.

31 AD – 1 Nisan is Thursday 12th​​ of April. 14th​​ of Nisan Wednesday 25th​​ of April.

32 AD – 1 Nisan is​​ Tuesday 1 April. 14th​​ of Nisan Monday 14th​​ of April.

33 AD – 1 Nisan is Monday 20th​​ April. 14th​​ of Nisan Sunday 3 May.

34 AD – 1 Nisan is Friday 9th​​ of April. 14th​​ of Nisan Thursday 22 April.




Now we will be confronted with an important fact: It is ONLY the week day of WEDNESDAY the 14th​​ of Nisan – the Passover – which could possibly be the day that Jesus was crucified.​​ All four Gospels testify of this.

The four Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, clearly states that He laid three days and three nights in the grave, and the women came there on an early Sunday morning (the first day of the week)​​ after the Sabbath, while it dawned of​​ day. Mat. 27:57, 58 gives us Joseph of Arimathea who on Wednesday evening asked for the body of Jesus, before Pilate. He was granted this. Mat. 28:1 gives us the Sunday morning, and the women arriving at an empty grave.

There​​ is​​ no doubt​​ that it was Wednesday the 28th​​ of April 28 AD, the 14th​​ of Nisan.

Wednesday is the only day which fits into the collective history of these Gospels. Mat. 12:40 says​​ three days and three nights.​​ From Wednesday at sundown until Saturday at sundown.​​ After the sun has gone down, the next day has come.​​ NOTICE: When the women came to the grave this was​​ very early at dawn​​ Sunday morning, and it says nothing of Jesus rising at that hour. He could​​ have risen right before 19.00​​ Saturday, or right after it had shifted to Sunday at​​ ​​ sundown​​ – we don’t​​ know​​ – but it is highly probable. The two angels who revealed themselves to the women​​ on​​ Sunday morning, reminded them of what exactly Jesus had told them before he was crucified,

Luke 24:6, 7,

He is not here, but​​ has​​ risen! Remember how He told you while He was still in Galilee ​​ - ​​ - That the Son of Man must be given over into the hands of sinful men (men whose way or nature is to act in opposition to God) and be crucified and​​ on the third day​​ rise (from death).”

They had no clocks at that time in history – and the angels could not therefore say, for instance…Well you see, Jesus​​ rose from the dead around​​ Saturday evening at 19.00​​ – which was the third day​​ still.​​ The sun went down at 19.19​​ PM.

It had to be sufficient that the women got to know that the Lord HAD RISEN ALREADY, before they arrived at the grave. He DID NOT RISE at Sunday morning. This is very simple, and also it is true.​​ 

According to​​ charts for Sunrise and Sundown in Jerusalem​​ on the 1st of​​ May​​ (17th​​ Nisan in 28 AD), the sun actually goes​​ down at 19.19.​​ The following Sunday morning it rises at so early as​​ 05.53. The sun is​​ a​​ constant​​ in the time-factor whether rising or going down, any which year we have. Same time as for the 17th​​ of Nisan (1st of May) Year 28 AD – which was Saturday, as for 1st​​ of May this year 2021 – only with a​​ minimal adjustment​​ of a few minutes each leap year (one day extra in February every fourth year).​​ 

The doubts and discussions on what day the crucifixion happened derives from the fact that it was TWO SABBATHS that week. The first was at Thursday 29th​​ of April (15th​​ of Nisan), and the second was the regular Sabbath at Saturday 1st of May (17th​​ of Nisan).

It is Mark 15:42, Luke 23:52-54 and John 19:31 that mention it was Sabbath AFTER the crucifixion. But this was just the extra Sabbath, at 15th​​ of Nisan, which is always the​​ ‘First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread’. The regular Sabbath is always on Saturday.

In the​​ Greek​​ original text for Matthew 28:1 where we read of the women arriving at the grave, it says correctly​​ plural tense​​ for the Sabbath:​​ Sabbaths.​​ Most translations are​​ just​​ in​​ singular tense, sorry to say. So, Jesus was not crucified on a Friday. It is quite impossible, given the Gospel texts.

That extra Sabbath on the 15th​​ of Nisan, can be found in Lev. 23:4-8 and Num. 28:16-18.

In Luke 23:55, 56 it says that the women went to buy​​ spices and ointments (perfume oil) BEFORE the Sabbath, while in Mark 16:1 it is written that they bought the goods AFTER the Sabbath. ​​ In other words: They bought the spices and ointments BETWEEN the two Sabbaths – namely Friday 16th​​ of Nisan, or April 30th​​ in our calendar.​​ The shops were closed on these two Sabbaths but was open on that Friday – business-as-usual.

