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 ​​​​ The scenario displayed here is not that of a baseball match in Super Bowl, as the finale is about to start up.

It is just the assembly hall of Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas.​​ Seating an audience of​​ ​​ 16 800 people.

The association or​​ the​​ resemblance to a​​ baseball arena​​ is not just an imagination, for it once was the home of the team “Houston Rockets”.​​ Lakewood Church bought the facility and had it expanded and refurbished into a huge mega-church meeting auditorium, like we see today ​​ in 2022.

Up front at the stage we see​​ the back of​​ Pastor Joel Osteen, the heir of John Osteen​​ who passed away in January 23rd​​ 1999.

The mega church experience about 45 000 audiences each week, and they are broadcasting their sermons in TV medias around the world, reaching around 10​​ mill viewers.​​ 

Lakewood Church is the largest mega-church in America. ​​ What their ranking may be in the whole world, I have no idea.

Enough of these background descriptions – but I would just make sure you would have some knowledge of this.

Since Pastor Osteen is shown already at the platform/stage here about to start a sermon – I would like to throw in a little greeting from Osteen which I just ‘zizzored’ off his website yesterday – and he calls​​ this little article​​ “Do You Love Yourself?”​​ – dated Oct 07, 2022:


Do You Love Yourself?

By​​ Joel Osteen​​ - Oct 07, 2022​​ 

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When Jesus says to us, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself" (Mark 12:31), He's saying that you can't love others if you don't first love yourself. That tells us that the most important relationship you have is the relationship with yourself. Too many people don't like who they are. They focus on their faults and weaknesses. They relive their mistakes and failures. They wish they were taller, had a better personality, and looked like their cousin instead of accepting themselves as made in the image of God. Then they wonder why they're not happy and why they don't have good relationships. It's because they don't like themselves. If you don't get along with you, you're not going to get along with other people.​​ 

God has given us different personalities, different gifts, different temperaments. Sometimes we're fighting who we are, trying to be like someone else. You have to accept who God has made you to be. Sure, there are areas in which we can improve and grow, but there are certain things that are who we are. I am naturally quiet and reserved, laid back, easy-going. When my father went to be with the Lord, I knew I was supposed to step up and pastor the church. But I had never ministered, didn't have the training, and didn't feel qualified. However, I could deal with those things. What I struggled with was that my father was dynamic, forceful, and had such a strong personality. I thought, "I don't have my father's strengths. I can't minister like him." When we compare and think we have to be like someone else, we can feel shortchanged, as though we're at a disadvantage, not as talented as others.​​ 

When I was tempted to feel inferior, I had to do what I'm telling you to do. Tune all that out and use the gifts God has given you. I discovered that my personality, my talents, my strengths, and my temperament are right for my assignment, and you will as well. God has given you what you need to fulfill your destiny. If you needed a different personality, He would have given you one. If you needed different gifts, different strengths, different looks, different parents, it would have happened. Quit comparing and run your race.​​ 

You have to be comfortable in your own skin. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.​​ God calls you His masterpiece. Walk in your anointing, be confident with your gifts, let your personality shine. There's not another person in this world like you. The enemy would love for you to go through life trying to be an imitation, copying someone else that you think is more attractive, more gifted, more successful. No, be you. Nobody can do you like you can do you.​​ 


(End of Joel Osteen’s article)





This may be the very first thoughts that come to mind with Osteen’s followers/church members. I don’t say it is, I just make a fair guess.


My intentions with writing this article may not at all be because I love to ‘criticize’ other preachers.​​ But if I am given an opportunity I shall gladly try to direct and point things out which may be of help to a fellow believer in Christ. That is what I hope for always. But we must keep the Bible as the authority here, none the less.


You have just read above, not my sayings, but Pastor Joel Osteen’s. I have not yet come up with anything at all.


Well, I admit to have put a title on the image of Osteen’s auditorium above, saying that he actually is an heir after his father, John Osteen who died way back in 1999. Thus he may have inherited not only his ministry, but also his father’s teachings/beliefs and religious standing, whether these were right or wrong if compared to the Bible.


It is well known among American Christianity that John Osteen was considered a pastor who taught questionable doctrines, often such ones that differed from normal Bible doctrine.


He embraced the ‘Word of Faith’ teachings from Rhema Bible Church, Tulsa. And he adopted most all of pastor Kenneth Hagin Sr.‘s​​ heretical teachings. Joel Osteen also went to Rhema to study – and was ‘induced’ with the same kind of heretical and unbiblical teachings as his father.

It may even be true that John Osteen was an heretical teacher – but I believe that Joel Osteen then seem to be one also, only, he is like his father –​​ added a Turbo charger!


John Osteen even as a​​ heretic, he managed to put Jesus in there one way or another. You would hear Jesus’ name​​ mentioned​​ in his sermons, wouldn’t you?


But the more we check on Joel Osteen, it drips in…every now and then…a Jesus, just to be sure to sound ‘Biblical’.


It is enough just to notice what you just read in his article above. He twists and turns Jesus’ words into something it is not:


“When Jesus says to us, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Mark 12:31), He’s saying that you can’t love others if you don’t first love yourself.”


This is obvious nonsense – and it goes two ways.


Osteen assumes in this quotation of Mark 12:31, that many a​​ believer does​​ not loving himself, so we have to get on with ‘loving ourselves’ so we can be fit to show other people love.


“That tells us that the most important relationship you have is the​​ relationship with yourself”, says Joel Osteen.


This is totally out of it. He has no clue as to how we must read the Bible!


This is a form of ‘Slavery under the Law’ – you have to get into a better mindset so you can manage to show love to your neighbor. ​​ This is rubbish.


Jesu talked of​​ showing your faith​​ by acting in gentleness and love when you eventually had some unspoken with a neighbor. If a certain man, even in a state of mind of blaming himself over something he did wrong a few days ago, and he is angry with himself for that, - still, he would of course have no problem with meeting his neighbor – for instance, the neighbor comes home with a heavy load of lumber material to repair his garage walls – and go and help him unloading his Pick Up truck for the heavy materials. “Hey Buddy, need a hand here? ​​ Let me help you get this load off​​ the truck. Oh thanks Joel, I am so happy you can lend me a hand. You saved​​ my day,​​ because both my sons are away, and my wife cannot handle heavy loads.​​ -​​ No problem Buddy, we neighbors are here for one another, aren’t we?”


The helpful, but​​ self-blaming angry neighbor, just shook off his dark thoughts and went to show his neighbor some regular love in the form of a​​ helping hand​​ with a truck load of lumber! ​​ What is the big problem?