For this to come to pass – the ‘Before’ and the ‘After’​​ constellation – it leaves us only​​ the Wednesday, and​​ that day only, for the crucifixion of Jesus. This really kills the debate that has been going on whether Jesus was crucified on Friday.



A little correction to my schematics:

Jesus being laid into grave between 16.oo and 18.oo PM took​​ TWO hours

max of course, and not THREE as I wrote. Sorry!



You will already have noticed my​​ emphasized​​ line regarding 28 AD and 31 AD calendar years, in which we can find that the 14th​​ of Nisan fell on a Wednesday.

A well-known and famous Christian writer and Bible expositor (and a host of others holding same views) made a real unfortunate blunder, as he held forth the year 32 AD as the year when Jesus was crucified. None of them are foolish or dumb, they are all believers like you and me. But we have often made blunders because we forget (is it a stress-syndrome?) to check – and double check important issues.​​ But no such mistakes have any influence negatively regarding our salvation by faith. Thank God.

If you now do check out the year 32 AD (which that famous Bible expositor must have forgotten) – you will notice that​​ it​​ is​​ completely impossible​​ that Jesus could have died that year. Simply because the 14th​​ of Nisan – the Passover – was that year on Monday the 14th​​ of April! ​​ It is likewise therefore impossible that Jesus could have risen a few hours before Sunday morning, for that Sunday would come​​ six days after He died. But the Gospels say He rose on the third day.​​ 

And, to be open and honest: I did that kind of error ​​ myself, if I go several years back. I once held the view that Jesus died in 32 AD…and thus we count the Book of Acts as a story beginning in that same year and ending in 62 AD when Paul was two years in Rome. A period of 30 years. But in real​​ correct time, it was from 28 AD to 62-63​​ AD – a period of 34-35 years. But that is an entirely different issue. I should have checked the year, and then checked it again, of course, but I did not. But from here on, that is what​​ I will do every time there come up​​ a topic in which correct dates are essential. I promise.

The only alternative year to 28 AD, was 31 AD since the 14th​​ of Nisan was on a Wednesday that year as well. ​​ But​​ here we come to face another time-issue due to the​​ manipulation made by the ancient Catholic Church.​​ 

They​​ managed to alter the Lord’s birthday from September 28th​​ or 29th​​ –​​ to December 24th, -​​ plus they altered the year to be 5-6 years​​ (some believe it was 2 or 3 years only)​​ later than the actual year of birth. ​​ Jesus was​​ born five years earlier, maybe six​​ years. But this means – because of the​​ calendar proven, that He could only have died in 28 AD, because this will fall in with the fact that the Gospels say He was around 30 years when He started ministry, and it lasted for three years. If He died in 31 AD, Jesus would have been 36​​ years of age, and we know it would be wrong.​​ If we go for the 5-year model, He would die at the age of 38 years. So anyway, whether​​ Catholic Church manipulated​​ 3 years, or 2 years, or 5 years, result will still be so wrong that He could not​​ die in Year 31 AD. Using the 2-Year model leaves Jesus at an age at death of 35 years. The Bible says​​ He died at 33 years of age, period.​​ It is irrefutable and non-negotiable.​​ 

It is good to know the​​ real facts​​ in regard to our Bible studies, don’t you agree? Even if it does not really disturb our standing with the Lord,​​ and our salvation by faith alone.

Jesus died as a matter of fact on Wednesday 28th​​ of April 28 AD at an age of almost 33 years. ​​ He ascended to heaven about​​ ten days before​​ Pentecost, which was​​ at​​ Sunday 20th​​ of June 28 AD.​​ (Jesus left for heaven around 8-10 June…)





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Where Are We Today?


A separate section concluding this Article

​​ has interesting dates of Eschatological value


By Jan Lilleby


About twenty years ago​​ I had a radio-series on ‘Daniel’s Seventy Weeks’ which was broadcasted over FM-band in the greater Oslo area. I actually had a huge number of programs in which I was teaching various prophetic topics in The Holy Bible. Also, we​​ distributed – at a fair price – cassette tape books on all the topics, which were​​ sold throughout Norway. The programs got very popular.

I love​​ the Word of God​​ and of having the​​ possibility​​ to preach it and teach it to all who will like to learn. Of course, I​​ also​​ love to hear (or to read) fellow believers as they lay out the precious Word of God and of Christ.​​ 

I worked this radio-ministry​​ for​​ about five years.​​ 

The audio​​ tracks from that time are gone, so for this article I had to read up in the topic all over again.

Quite a number of theologians​​ and Bible teachers have had the prophesy of the​​ seven weeks in Daniel 9​​ published in magazines, books,​​ -​​ and many have put the topic in their​​ TV-medias and so on. ​​ Perhaps the most profiled​​ Bible Expositor in the topic was​​ Sir Robert Anderson, and his book “The Coming Prince” has become a standard work for all Bible students.​​ 

(His book has been published in Pdf file format on the net, and can be read freely. ​​ But, you can also buy it from one of the big internet book stores).

In my fresh study in this topic, I found supportive material and helpful Bible systematics with​​ versebyverseministry.org​​ – particularly in Bible facts and​​ historic. The website has made a fine concentrate of facts, set forth in layman terms.

Where are we​​ – the Church of Christ, the Body of Christ – today in regard to the time aspect of Daniel and the seventy year-weeks? Can we learn anything from the ancient prophesy?

I shall have a look at that, and I hope the reader can draw useful​​ knowledge from this.



Daniel, as most of the Bible students know, had​​ repeatedly visits by Gabriel​​ the archangel of God.​​ He explained the many visions Daniel had seen.​​ 

The angel explained to Daniel these visions​​ in​​ terms of time-related​​ facts;​​ future happenings that would include the coming of Jesus Christ (called a Prince). This gave the readers of the prophesies​​ knowledge beyond regular schooling: One could learn the​​ exact day or year​​ for when the Messiah of God should appear in Israel, and the circumstances of His death, etc.​​ Daniel saw the future in regard to his own people, Israel.

That is how it is with Daniel 9 and the seventy weeks. However, we shall notice that Daniel in chapter 8 had​​ multiple futuristic visions, of which he already had been lectured by Archangel Gabriel. Chapter 8 focuses on the coming Anti-Christ and the catastrophic influence he would have on Israel in the end times. Thus Dan 9 and the year weeks is a​​ more detailed explanation​​ over the same theme. The main issue in Dan 9 is that it gives us​​ exact time and place​​ for important events in regard to Israel in the future.​​ Seven year weeks, that is the same as 490 years – and,​​ mind you, but we – the Body of Christ, are hidden inside that time-stretch.​​ 

For as the final year arrives, that will be when Jesus is back in Israel as their King of kings and Lord of lords, and the new Temple in Jerusalem is established. But, we will learn that there is a time-gap between the 69th​​ week and the seventieth, - and​​ that is the​​ 2000 years in which the dispensation of the Church is found​​ – minus the 30-some years when the apostles offered to Israel the New Covenant and the imminent coming of Christ if Israel first repented. The Book of Acts tells us all about that. Israel fell away from God!

The same, as we all know, is the fact of the Revelation book. The two have a lot in common. Daniel’s book is God’s messages concerning Jesus Christ coming, and Revelation is a book in which John received visions​​ from​​ Jesus Christ on His Second Advent and all that which will take place when it happens.​​ And more – because we find the Great Tribulation with all details of punishments and horrors which will fall on Israel.

Gabriel’s lecturing​​ of​​ Daniel is a perfect and​​ accurate time-setting​​ for certain events in the future. My quotes are from Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted.

Dan 9:19 gives us the end of Daniel’s prayer to God, of his worries regarding Jerusalem, and the people of Israel in exile. He prayed every day with his face toward west – the land of Israel – with longing​​ and pain:

Oh Lord, hear! ​​ Oh Lord, forgive! Oh Lord, give heed and act! Do not delay, for your own sake, Oh my God, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”

Daniel appealed to the mercy of God and His great compassion (v. 17-18) – and Daniel got shaken, for all of a sudden the angel Gabriel came into his room,

Dan 9:21-23, ​​ “Yes, while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the former vision, being caused to fly swiftly, came near to me and touched me about the time of the evening sacrifice. ​​ 22: He instructed me and made me understand; he talked with me and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give you skill and wisdom and understanding. 23: At the beginning of your prayers, the word (giving an answer) went forth, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved. Therefore consider the matter and understanding the vision.”

Gabriel tells him of​​ two future persons​​ who shall come.​​ One will be Messiah (the Anointed One, v. 25) and the other, he who would destroy Israel (a Prince, v. 26), and he was​​ Emperor Vespasian, who let his son Titus lead the Roman army which destroyed Israel in the years 66-70 AD. The angel told Daniel that Messiah should come to a nation which had rebuilt walls and restored, like we read in verse 25,

“Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until (the coming of) Anointed One (Jesus), a Prince,​​ shall be seven weeks​​ (of years) and sixty-two weeks (of years); it shall be built again with (city) square and moat, but in troublous times.”

Here we are given info on the First Advent of Christ. He shall arrive in a Jerusalem fully restored, after it has passed a total of 69​​ year-weeks, which is same as 483​​ Jewish calendar years of 360 days each. Mention of seven weeks​​ first (49 calendar years) has to do with the time it takes to restore Jerusalem and its walls – counted​​ from the year​​ that an edict/proclamation of freedom for the exile Jews is announced, to let them go home to their land. This took place under Nehemiah​​ and Ezra, it took three so-called ‘Ahliah’​​ ​​ - homecomings – over the years. But only ten percent of the exile Jews went home.