 ​​​​ By the way, did you know that in the Acts-period it was a demand​​ of the Lord​​ that the believing Messianic Jews had to show​​ works​​ to attest their faith before God and man? But no such thing when the dispensation​​ (Greek: Oikonomia)​​ of the Church came along in 62-63 AD as Paul established the free Grace Gospel with faith alone, no works, it is a Gift of God, lest any man should boast (Eph. 2:8, 9).​​ Before Paul in Rome 62-63 AD, it was no Grace Gospel to all the world, but there was a​​ Kingdom-Gospel preached to Israel only. That of the millennial rule​​ of Jesus on David’s throne on Zion​​ (Acts 3). The free Grace Gospel did not come before God revealed this to His only apostle to us Gentiles, as described and declared by Paul in Eph. 3:1-9. It was a​​ hidden mystery in God​​ not earlier revealed to humankind, until Paul got it!​​ 


When thus Joel Osteen sets forth his preaching/teaching from the mega-church at Lakewood – he comes into​​ great error and misunderstanding of the Scriptures.​​ His tortured mind will be messed up​​ by heretical teachings he received as a young apprentice under his father, plus what he was filled with when studying at Rhema under the Hagin’s heretic teachings.​​ I can only feel compassion with Joel Osteen, imagining the hardships of all that doctrinal misery he has been filled with – things totally out of line when compared to true Bible words.​​ But still, he cannot blame all of it on his father, or the heretical teachings of Rhema Bible Church which is the originator of the Prosperity gospel/Word of Faith falsehood we have today. He should have gotten himself into the Bible so much as to make him able to separate the different dispensations of God.


It is unfortunate, but it is true. John Osteen, his father, as well as Joel Osteen, not to mention those reckless believers in​​ Word of Faith​​ movement like ​​ Rhema Bible Church and the like, have been into total darkness in regard to making​​ right division of the Bible​​ - ​​​​ and not separated between the Kingdom-Ministry in Acts period, with the​​ new and​​ free Grace Gospel ministry Post-Acts.​​ 


The preaching of the prophesied Millennial Messianic kingdom in Israel was a total different ‘Gospel’ than that of Paul’s free Grace Gospel which was revealed to him right after the fall of Israel as seen in Acts 28:25-28. This was the​​ point of no return for national Israel, and the decision came by the Sanhedrin of the eleven Synagogues at Rome, which Paul confronted – and they would not repent to Jesus so God could heal the land (see Acts 28:27 – Isa. 6 warning).​​ The former Kingdom-Gospel of Acts-period was the one which had all these miracle-promises​​ attached to it. Jesus sent them out to offer to Israel that Messianic kingdom, and had miracle signs following them (Mark 16:20). But these signs were NEVER EVER promised to the Church dispensation!​​ 


There isn’t one single trace of ‘Mark 16’ in Ephesians and Colossians, the only epistles ever given to the Church dispensation. In the two only​​ valid Bible Scriptures​​ for us, we find​​ nothing of any water baptism, holy communion, confession of sins, laying on of hands for healing the sick, exorcism, prophecy, tongues, …the works.​​ 


No preaching of the Second Advent…and why? Because Jesus is NOT COMING for the Church, but He is coming down to Israel to establish the Millennial Kingdom. Us going up to heaven, is not something which can be combined with His coming down. We shall be​​ “..appearing with Christ in glory in heaven..”​​ Col. 3:1-4 ​​ - ​​ We are waiting for the ​​​​ “Day of redemption” – Eph. 4:30. ​​ Not the day of rapture.​​ The latter was only for the Messianic saints in Acts period – but has now been cancelled due to the destruction of Israel.


From the​​ moment​​ of Israel’s fall and​​ on, Paul’s prophecy was declared, and it has even now been fulfilled,


Acts 28:28: ​​ “So let it be understood by you then, that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen to it!” ​​ (Understood: They will accept it and​​ believe​​ it).


Jesus did​​ not​​ have a ministry to us Gentiles, it is one hundred percent certain, He said so Himself,


“I am only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” ​​ - Matt. 15:24.


Paul also taught the same: “Christ became a Minister to the circumcised in order to show God’s truthfulness and honesty by confirming the promises​​ to our fathers.” ​​ Rom. 15:8.


Back to Osteen’s​​ article for a few more concerned comments:

He is making a big issue of things regarding​​ our lives on earth. Where is the teaching of Paul on us having our minds set for THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE IN HEAVEN…?  ​​ ​​​​ 

Osteen seem to be busy with​​ only​​ earthly matters, success in life, in marriage, in business, in studying, in all things earthly. That is not our Gospel no matter how we twist and turn it…

Let me zizzor in here from one of Joel Osteen’s books in that regard. Book is​​ “Become a better you: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day”​​ –​​ 

One of the best ways that we can improve our self-image is with our words.  Words are like seeds.  They have creative power.  It says in Isaiah that “We will eat the fruit of our words.”  That’s amazing when you stop to consider that truth: Our words tend to produce what we’re saying…Every day we should make positive declarations over our lives.  We should say things such as, “I am blessed.  I am prosperous. I am healthy.  I am talented. I am creative.  I am wise.”  When we do that, we are building up our self-image.  As those words permeate your heart and mind, and especially your subconscious mind, eventually they will begin to change the way you see yourself.  The Scripture says “With our tongue, we can either bless our life or we can curse our life.”  Some individuals curse their own future by saying things such as “I don’t have what it takes.  I’m so clumsy I can’t get anything right.  I’m so undisciplined. I’ll probably never lose this weight.”  We must be extremely careful what we allow out of our mouth.  Our words set the direction for our lives.​​ [1]​​ “



What Osteen is saying in his book, is..for instance if you are sick…you should go on saying:​​ I am well! ​​ I am good to go!​​ Thus he is making a host of​​ Christian liars​​ – they​​ are told to say lies which do​​ not​​ line up with​​ reality.​​ He should rather be told to go see a doctor, than to go lying of his health, saying he is well when he is sick. ​​ 

Or, if a person is – let’s say poor, he’s broke and out of funds – Osteen is telling him to go around saying​​ I’m blessed!​​ I’m prosperous!​​ Osteen is constantly telling his readers/audiences to​​ go​​ around​​ lying to others​​ of their real situation. Osteen is actually telling non-talented people (such ones do actually exist!) to go saying​​ I’m talented!​​ Or non-creative people (they actually do exist!) to go around saying​​ I’m creative!​​ Or the real clowny thing which would be, telling a foolish, stupid person (such ones do exist whether you believe or not – Osteen is one of them!) to go around saying​​ I’m wise! I’m smart! I’m successful! ​​​​ It is the​​ lowest of all things low, to go on like Osteen is, actually encouraging people to lie of their real situation or mindset. He want you to think that if you come up with such​​ confessional lying tricks like this, it will lead you to get​​ what you are saying in those lies. Can you think of any more stupid and​​ immoral influences​​ like these? ​​ Just read Osteen’s own words one more time…it’s all there. He encourages people to go around lying about their lives. It is totally opposite of what a Christian should ever do.

All things​​ earthly and thus in a sphere of carnal things, not of things which are in heaven.

Paul is contrasting this strongly,

“Col. 3:1-4,  ​​​​ If​​ then you have been raised with Christ (to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead), aim at and seek the (rich, eternal treasures) that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. ​​ 2- And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. 3-​​ For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4- When Christ, Who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.”  ​​ ​​​​ AMP. Bible.

Paul is here entirely heaven-bent. He never was like Osteen, who is earth-bent.​​ Who teaches people to tell lies about themselves, like the excerpt quoted above from his book.

Paul was so heaven-bent that he says​​ of us saints: FOR YOU HAVE DIED and your life are​​ hidden with Christ in God!

What’s the use​​ of that heretical mumbo-jumbo …​​ ‘you must love yourself before you can love your neighbor?’ ​​​​ If we are believers, then we have cut off all earthly things and tangs and what not. We are the body of Christ – we are not patients with a Phycologist or other mind-benders so they could perhaps help us becoming “Better persons” – or to use Osteen’s terminology: Become a better you!​​ Trying to become a better you, is hopelessly in vain. We have​​ now by faith already been raised with Christ to a new life! Can’t you read the Bible? ​​ We don’t need that crap “Trying to become a better you” served by Osteen and his fellow falsehoods.​​ 

Joel Osteen – sprawling around in his 10 mill. Mansion​​ of 17 000 Sq.ft, and​​ him​​ having a net worth of around 100 mill, he have never ever gone around saying:​​ I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am healthy. I am talented. I am creative. I am wise​​ to finally achieve all this. ​​​​ His nonsense of telling people to go​​ and declare this to themselves​​ so the words will​​ create that which are spoken,​​ is to have people trying to be as God. God is the only One Who can speak things into existence. But you see, folks, that hypocrite Joel Osteen like to have you believe​​ that he came to his wealth​​ and position because he fought his way from the bottom and up, by making “Positive Confessions”, saying positive words​​ which would create that which can be seen with him today. ​​ That is why I put that title onto the photo of the auditorium – saying​​ “Joel Osteen’s Inherited Kingdom”. ​​ He did not get where he is today​​ without first having been son​​ of John Osteen​​ and his wife, and later on inherit the Gospel-Kingdom Lakewood enterprise and the money to go with it.​​ 

This enterprise is, like all other Gospel-Kingdoms in America, based mainly upon the money support coming from their gullible unsuspecting donors.

Joel Osteen could very well use a slogan, like, -​​ “You poor working class people and retirees -​​ give your money to me so that I can become a rich TV Evangelist – lying to you as a thanks for all the money – and make you falsely believe that you can just go on with “Positive Confession” and prosperity declarations, to make you as rich and successful as I!”

You read my quote from his book above. He is a superstitious pagan​​ believer who goes outside of Bible Scripture – thus lying to his readers, saying lies like​​ “Words are like seeds: They have creative power”.​​ IMAGE: He smiles constantly, as he serves his cheap lies to his audiences.

Well, Paul cannot have taught this, and he never mentioned​​ such nonsense. You find nothing of what we​​ should or should not​​ say – in the quote of Col. 3:1-4 – but he tells of our standing with Christ and to set our minds (not our words!) on the heavenly things above!

Joel Osteen​​ should​​ cast away that dirty and false “Word​​ of Faith” prosperity gospel he learnt from his​​ father and from other ancestors in the faith. And get hold of the pure un-adultered free Grace Gospel of God, given us through the apostle to the Gentiles, Paul.

Eph. 4:30,

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed​​ for the day of redemption.”












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The Real Heretical Teachings of Kenneth Hagin



Zizzored from​​ www.letusreason.org

Editor: ​​ Jan Lilleby


Mr. Kenneth Hagin​​ is well known to be one of, or the main influences of the word faith movement of our day. He claims he received revelation that he taught to the Church.​​ 

Mr. Hagin says he was born premature, plagued by numerous health problems as a child, suffering from a​​ deformed heart​​ and what was believed to be an incurable blood disease he was not expected to live and became bedridden. Until he became a Christian at age 15, when he died and descended into hell.​​ 

In his booklet,​​ I Went to​​ Hell, he wrote that his heart stopped and he ‘‘was pulled ​​ toward hell just like a magnet pulls metal unto itself.​​ ’’​​ 

This took place in April 1933 during a dramatic​​ conversion​​ experience, he reported dying three times in 10 minutes. He felt himself slip out of his body and descend into a terrible darkness, seeing the horrors of hell and then returning to life. Each time he heard a commanding voice from above, and felt himself pulled back into his room and into his body.​​ 

On the third time, he called out to God to forgive him and to cleanse him of all sin. He said he ‘‘​​ began to pray, ‘O God! I come to You in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask You to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all sin.’ ... So I was born again ... and I’ve been saved ever since.​​ ’’ That's quite a prayer from a non Christian at 15.He also says he was raised from his deathbed on August 8, 1934 by​​ "the revelation of faith in God's Word"​​ (Kenneth Hagin,​​ I Went to Hell​​ and​​ What Faith Is).​​ 

Mr. Hagin was apparently born again in hell, thus we can understand his doctrinal teaching on Jesus being born again in hell. But Hagin remained paralyzed.​​ 

Apparently his new birth affected his memory (claiming his healing occurred on Tuesday of the "second week" of August 1934, or August 7, which was not the same date given as the "second Tuesday" that month [August 14). Hagin gives various dates, such as "6 days before my 17th birthday [August 20, 1934," which would be August 14, the "second Tuesday of August 1934": (Kenneth E. Hagin, El Shaddai [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1980, 24-25.)​​ 

Regardless of the different dates, Hagin claims he was healed of his "deformed heart," "paralysis," and "incurable blood disease."​​ I believe God. I believe I receive healing for the deformed heart. I believe I receive healing for the paralysis...." (How to Write Your Own Ticket With God)​​  In case he missed something, he declared his "​​ healing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet"​​ on August 7, 1934,​​ so that "every symptom of distress, deficiency and physical wrongness was driven out of my body," perpetually​​ .​​ 

Yet on May 1939: he states ". . .​​ I attended a Full Gospel convention .... As I sat in the service, I began to have sharp pains around my heart. It seemed to quiver and stop. It even felt as if my breath were being cut off​​ " (Hagin, Right and Wrong Thinking 20-21).​​ 

It was not a healing that he kept, as these symptoms of a bad heart continued “​​ I remember many years ago after I was healed, physical symptoms came back .... The devil said to me, '. . . You're going to die... !' . . . I laid my Bible on the floor and literally stood on it . . .​​ ." (Kenneth E. Hagin, "God's Best," Word of Faith [December 1992, 5c).​​ 

It seems William Branham said the very same on hell prior,​​ “When I saw the vision of hell, as a--as a little boy, the horrors of it. … (63-1124E, Three Kinds Of Believers, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN)

Kenneth E. Hagin states he began his ministry in 1934 at the age of 17 in Texas when he raised from his deathbed on August of 1934 by a revelation of "faith in God's Word" after reading​​ Mark​​ 11:23-24.​​ 


He was Born in 1917 (he says he was 15 in 1933) which does make this an issue, since he was just converted and knows next to nothing about the Lord.​​ 

Hagin had received a vision containing the Scripture passage Mark 11:23-24. It was because of this vision, and the supporting Scripture passage, that he built his theology on the “Faith Principle” “​​ believe it in your heart, say it with your mouth, and you will have whatsoever you confess.”​​ 

This inaccuracy of Scripture continued. He later developed this into what is known as speaking faith, positive confessions…"​​ Jesus used the fig tree to demonstrate that He had that God-kind of faith, then He said to the disciples--and to us--'You have that kind of faith.'...Jesus said He had the God-kind of faith; He encouraged His disciples to exercise that kind of faith; and He said that 'whosoever' could do it. . . . That is why Jesus said, 'whosoever shall say ... and shall not doubt IN HIS HEART.'" (Having Faith in Your Faith [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1988], 3, emphasis in original.)​​ 

Do we see any apostle’s example of doing this?  If not then it must mean something other than the way he interpreted it.