Gabriel’s prophesy on this edict – a word that should go forth – was fulfilled as Cyrus the Great, king of Persia in the year of ​​ A) 456 BC, ​​ or B) 538 BC…a difference of 82 years between the two alternate years, - gave his proclamation of freedom.

To cut this off at the bone:​​ It is the​​ Biblical chronology​​ which is the one that was fulfilled, the year 456 BC. Alternative B, the year 538 was based on​​ Claudio Ptolemais’​​ calculations (he was born in 70 AD and died in 161 AD). An Egyptian Astronomer​​ and Scientist. It is his ancient calendar and notifications on the orders/systems of the world that our ancient calendar on​​ rulers and kingdoms was based, unfortunately. He placed the Earth in the center of this system. See the image​​ here.

Dr. David Cooper, among others,​​ turns him down, not the least because the Persian national history kept in Firdusi (Iran) confirms the timeline of the Bible. The same is a fact concerning Jewish national history kept in Cedar Olam, and also the writings of Josephus. Ptolemais calendar system differed from Biblical Jewish system. But Christianity has not had any power or willfulness to conduct any thorough public reproving of Ptolemais’ works.

It is in the 2 Chron ​​ 36:22, 23 we find the edict/proclamation of Cyrus the Great, as he took the Persian throne in the year 456 BC,

“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia,​​ that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah​​ might be accomplished, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus the king of Persia so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing: ​​ Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord, the God of heaven, has given me,​​ and He has charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all His people, may the Lord his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem.”

If we also add the words of Isaiah in Is 44:28 – then we can be a hundred percent certain of Cyrus’ proclamation in 456 BC which fulfilled this prophesy, of having Jerusalem restored,

“Who says of Cyrus, he is My shepherd (ruler), and he shall perform all My pleasure and fulfill all My purpose – even saying of Jerusalem, she shall (again) be built, and of the temple, Your foundation shall (again) be laid.”

​​ Most Christians​​ are aware that the diverse dates sat for the birth of Jesus ​​ etc. are not correct​​ to say the least. Our Bibles have​​ been edited by human hands – and that​​ made error in the time-line.

The early Catholic Church and popes/bishops decided to put the birth of Jesus to December 24, but in the real history His birth was in late September. Just a little side remark.

The​​ population-counting order of Augustus Cesar did not happen in year 1 – but rather in year 4 or 5​​ BC​​ – Roman annals has it written down.

When counting​​ the​​ years from Cyrus’ first year of rule, 456 BC, we arrive at the 14th​​ of Nisan in 28 AD – Passover – and the very day that Jesus died on the cross. This 14th​​ Nisan fell on Wednesday the 28th​​ of April. Gabriel said of Jesus (the Anointed One) that he would die in that year, thus we have no other men in history of the Jews who could be the rightful Messiah of God, than Jesus!

Daniel’s prophesy confirms that​​ only one person fits the bill​​ within the 70 Year Week prophesy: Jesus of Nazareth. ​​ But the Pharisees were blind and deaf and could not see this simple fact, see Is. 6. ​​ See Acts 28:25-28.

The closest other 14th​​ Nisan falling on a Wednesday, was in year 31 AD, but it will not fit the timeline, since Jesus would then have been 36-37 years old. The gospels say​​ He had three years in ministry, starting when He was around 30.

This leaves us ONLY Wednesday 28th​​ April AD 28. Fully in correspondence with Dan 9 and the 70 weeks.

Dan 9:26 reads,

And after the 62 weeks (coming after the first 7 weeks) shall the Anointed One be cut off​​ or killed and shall have nothing belonging to Him. And the people of the other prince (Vespasian Cesar) who will come will destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (temple). Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed.”

In Dan 9:27​​ Gabriel takes a leap to the end time, in which we Christians today live, when we take into consideration​​ that the Church dispensation has been lasting for almost 2000 years. If we split those into 20 parts of 100 year each – I dare suggest that we in these days are living in the​​ twentieth part, that is – the last 100 years, before the seventieth year-week kicks in with the Great Tribulation in Israel and the coming of Jesus Christ. And if we then split up that​​ twentieth part, 100 years, into four parts of 25 years each, then I will say boldly that we are​​ just about to enter​​ or have already​​ entered​​ into that last 25 years​​ on earth with the Church dispensation. Think of it. Some believers thinks we may be here for 50 more years, some believe 100 more years. But friends, I think (based on diverse reasoning from the Bible on time aspect, see below) we​​ have a little over​​ a​​ decade if calculations below are correct, and God shall send the Great Tribulation upon Israel. The day we will read in the news that Israel has started the​​ Third-Temple Building Project​​ – then we will know more certain that the Church dispensation is about to be concluded.​​ Searching internet, I found reports of importance:​​ The Altar for the Third Temple​​ has​​ already been built, and is stored​​ in a warehouse ready to install in the coming temple. Check it out on the net!