For twelve years he pastored, and then traveled as an evangelist. In 1936, he founded his first non-denominational church. Bill Sherman - World Religion.​​ "The Hagins' ministry."​​ Tulsa World​​ . He preached his first sermon as the pastor of a small, community Baptist church in Roland, Texas.​​ ChristianityToday.com. In1937, he became an Assemblies of God minister.​​ 

Kenneth married Oretha Rooker on November 25, 1938, had two children, Kenneth Wayne Hagin Jr. (September 3, 1939), and Patricia Harrison Hagin (on March 27, 1941). Patricia married and later became the widow of the late Doyle Buddy Harrison, the owner and publisher of Harrison House, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.​​ 

He was ordained a minister of the Assemblies of God in 1967 (North Texas District Council).  In 1963, the Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Association was incorporated. He then began his radio ministry and other media promotions (It continues today by his son, Rev. Kenneth Hagin Jr.)​​ 

The ministry was moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1966 into the office that was formerly occupied by T. L. Osborn, a Branham enthusiast. (Ibid.)  In 1974, he founded Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Okla., which now operates in numerous countries (at least 110) and has many thousands of alumni. Rhema churches are a great influence to many in teaching his false Christianity.​​ 

Hagin's most successful protegè is Kenneth Copeland, Christianity’s first billionaire braggart. Copeland has been quoted as saying that he​​ 'learned nothing' during six months at Oral Roberts University but was so excited by Hagin's teachings that...[he] spent the next month in his garage listening to them.​​ ”(Charles Farah, "A Critical Analysis: The 'Roots and Fruits' of Faith-Formula Theology," PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Spring 1981, 15)​​ 

There are so many others, Charles Capps, Frederick K.C. Price, Robert Tilton, David Yonggi Cho, Rodney Browne etc. Many of them are graduates of Hagin's RHEMA Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.​​ 

"Charles Capps gives a the testimony "Brother Hagin was the greatest influence of my life.​​ Kenneth Copeland credits Hagin's tapes with having revolutionized his ministry. McConnell, Kenyon Connection, p. 11.​​ 

Frederick K.C. Price says: "Kenneth Hagin has had the greatest influence upon my life of any living man ... his books ... revolutionized and changed my life. (Taped interviews on file at the Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University cited in D.R McConnell)​​ 

Others, like Joseph Prince praise Hagin. Anyone who can attach themselves to Hagin needs to be avoided as a teacher, for they show they have no discernment and cannot separate the  truth from error.

You can sum up Kenneth Hagin’s philosophy of ministry by this teaching: "​​ I'm tired of hearing that religious jargon that we're tired and lonely; we're the meekest and the lowliest...​​ Believe in God! Believe in yourself! There never was a person who succeeded in life who didn't believe he could do it. You may argue, "But I don't want to be egotistical..." That's a lie the devil concocted to cause people not to succeed. Somebody's always talking about being humble. There are some people who are so humble they are proud of their humility! Religious people will tell you "Don't every get conceited..." but the devil tried to rob people through false modesty too...​​ God can't do anything on this earth without a man or woman who will do it for Him​​ ...it's God's plan of action; therefore we need to begin to​​ believe in ourselves​​ ."​​ ("How to Make the Dream God gave you Come True" Faith Library Publications: 1981) underline mine.​​ 

That is exactly what the devil wants us to be, self-sufficient, not Christ sufficient, our confidence is to be in the Lord alone. This statement of his is the very opposite of what Scripture says, not to trust in oneself. This is no different than having faith in faith, faith in oneself. We are not to believe in ourselves, along with God. To say God cannot do ANYTHING without a person is just plain ridiculous, the whole Bible speaks of his sovereignty over all. Yet this is the basis for being a god with the same powers and authority like Jesus. (in the second section he tells a story of what he could do that Jesus could not)

His heresies of Jesus and humanity​​ 

"​​ Of course Jesus stands in a class by himself, personally as deity. But when it comes to ministry, Jesus does not stand in a class by Himself. . . Even though Jesus was the Son of God, and divine blood flowed through His veins, yet He​​ was ministering on the earth as a human being - a prophet anointed with the Holy Spirit “(Hagin, Kenneth, Hear and Be Healed, ps. 8,13-14)​​ 

This is where we find in the movement  from Bill Johnson he teaches we can do all that Jesus did.

E. W. Kenyon "​​ Every man who has been born again is an incarnation and Christianity is a miracle. The believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth." (E.W. Kenyon, The Father and His Family, 100)​​ 

this diminished the uniqueness of the incarnation of God becoming man through a virgin.​​ 

Copying E. W. Kenyon Hagin said, "​​ Every man who has been born again is an incarnation and Christianity is a miracle. The believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth." (the Incarnation Kenneth Hagin, p. 12).​​ 

Does being born again make us an incarnation of God in the flesh? From this basis he made other claims of what Christians can do just like Jesus.​​ 

Hagin specifically stated "We (the church) are Christ." (As Christ is -- So are we, Tape #44H06)​​ 

Where does the Bible teach this? It says we are his body, the physical expression of his nature in us, not the Messiah himself. There is only one messiah and we are not him. This diminishes the uniqueness of the Christ being the savior of sinful man.

He said, "​​ If we ever wake up and realize who we are, we'll start doing the work that we're supposed to do. Because​​ the church hasn't realized yet that they are Christ. That's who they are. They are Christ."​​ 

Are we God who came from heaven? That's what Jesus is. The Lord Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh, the eternal Son of God. That is what defines the incarnation. Apparently he did not understand the incarnation which is associated with the gospel, or he did not believe it.​​ 

Kenneth Hagin also taught "[Man]​​ was created on terms of equality with God, and he could stand in God's presence without any consciousness of inferiority... God made us as much like Himself as possible...​​ He made us the same class of being that He is Himself... Man lived in the realm of God. He lived on terms equal with God..​​ ." (Zoe: The God‑Kind of Life, 1989, 35‑36, 41)​​ 

While man could stand in God’s presence, he knew God was his creator. It is only when he believed the devils lie that he thought of himself to be like God. Hagin continually turned the difference of the creature (man ) upside down with the creator (God) giving them the same nature.​​ 

"Even many in the great body of Full Gospel people do not know that the new birth is a real incarnation....Jesus was first divine, and then He was human. So He was in the flesh a divine-human being. I was first human, and so were you, but I was born of God, and so I became a human-divine being​​ (Kenneth Hagin . Hagin, Zoe: The God-Kind of Life, Tulsa, OK. Faith Library, 1981, p40.)

Here he introduces man as divine from the new birth, we are gods.​​ 

Kenneth Hagin says​​ “God made the earth … giving Adam dominion over all the works of His hands. In other words,​​ Adam was the god of this world.​​ ” (The Believer’s Authority,​​ 2d ed. [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1991], 19).​​ 

If he said ruler that may be acceptable, but god; no. There is only one God, all others are false gods.

Mans dominion was specifically over the creatures on the earth, he was never called a god. Gen. 1:28 ‘​​ subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."​​ 

This was taken away when man was ousted from the garden after he sinned by eating the fruit, believing he would be as God. Hagin​​ "Man is a spirit who possesses a soul and lives in a body....,​​ He is in the same class with God." (Man of Three Dimensions; Tulsa: Faith Library, 1973)​​ 

No, God is uncreated, therefore he is not in the same class as man who is created by the uncreated.​​ 

As Adam sinned and was separate from God so was Jesus

Kenneth E. Hagin: "God came down in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden to commune and fellowship with him [Adam]. as he had in the past. And he couldn't find him. He called out to him, 'Adam, where art thou?' And he said, 'I hid myself.' Why? Because of sin. Because, first, sin separates you from God. Secondly, by sinning, by listening to the Devil, he took upon himself the nature of the Devil into his spirit being."​​ ("How Jesus Obtained His Name" [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, n.d.], audiotape #44H01, side 2.)​​ 

He says that Jesus did the same but at the same time denied he taught this, "Why did He (Jesus) need to be begotten, or born? Because He became like we were:​​ separated from God. Because He tasted spiritual death for every man....Jesus was the first person that was ever born again." K. Hagin, How Jesus Obtained His Name, Tulsa: Rhema, audiotape #44H01.

 “Jesus died as our substitute. He who knew no sin was made to be sin. He took upon himself our sin nature. And he died- he was separated and cut off from God. He went down into the prison house of suffering in our place. He was there for three days and nights.” (Made Alive” the word of faith 15 apr.1982

The Gospel heresy​​ 

“He [Jesus] tasted spiritual death for every man. And His spirit and inner men went to hell in my place. Can’t you see that?​​ Physical death wouldn’t remove your sins. He’s tasted death for every man. He’s talking about tasting spiritual death.”​​ (Kenneth​​ Hagin, “How Jesus Obtained His Name.”) underline mine​​ 

This is said to support the doctrine that he agreed with from E.W. Kenyon and W. M. Branham, both teaching that Jesus went to hell to suffer there to complete the gospel.​​ 

Mimicking Branham Hagin states, "Do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die on a cross? If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your price. No the punishment was to go into hell itself and to serve time in hell separated from God ... Satan and all the demons of hell thought that they had him bound, and they threw a net over Jesus and they dragged Him down to the very pit of hell itself to serve our sentence."​​ 

This further explained by Hagin​​ “If Jesus' physical death could pay the penalty for Sin as some contend, then why is it necessary that a Christian die? If a Christian dies physically, does he not pay the penalty of his own ,sin? If physical death is the penalty for sin, then why do not the whole human race pay their own penalty, and save themselves, for all die? But we hold that the physical death of Jesus did not touch the sin issue at all."​​ (quoted in A Different Gospel, D.R. McConnell, (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1988), 23, 28 note 23)​​ 

This is a full denial of Jesus mission in becoming man. He is questioning Gods Word by his fallen human reasoning. The Word explicitly teaches he became man for his physical death – that his blood would be shed, “​​ Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.​​ A principle of sacrifice that was taught from the beginning of when man sinned. “​​ In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins…”​​ (Eph. 1:7)​​ In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins​​ ​​ (Col. 1:14). (further scriptures on this important issue are Rom. 3:24-25 we are bought with his blood 1 Cor. 6:20; 1 Pt. 1:18-19).​​ 

The new covenant is enacted by his blood (Heb. 9:2, 26), from the death of the body. Heb. 9:15: “​​ Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death” this denial of the core teaching of Christ DYING for sin (for his spirit cannot die, he was God) is denied.​​ 

Hagin taught Jesus suffered in hell for 3 days. Today all the faith teachers repeat this demonic interpretation.​​ 

Kenneth Hagin “​​ Jesus died as our substitute. He who knew no sin was made to be sin. He took upon himself our sin nature. And he died- he was separated and cut off from God.​​ He went down into the prison house of suffering in our place. He was there for three days and nights​​ .​​ ” (Made Alive” the word of faith Apr.15, 1982)​​ 

This states the cross was not the place of victory as the Bible declares, nor a finishing of the atonement for the new covenant, instead it was continuation in hell​​ 

This suffering in hell has become the standard gospel in the word faith movement. This is what Kenyon taught, this is what Branham taught.​​ 

E. W. Kenyon, “​​ Satan took Jesus spirit with him down to the pit of hell where Jesus during three terrible days and nights suffered the tortures of hell.”​​ (Lie, E. W. Kenyon, 43)​​ 

William Branham likewise said this long before Hagin,​​ “He died a sinner, knowing no sin, yet our sin was on Him. And God, for His sins, sent Him to hell.”​​ (53-0609A, Demonology, Religious Realm, Roberts Park Amphitheater, Connersville, IN)​​ 

William Branham said​​ “And when He died, His soul went to hell, because it had the sins of the world upon it. And He was in hell three days.”​​ (59-1124, Balm In Gilead, Santa Clara County Fairgrounds, San Jose, Ca)​​ 

The born again Jesus​​ 

Hagin’s full quote states​​ Well, Jesus tasted death, spiritual death for every man. See sin is more than a physical act, it's a spiritual act. And so He became what we were, that we might become what he is. Praise God! And so therefore, his spirit was separated from God. Why did he need to be begotten or born? Because he became um we were, separated from God. Because he tasted spiritual death for every men, and his spirit and. inner man went to Hell in my place. Can' t you see that PHYSICAL DEATH WOULDN’T REMOVE YOUR SINS. He's tasted death for every man. We're talking about tasting spiritual​​ death.​​ Jesus is the first person that was ever born again. Why did His spirit need to be born again? Because it was estranged from God.​​ (How Jesus obtained his name tape # 44HO1 side 1)​​ 

Clearly he does not understand the nature of Jesus being a man and being God in Spirit. His Spirit was God, God does not need to be reborn spiritually, if that’s true we are all in trouble. Thankfully it is not!​​ 

Here we have the teaching of humans becoming god[s]. All this and more was taught by his experiences, his visitations of Jesus and angels and hearing from what he thought was the Spirit.​​ 


The Numerous Visitations of Jesus and angels to Kenneth Hagin

Kenneth Hagin had numerous stories of personal visions of Jesus. In fact, He had more visitations than any apostle in the New Testament. Not since the early Gnostics that were enemies of Christ who came into the church, do we hear of so many supernatural stories. He said he later received the spiritual gifts of healing, prophecy, and discerning of spirits. ​​ 