However, my saying on​​ time-aspects​​ here must NOT​​ be taken for​​ prophesy! I just have my​​ opinion in this matter, but my opinion is based upon what the Bible has to say on the time aspect. That’s all.​​ I shall come back to this, shortly.

In the interim between the crucifixion of Jesus, then being raised from the dead, and then ascended to heaven – until the seventy year-week starts ticking, we find a​​ time-vacuum​​ – of which Gabriel told Daniel nothing. It was kept secret, or hidden from the prophet.

None of the prophets in O.T. and none of the apostles except Paul​​ had anything revealed to them. Verse 26 shows us a total destruction of Israel…there shall be war, and desolation is decreed…”.​​ Israel was destroyed the 10th​​ of September in 70 AD. See the parable of the kings messengers in Mat 22:7 – the Romans were used by God as His army to revenge the evil deeds of the Pharisees and Sadducees for their murdering of the Lord’s believers and apostles. Jerusalem was burnt and the temple laid flat to the ground. Israel was given 30 years to repent to Jesus as the apostles preached​​ to Israel, see the Book of Acts.​​ Israel could have repented, but they refused. So God sent destruction.



As mentioned above,​​ Dan 9:27​​ takes us to the time of Israel’s end time tribulation and the appearing of the Anti-Christ,

“And he (Anti-Christ) shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with the many for one week (seven years). And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease (for the remaining three and one-half years); and upon the wing or pinnacle of abominations (shall come) one who makes desolate, until the full determined end is poured out on the desolator.”

The expression here,​​ “..in the midst of THE WEEK..”​​ – is that otherwise undescribed​​ final seventieth week​​ which still has not kicked in.​​ 

As opposed to the earlier mention of the seven weeks, and then the sixty​​ two weeks, total of sixty nine weeks, here we all of a sudden find that last seventieth week​​ mentioned all alone, by itself.

Just as suddenly it is also that Gabriel, without saying any name or title, present for Daniel he who is the Anti-Christ to come….HE​​ SHALL CAUSE the sacrifice and offering to cease…”.​​ But Gabriel gives this person a nickname, ..”one who makes desolate..” – in my Norwegian Bible it is translated as “The destroyer”.​​ John called him for the Anti-Christ, Jesus called him “One who comes in his own name”, and Paul called him​​ “Man of Lawlessness, Son of Perdition”, and in Revelation “The Beast”.

I remind the reader that Gabriel in Dan 9 spoke to the prophet​​ being aware​​ that he regarded Gabriel as one who related these explanations Daniel had seen in chapter 8. Thus we can look upon Chapter 9 as a continuation of Chapter 8. They belong together.

In the verse above (27) – we see the same as described in Rev 11 with the two prophets (they are Elijah and Moses!) – after the 1260 days of their prophesying​​ their ministry comes to an abrupt end. Time is up and God allows the Anti-Christ to kill them (v. 7-8). It is these killings that​​ triggers Anti-Christ’s​​ murder-spree against all those who refuses to take on them the logo of the Beast, in their right hand or their foreheads, see Rev 13.​​ 

This is when he shall steal his way into the Third Temple, demanding to be hailed as their God and Messiah. See 2 Thes 2:4. We learn from Dan 9:27 that he first enters a covenant with Israel, but after three and one-half years (in the midst of the seventieth year week)​​ - then he starts his breaking the covenant, as he interferes with the offer rituals in the Third Temple, thus earning the nickname “The Destroyer” – as well as topping it all off by having an image of himself raised there, which the false Prophet shall by​​ satanic sorcery​​ give it the ability to speak. See Rev 13:14, 15.​​ 

This final half of the seventieth year-week​​ is called for 42 months in Rev 11:2 and Jerusalem shall be downtrodden it says. This is when the Great Tribulation rages at its most terrible ways. Jesus prophesied in Mat 24:22 that nobody could be saved unless He comes from heaven and stop the murders. Israel would be entirely extinguished if not for the return of Christ!

Let me throw in a side remark here:

The tribulation time is said to be 7 Jewish years. This can also be understood, that it is a ‘frame’ – within this time-frame the tribulation will exist. But it does​​ not necessarily mean 7 full years. Why? Because Jesus will come as soon as He sees that it is about to turn into a​​ full extinction​​ of the people. So He cut the tribulation off, with perhaps a few weeks, maybe a few months. It remains to be seen.