Some of us', like Paul. stand in more than one office.  Often well weave in and out of these offices.  Thank God 1 had the anointing to preach and then the anointing to teach.  I spoke in tongues and prophesied,, but 1 never stood in the office of the prophet until 1952.  I know exactly when 1 entered into the ministry of the prophet. (Kenneth Hagin,, Understanding the Anointing (Faith Library, 1985), p. 65)

Like prophet Branham ,his contemporary, he had many stories of Jesus visiting him. He not only went to heaven but hell a number of times (No apostle went to hell). We can trace all the lying stories of others today to these teachers of the Latter Rain, i.e. Kenneth Hagin.​​ 

Mr. Hagin claims that Jesus appeared to him in 1950 and gave him a special anointing to minister to the sick. Hagin says that if individuals, churches and pastors do not accept his message they will pay the ultimate price​​ "The Lord said to me, 'If I give you a message for an individual, a church, or a pastor and they don't accept it, you will not be responsible. They will be responsible.​​ There will be ministers who don't accept it and will fall dead in the pulpit​​ .'"​​ (I Believe)​​ 

This is a counterfeit punishment of Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit under Peters leadership. To make his personal message like this is not​​ from the Lord but of self promotion. He thought he could convince people of his importance by using this scripture.​​ 

Are we to believe Jesus showed up not once, but several times to Mr. Hagin when he came to Saul only once (and did not give him a special anointing)! Paul who wrote that he was the last of all to see Jesus on earth… so Paul is wrong? If that is what you think you should understand that you are wrong.​​ 

Mr. Hagin tells us that Jesus appeared to him in Phoenix, Arizona and revealed the keys for people to get from God what they want. (How to Write Your Own Ticket With God, Kenneth Hagin; (Rhema Bible Church) p. 1-5. "​​ Jesus dictated to me during my vision, 'Your action defeats or puts you over. According to your action you receive or you are kept from receiving.'" "Jesus said to me, 'Tell it so others may believe'​​ This is near identical to William Branham saying such things who came before him.​​ 

Hagin is notorious for receiving “visions” which gave guidance to his ministry. One of his frequently recounted visions recalls a time when he and Jesus were talking together and were confronted by a “demon monkey.” In the vision, Jesus was unable to control the monkey, but​​ 

This story may be his best one​​ 

“In 1952, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in a vision and​​ talked to me for about an hour and a half about the devil, demons, and demon possession​​ . At the end of that vision, an evil spirit that looked like a little monkey or elf ran between Jesus and me and spread something like a smoke screen or dark cloud. Then this demon began jumping up and down, crying in a shrill voice, “Yakety-yak, yakety-yak, yakety-yak.” I couldn’t see Jesus or understand what He was saying.​​ …​​ I couldn’t understand why Jesus allowed the demon to make such a racket. I wondered why Jesus didn’t rebuke the demon so I could hear what He was saying. I waited a few moments, but Jesus didn’t take any action against the demon. Jesus was still talking, but I couldn’t understand a word He was saying—and I needed to, because He was giving instructions concerning the devil, demons, and how to exercise authority.​​ 

I thought to myself, Doesn’t the Lord know I’m not hearing what He wanted me to? I need to hear that. I’m missing it! I almost panicked. I became so desperate I cried out, “In the Name of Jesus, you foul spirit, I command you to stop!” The minute I said that, the little demon hit the floor like a sack of salt, and the black cloud disappeared. The demon lay there trembling, whimpering, and whining like a whipped pup. He wouldn’t look at me. “Not only shut up, but get out of here in Jesus’ Name!” I commanded. He ran off. …I was thinking, Why didn’t​​ He do something about that? Why did He permit it? Jesus looked at me and said, “​​ If you hadn’t done something about that, I couldn’t have.”​​ 

That came as a real shock to me—it astounded me. I replied, “Lord, I know I didn’t hear You right! You said You wouldn’t, didn’t You?” He replied, “No, if you hadn’t done something about that, I couldn’t have.”​​ I went through this four times with Him. He was emphatic about it, saying, “No, I didn’t say I would not, I said I could not.”​​ I said, “Now, dear Lord, I just can’t accept that. I never heard or preached anything like that in my life!” I told the Lord I didn’t care how many times I saw Him in visions—​​ He would have to prove this to me by at least three Scriptures out of the New Testament​​ …. Jesus smiled sweetly and said He would give me four. I said, “I’ve read through the New Testament 150 times, and many portions of it more than that. If that is in there, I don’t know it!”​​ 

Jesus later states, “​​ Here are your four witnesses. I am the first, James is the second, Peter is the third, and Paul is the fourth. This establishes the fact that the believer has authority on earth, for I have delegated my authority over the devil to you on the earth. If you don’t do anything about it, nothing will be done.”​​ 

Jesus keeps talking when he knows he can’t hear him? Hagin has Jesus sit and talk for 1 1’2 hours when we find that whenever Jesus spoke to the apostles after his ascension it was brief … and he did not appear to anyone after Paul was chosen.​​ 

Here face to face is Jesus, who is God, and he is telling him to prove what he is saying to him --What? Jesus who is called the truth is being questioned! Not trusted, but doubting like​​ Thomas. Where is his respect? He may have read the New Testament 150 times but apparently neither he nor his Jesus taught him correctly. To teach Jesus does not have the power to do something but Hagin (and all of us) do. Does Scripture not say he was given all authority (we were not). He rebukes the demon because Jesus did not have this ability! Is there any teaching like this on Jesus? I find this conversation more than difficult to believe. Does Jesus speak like this? Go ahead and believe Hagin and you let Hagin make a monkey out of you.​​ 

In his book,​​ Hagin sees a vision of Jesus, and says to Him,​​ "Dear Lord, I have two sermons I preach concerning the woman who touched Your clothes and was healed when You were on earth. I received both of these sermons by inspiration”​​ Later, Hagin quotes what Jesus told him in reply: "You are correct. My​​ Spirit, the Holy Spirit, has endeavored to get another sermon into your spirit, but you have failed to pick it up. While I am here, I will do as you ask. I​​ will give you that sermon out-line. Now get your pencil and paper and write it down."​​ 

Again the Jesus Hagin presents is hardly the same as the one in Scripture. This is presented as Scripture, to write it down. The alternative is reading a fairy tale.​​ 

Hagin recounts a face-to-face meeting with Jesus.​​ 

“I was conscious of the fact that I still lay flat on my face on the floor, and for a few minutes I remained there, feeling the glory of this miraculous visitation. Again I heard a voice say, ‘Come up hither.’ And this time the voice said, ‘Come up hither; come up to the throne of God.’​​ I saw Jesus standing again​​ about where the top of the tent should be, and I went to Him through the air. When I reached Him, together we continued on to Heaven. We came to the throne of God, and I beheld it in all its splendor. The first thing that attracted my attention was the rainbow about the throne. It was very beautiful. The second thing I noticed was the winged creatures on either side of the throne. They were peculiar looking creatures, and as I walked up with Jesus, these creatures stood with wings out­stretched…​​ I started to look at the One who sat upon the throne. Jesus told me not to look upon His face​​ . I could see only a form of a Being seated upon the throne. Then for the first time I actually looked into the eyes of Jesus. Many times when relating this experience I am asked, ‘What did His eyes look like?’ All I can say is that they looked like wells of living love. It seemed as if one could see a half-mile deep into them, and the tender look of love is indescribable. As I looked into His face and into His eyes, I fell at His feet. I noticed then that His feet were bare, and I laid the palms of my hands on the top of His feet and laid my forehead on the backs of my hands. Weeping, I said, ‘Oh Lord, no one as unworthy as I should look upon Your face.’ Jesus said that I should stand upright on my feet. I stood up. He called me worthy to look upon His face, for He had called me and cleansed me from all sin.”​​ (“Come Up to the Throne of God,” January 2002, magazine)​​ 

There is quite a number of contradiction[s]​​ I saw Jesus… I walked up with Jesus, …But did not see his face?​​ I started to look at the One who sat upon the throne.​​ Jesus told me not to look upon His face. I could see only a form of a Being seated upon the throne. Then for the first time I actually looked into the eyes of Jesus.”​​ 

What mass of confusion. I can tell you from Scripture that when John saw him in heaven his eyes were not liquid love, but writes​​ His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.”​​ 

Rv. 1:17​​ when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, "Do not be afraid;​​ There is the difference​​ of one who knew​​ Jesus personally on earth and​​ sees him in heaven, for even Paul was not allowed to speak what he saw, only John.​​ 

Hagin states​​ he​​ cleansed me from all sin.​​ I thought all his sins were cleansed when he was born again in hell, oh well who can remember all the details of these many supernatural encounters (Branham certainly could not either). Jesus left the throne and is walking with him to him being on the throne? He saw Jesus, but did not see his face? Then looks into the eyes of Jesus. Again the apostle John who wrote about heaven under the direction of the Lord had a very different reaction seeing Jesus. Hagin makes himself equal with John the apostle. But to the Latter Rain story tellers who are modern Gnostics this does not matter.​​ 

Hagin has a vision and stated “​​ I saw a horseman riding at full speed toward me. He held a scroll of paper high in his left hand.​​ 

It was written in the first person and was just like Jesus Himself speaking. He said, “​​ America is receiving her last call. Some nations have already received their last call and will never receive another. THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND,” was repeated at least four or five times.​​ He said also that this was the last great revival.”​​ 

I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time….​​ He said again, “​​ This is the last revival and I am preparing my people for My coming. Judgment is coming but I will call my people away even unto myself before the worst shall come. (A Vision of the End – Kenneth E. Hagin Sept. 2 1950)​​ 

What I find incompatible are the people who believe Branham, believe Hagin that are producing today's revivals, yet they don’t believe what Jesus said to either of these men.​​ 

Just like William Branham,​​ And the revival is over, and America has turned down her opportunity​​ ." …"And there won't be no more.​​ " (56-0408 Visions And Prophecy)​​ 

Branham said​​ “I believe it's received its last revival…”​​ (64-0830E, Questions And Answers #4, Branham Tabernacle)​​ 

“​​ The revival is over, across the nation. There ain't going to be no more revivals, big sweeping revivals; this nation never receive it​​ ."​​ (65-0822M, Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word)​​ 

Branham said “​​ The revival is over. America had her last chance in 1957.”​​ (The Message to the Laodicean Church Age p.29)​​ 

That’s 60 years ago when the so called prophet said no more.​​ 

But all the modern Latter Rain promoters claim a great revival is coming or​​ is already here. For example in Rodney Browne’s booklet “the Coming​​ Revival” it says​​ “The Last revival has Begun.”​​ That’s 25 years​​ ago..​​ 

As Paul Cain copied Branham with a personal angel, so did Hagin. Kenneth​​ Hagin claimed to have a personal angel revealed to him and had eight​​ personal visitations of Jesus.In 1958​​ "the Lord Jesus suddenly appeared" before him, with an angel standing​​ three feet behind Him. In I Believe in Visions he reveals, "He [Jesus]​​ said, 'This is your angel.' 'My angel?" I asked. 'Yes, your angel, and​​ if you will respond to him, he will appear to you as I will at times;​​ and he will give you guidance and direction concerning the things of​​ life...​​ '" (Kenneth Hagin, I Believe in Visions, 1984, p. 93).​​ 

Jesus taught Hagin that his angels could be commanded by Hagin and us to do our bidding. Hagin said Christ told him in 1963 that the angels were waiting for his command to provide his material desires​​ : “They are waiting on you to give them the order, just as the waitress cannot do anything for you until you give her the order” (​​ Hagin, I Believe in Visions, p. 126).​​ 

We now can understand where the modern signs and wonders movement gets its doctrine on superiority and control of angels. The Bible says God sends the angels to minister to, not we send them to work for us. Nowhere are we told nor seen an example of a ‘revealed personal angel’ over a believer. Israel was given a personal angel over them as a nation (Michael). Not individuals anywhere in Scripture.​​ 

Eight times Jesus appeared to Hagin, Kenneth Hagin described Jesus as “​​ 5'11" tall and weighing about 180 pounds: “​​ as I looked to see who it was, I saw Jesus ... I saw Him. He had on a white robe. He wore roman sandals ... He seemed to be about 5 feet 11 inches tall. He looked to weigh about 180 pounds.​​ ” (How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God [Tulsa, OK: Kenneth Hagin Ministries, 1978] 29–30).

Contrary to Hagin, Branham said Jesus was a short man (W.M. Branham 55-0117.) But all these mens descriptions are different just like their detail of heaven are different. That is because they did not go there.​​ 

Another story, Hagin tells us Jesus sat down by his bedside, and talked with him for about 30 minutes. During that time, Jesus is said to have taught Hagin how to be led by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.​​ 

If the resurrected, glorified Christ left the right side of the Father in heaven to visit Hagin, it would be to correct him, but alas that is not possible since he receives only revelation from his Jesus. Today we have so many others mimicking the same type of embellished stories of going to heaven and him coming from heaven. Hagin is the main influence of their lying experiences.​​ 

Kenyon, Branham, Bosworth


Kenneth Hagin was influenced by Branham, in the book “Ministry of a Prophet” (Faith library publications Tulsa Ok. 1979 p.8). Kenneth Hagin called William Branham a prophet.​​ 

Branham was mutual friends with Hagin. When he met Hagin for the first time he said of him,​​ 