But there is​​ a special thing that actually defends such an idea, and that is what Jesus said to the people: ‘Hereafter you shall not see Me again, before you say​​ ‘Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord’.​​ 

The thing is, this is a​​ text-line from the Psalm 118:26​​ which the Jews​​ sing​​ each year at Passover. The Psalm is a substantial song, and​​ of course the quote is but a small part of the text. This was the Psalm Jesus and the twelve sung during the Last Supper​​ ​​ see​​ Mark 14:26.

Put in simple terms: It seem to be that Jesus will come from heaven at the time of Passover – and the whole people shall join together and sing from their hearts​​ ‘Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord’. Jesus will be saluted by the people in this way.​​ One of the prophets actually say​​ they will look up to Him, wailing with tears, like a mother of her son….so they will sing Psalm 118 with tears flowing – in sincere regrets over once having crucified Jesus. They fulfill thus the words of Hos 5:15 – Jesus will stay in heaven until​​ ‘they acknowledge their offence​​ and feel their guilt and seek My face’.

This terrible seventieth year-week in Dan 9 is called by Jer 30:7 for,

“..it will be the time of Jacob’s trouble.”

In Hos 5:15 that year-week is mentioned,

“…in their affliction and distress, they will seek, inquire for, and require Me​​ earnestly…”.

In Deut 28:62 Moses prophesied of this terrible time for end time Israel,

“And you shall be left few in number, whereas you had been as the stars of the heavens for multitude, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God.”

Zech 13:8 gives a more detailed count as for the disasters effect on Israel’s population (Israel are around 9 mill inhabitants as I write this 2021),

“And in all the land, says the Lord, two-thirds shall be cut off and perish, but one-third shall be left alive.” ​​​​ 

The context is the day of the Lord, see chapter​​ 12 and the opening verses of chapter 13.​​ “In that day”.




I have ‘leaked’ above my idea of the​​ time-aspect being just around slightly above​​ a​​ decade​​ before that week kicks in. But you cannot take my word for this as if it is a prophesy. I am only making a guess​​ or opinion​​ based on my understanding of Scripture.​​ It is however not a wild guess!​​ Don’t fall out of your chair, mind you!!​​ I have the impression of which day in history that Israel died as a nation: It has to be the day in 70 AD when Rome destroyed them and flattened their temple to the ground! It simply leaves us no better alternative.

The year-week will start in the same instance as Elijah (and Moses, see Rev 11) appears in Israel all of a sudden. Rev 11 tells us that they are to​​ prophesy​​ for 1260 days, which is the​​ first half of the seven years of tribulation. Which means: They are here on earth – in Israel – from ‘Day One’ in the seventieth year-week! They are the​​ generals and chiefs​​ and shall prophesy forth all the punishments and frightful signs and disasters we can read from Rev 6 and on.

I said above that I should come back to the time-aspect for this.

Gabriel brought up​​ the destruction of Israel in Dan 9:26 ​​ “..and even to the end there shall be war…” –​​ speaking of Israel’s destruction in 70 AD.​​ We actually have an​​ exact date​​ for when the destruction of Jerusalem was completed:

The Jewish historian/writer Josephus was eyewitness​​ to the burning of Jerusalem in 70 AD – he wrote that​​ “Jerusalem was burned on exactly the same day as it was burned by the Babylonians”. ​​ And Jeremiah gives the exact date of Nebuchadnezzar’s burning of the temple, as we read Jer 52:12-13,

“Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem, And burned the house of the Lord (temple), and the kings house​​ (king was Zedekiah ​​ 597-587 BC); and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, burned he with fire”.

This was on​​ 10 Av, which according to our calendar is the 10th of​​ September. Using the​​ Julian​​ calendar,​​ this will equal​​ Sunday 5th of August​​ (587​​ BC).




Here I will take into this equation of time-aspects, what I call the ‘Hosea Clock’ – which we find in Hos ​​ 6:2, ​​ ref. to a few translations, on the future Israel,

Amplified Bible: “After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, that we may live before Him”.

English Standard Version ​​ - say the exact same words.

New American Standard Bible – says the same.

These three days mentioned, are actually three millennia. Peter’s words,​​ that one day in the sight of the Lord is a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day, comes to use here.​​ 

Hosea talked of the​​ two days counting for two thousand years. It is the time-interval in which we find Israel ‘Dead as a nation’ – but she will be REVIVED AFTER these two thousand years are fulfilled. It has to be taken in exact measures, so that we understand that the final day of those​​ 2000 years may be the final day of the seventieth year week. However, it could also mean that it could be the​​ beginning of the year-week​​ as we include them inside the number of days of the 2000 years – meaning that the​​ year-week starts 1994​​ years since 70​​ AD, when Israel was destroyed (included is the 500 extra days due to Leap Years).

God shall REVIVE ISRAEL BACK TO HIMSELF as a nation for God and Christ, and He will use the seven years of tribulation to perform that ‘Reviving’, a purging and chastisement of the now worldly profane Israel, so the new Israel will come out of the tribulation as Jesus-believers.

This is how it is with the time-line in this matter:


The two prophetic​​ ‘days’​​ in Hos 6:2 equals 720 000 days using the Jewish calendar of 360 days a year. A​​ small correction must be made in regard to the number of leap years (every fourth year has one day more, added in February). Usually February has 28 days, but gets 29 days every fourth year. This means five hundred extra days, which is one year and 140 days.​​ The next leap year will be 2024, since I write this in April 2021.​​ 

If we now use the Gregorian calendar – which is the one we use in our time in almost the entire world, and not the ancient Julian calendar, the ‘Hosea Clock’ gives us​​ the​​ 17th​​ of November in 2041​​ as the first day in the millennial Kingdom of Israel, and the tribulation is over. Hos 6:1 says​​ “..for He has torn so that He may heal us; He has stricken so that He may bind us up.”​​ ​​ This is what the Jews​​ will need from day one as the Kingdom has been established with Jesus as their King.

But, as I mentioned above, Jesus may choose to stop the killings in the tribulation​​ earlier,​​ by coming from heaven in April instead of November 2041. And then we find that the​​ 14th​​ of Nisan (Passover) is April 15, a Monday, and the First Day of Unleavened Bread is then on the 16th, a Thuesday.​​ 

The end of the present Church dispensation will be 7 years before those two thousand years are ended, which I already noted above, - after 1994 years included the Leap Years added.​​ 

November 16th​​ in 2041 is when the tribulation​​ ends​​ at the latest alternative,​​ however it​​ may rather end in April​​ as I have shown to you;​​ so we find that it starts seven years earlier –​​ which is 2034 AD.

It is now​​ late April​​ 2021, so this tells us that we have only about 13 years left of the Church dispensation if this time-aspect is correct.​​ 

I have made my utmost efforts to try to get​​ the​​ right facts put together here, but still – it is easy to fail since I am only a regular human being. Only God has the ability of not failing, let us remember that.​​ It can seem like a very short time, and I agree. Before this present dispensation ends, the time of the Church on earth, it is to me logical that we should see evidence of the Third Temple being built. So, in spite of time-calculations, we still have to leave an ‘open door’ to make revision of this. Only God knows the time in a hundred percent accuracy, right?

Daniel,​​ by the help of God’s Archangel Gabriel,​​ was given​​ revelation of​​ certain days and years​​ and knowledge of Israel’s future, the First Advent of Christ, the destruction of Israel thereafter, and even the opening of a fourth temple as the millennial Kingdom will be established at the Second Advent of Christ.

But Hosea fills the ‘Vacuum’ between the first and second Advent – the 2000 years when Israel is laid down and ‘Dead’, and the third day – or millennium as we get to see Israel being raised up to live ​​ before the Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Kingdom.

After Israel’s destruction​​ in 70 AD​​ we have the Church dispensation and the new free Gospel of Grace from Christ, as He revealed His Mystery to Paul – see Eph 3:1-9 where the apostle explain this​​ new gospel revelation. The Church, the Body of Christ, and Christ as the Head of His body.​​ Paul also called us​​ “One new Man”.​​ The epistle to the Colossians is also a writing in which we find the same new free Gospel as in​​ Ephesians. The two epistles are the ONLY Biblical scriptures having faith doctrine for this Church dispensation. The rest of the New Testament concerns only Israel and their proselytes.

Gabriel’s time-prophesy stopped at the opening of the temple after the seventieth week, as in Dan 9:24 ​​ “…and to anoint a Holy of Holies”.

That is when the Fourth temple (see Ezek 45-47)​​ is​​ built AFTER the​​ seventieth week shall be over.​​ The Third temple will be destroyed in the tribulation period.

CONCLUSION: ​​ Yes, obviously we cannot believe that it will take yet 50 years, or a hundred years or more, before the Church will be taken into heaven. All historic and prophetic facts are pointing toward a​​ short time, whether 13 years, 25 years or 35 years…to experience that ONE DAY AHEAD which Paul pointed to in Eph ​​ 4:30,

“….for the DAY OF REDEMPTION”.

This day of redemption will occur same day as the seventieth year-week of Daniel 9 kicks in, and cast Israel into the Great Tribulation, the time of Jacob’s trouble.


Special Calendar Dates of Eschatological Value


YEAR 28 A.D.

The end of the 69th​​ Year-Week, 14th​​ day of Nisan; our 28th​​ of April,which was a Wednesday.​​ Daniel 9:26 fulfilled:

Jesus died on the cross outside of Jerusalem.

He rose​​ from the dead 18th​​ day of Nisan; our​​ 2nd​​ of May, which was a​​ Sunday.​​ (Daniel was​​ not told of the resurrection of Christ).

God​​ sent the Holy Spirit on His Apostles the first Day of Pentecost, which was our 20th​​ of June, the seventh Sunday from Jesus’ resurrection day. ​​ See Acts 2.

YEAR 70​​ A.D.

Israel conquered and burnt by the Roman Army​​ under Emperor Vespasian’s rule. His son Titus was General of the army. Temple​​ was​​ laid​​ flat to the ground, every stone torn down.​​ 

Dan. 9:26 fulfilled: (the people of the other prince, were the Roman Army, and the prince Vespasian).

The following two years, 71-72 A.D. were the great deportation of Jews, sent to Egypt to be sold as slaves – but no one would buy. The market collapsed. Josephus reported of this – all men from 17 years of age taken prisoners of war, were sent by ships to Alexandria, and many wives of those soldiers were also sent with them.​​ Thus the old prophesy of Moses in Deu.​​ 28:68 was fulfilled.​​ Israel’s people were shipped back to Egypt as slaves! The nation was thus entirely ended and nullified.​​ 

The nation ‘Died’ but they shall be revived one day according to Hos. 6:2.


YEAR 2034 A.D.

Introduced​​ by me above, as the​​ possible year​​ of concluding​​ the dispensation of the Church, the Body of Christ.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Paul’s reference to that day is Eph. 4:30, saying,

 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for​​ the DAY of redemption”.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ The very same year (and day, of which we do not know) is also the start-up for the Seventieth Year-Week in Dan. 9. The time of Great Tribulation for Israel. The Church is taken into heaven supernaturally by God’s sovereign intervention; but for the fallen Israel it is the other way around: Stern punishment and disasters will fall on them, prophesied forth by the two witnesses in Rev. 11. This​​ purging​​ will result in the ‘Dead’​​ Israel coming​​ back to life, so they can live before the Lord in the coming millennial kingdom, Jesus as their King.​​ ​​ Hos. 6:2 will be fulfilled.

The 14th​​ of Nisan in that year will fall on a Sunday, and will be the 9th​​ of April in our calendar. ​​ Will the two witnesses arrive in Israel that very day? ​​ And will the Church be taken to heaven that day as well? ​​ We will have to wait and see!

YEAR 2037 A.D.


Here we come in as the grueling event in Jerusalem will be Anti-Christ’s ‘Take-over’ of the Third Temple, even the Holy of Holies – and demand of Israel to hail him as their God and Messiah.

This year, in June – is equal to Dan. 9:27 “And in the​​ midst of the​​ week​​ he shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease…”

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It is my clear impression that this take-over will happen on a​​ Sabbath day​​ – when the people will fill the temple site. He has the choice of Saturday 6th​​ of June or Saturday 13th​​ of June. One of those Sabbaths will be when Anti-Christ takes​​ over as the​​ false messiah​​ he will be. It is exactly in the midst of the seventieth Year-Week, and the 42 months start up, when Israel will have the most destructive and frightening days in their history.

That year the 14th​​ of Nisan, the Passover, will be on our Monday​​ the 30th​​ of March.

YEAR OF 2041 A.D.


The exact counting of full 7 years of  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Tribulation, will end the 16th​​ of November. But as I explained above, Jesus might shorten these last days/weeks/months due to the extreme massive killings and chaos – so He comes from heaven to stop it, and I have suggested it may be on the 14th​​ of Nisan.

Each traditional 14th​​ of Nisan, Jews have sung from the Psalm 118, and verse 26 is particularly interesting, for it says that which Jesus Himself referred to: They​​ will see Him coming to them when they salute Him with​​ ‘Blessed is​​ He Who comes in the name of the Lord’.​​ ​​ This is the Passover Psalm in Jewry. It is therefore very logical that this Psalm will be sung before Him by the survivors in Israel as the Tribulation is over!

This very Psalm is the one that also has that well known passage, which we all know,

Verses 21-22: I will confess, praise and give thanks to You, for You have heard and answered me; and You HAVE BECOME MY SALVATION AND DELIVERER. - - The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone.

Here​​ my list of days and years ends. I recommend to you to study the Bible and without fear of missing something. None of us are infallible, only God and Christ make​​ no mistakes.​​ It is a great plus and​​ to constantly keeping​​ the Bible ‘going’​​ in all what you make​​ in life. Paul exhorts us in Col. 3:1-4 – especially verse​​ 2,

“And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.”

Our calling is a heavenly one!




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