“​​ This morning I was at the Assemblies of God church for the morning meeting, where we had a lovely service. I was listening at the evangelist there. I can’t think of the man’s name. Hagin, Brother Hagin. Very reliable teacher, Pastor, a lovely man, they were very sorry they was having a revival during the time of our campaign, but they’ve had it staged for about a year. And they had to go ahead, through with it. So it was perfectly all right. But we want to show them our love, that we love them. We’re not divided in this work of the Lord. We’re all together, one body are we, moving on. And every morning, at ten till eleven o’clock, they having services there in the …Brother Hagin, this morning is teaching on Divine healing, which had a marvelous message. I sure appreciate it. My first time ever getting to shake hands with the brother, but a mighty fine man​​ .”​​ (​​ W. Branham, Sermon: Glorified Jesus, February 25, 1955​​ )​​ 

If Branham approved of him, you know God did not.​​ 

Hagin was also a part of the Voice of Healing Revival in the U.S. in the late 40’s and 50’s together with Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay and T. L. Osborn. He was also influenced by the teachings of F. F. Bosworth, the famous healing evangelist of the 1920’s who participated in the post-World War II revival as a member of the Branham team.​​ 

In 1924, Bosworth published his first edition of​​ Christ the Healer​​ , sermons on the topic of faith healing. Bosworth's 1930's booklet "The Christian Confession",​​ was condensed into a chapter of the 1948 edition of "Christ the Healer." At the end of the chapter titled, “Our Confession,” Bosworth wrote: “​​ Most of the thoughts expressed in this sermon I have brought together, by permission, from the writings of Rev. E. W. Kenyon​​ .”​​ 

Bosworth recommended Kenyon's books, Bosworth had several articles appear in of Kenyon’s​​ Herald of Life​​ publication between 1949 and 1964.​​ 

It was E. W. Kenyon who taught on the power of words and the gospel that added Jesus suffering in hell to finish redemption. Both Branham and Hagin agreed and used his writings.​​ 

So it is understandable for him to use Kenyon’s teachings. But word for word and taking credit for the heresy? That’s not a good thing any which way it is looked at.​​ 

EX: Kenyon​​ “He was no less God than He was before He took the physical body...Man, at death, leaves his physical body and is no less man than he was when he had his ... body.”​​ (The Hidden Man [Seattle: Kenyon's Gospel Publishing Society, 1970],p. 40; Two Kinds of Faith, p. 3)​​ 

Hagin:​​ He was no less God than when He didn't have a body. Man, at physical death, leaves his body. Yet he is no less man than he was when he had his body​​ . (Man of Three Dimensions Tulsa: Faith Library, 1973)​​ 

Hagin insists: "​​ Kenyon's influence on my ministry has been minute. Only his teachings on the name of Jesus have much to do with my theology. I absolutely deny any metaphysical influences from Kenyon, I teach not Christian Science, but Christian sense."​​ ("The Faith of Kenneth Hagin," Charisma and Christian Faith, 15:11, 6/90, 68)​​ 

There is no question that Hagin lifted portions of E. W. Kenyon’s teachings, yet being a contemporary with Branham we find striking similarities with him as well. Before there was Hagin there was Branham. These topics he taught were covered by Branham for over 20 years.​​ 

All of E. W. Kenyon’s books were available for Branham to read. Jesus the Healer (1940); Identification: A Romance in Redemption (1941); The Two Kinds of Faith (1942); New Creation Realities (1945); What Happened: From the Cross to the Throne (1945); The Hidden Man: The New Self: An Unveiling of the Unconscious Mind (1951)​​ 

Anyone who looks into this will find​​ what Hagin is saying is not true. In fact one may find the Branham influence just as solid as Kenyon’s.​​ 

Hagin said his theology came from special revelation, often Jesus coming to visit. Yet we find that he plagiarized his teachings from the writings of E.W. Kenyon, a metaphysical Bible teacher and author who died in 1948, and William Branham who died in 1965.​​ 

William Branham has been called the Father of the healing movement, the Father of the signs and wonders movement. But you can add word faith teachings to him as well. Let me explain. It was after Branham died, Hagin began writing books on these topics, many of these teachings were taught by Branham.​​ 

Right and Wrong Thinking for Christians​​ (1966)​​ Bible Faith Study Course​​ (1966)​​ What Faith Is​​ (1966)​​ Authority of the Believer​​ (1967)​​ The Real Faith​​ (1970)​​ I Believe in Visions​​ (1972)​​ The Human Spirit​​ (1974)​​ Demons and How to Deal with Them​​ (1976)Faith Food for Spring​​ (1978)​​ Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing​​ (1979).​​ 

It was later that Hagin fully developed his teachings that he wrote​​ How to Write Your Own Ticket with God​​ (1979),Having Faith in Your Faith​​ (1980),​​ How God Taught Me About Prosperity​​ (1985).​​ 

He authored 125 books/booklets Faith Library Publications – with 65 million book copies in circulation around the world, translated into more than 25 foreign languages. People are being poisoned by this counterfeit teaching​​ 

So we have a spiritual lineage that is unsound that has spread from Hagin to his disciples even further. The Bible says if a tree is bad so will its fruit that it will produce.​​ 


 ​​ ​​​​ So far, Sandy Simpson’s expository of Kenneth Hagin Sr. and his background, coming up from a totally​​ heretical fraudulent revivalist sphere, well acquainted with all the big names in America’s​​ heretics fellowship.​​ NOTICE: The article has more than I have edited here, so if you want to read the entire length of it, go to his website​​ www.letusreason.org ​​​​ 

My comments on this expository:

Simpson’s article speaks for itself really. But let me just add to this some information.

The Midas Touch

 ​​​​ Right before his death in 2004, Kenneth Hagin Sr. wrote a booklet called​​ “The Midas Touch” –​​ in​​ which he expressed personal​​ grief over learning that many of his followers (mostly pastors, evangelists and teachers) had started to ‘twist and turn’ on Hagin’s teachings. Such as that infamous Name-it-and-claim-it magic, prosperity teachings, seed-faith-teaching (give money to God, and He shall give you more riches back) – things like that. He urged them in this book to step down from such extreme and unbiblical preaching/teaching.​​ Now, 18 years later (2022) we​​ cannot see​​ any positive changes in his follower’s teachings and lifestyle.

I am talking of​​ the inner circle first and foremost, such as Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jan & Paul Crouch, T.D. Jakes, Rodney Howard-Browne, and a lot of others in later generation.

They simply just don’t care. What they are into, is a full-blown gigantically​​ miracle and healing fraud​​ combined with their love of money, for which​​ the Apostle​​ Paul condemns such ones​​ to go lost in eternity (Eph. 5:5). ​​ They will not inherit the kingdom of God and Christ, - for they are idolaters…money is their god.

But having said this, I should also point out that Hagin Sr. made a​​ major blunder​​ with that booklet: ​​ He forgot (willfully?) to beg his follower’s apology for not himself confessing in public all of his rotten lies and false doctrine served over his pulpit…for decades! ​​​​ He mainly pointed his finger at his followers and told them their ‘sins’ – but told them nothing of his own sins and terrible misinterpretations and lies regarding Biblical teaching. ​​ What a blunder! What lack of humility.

I believe that Hagin’s lack of humility and modesty had his well-meant words in​​ The Midas Touch​​ fall to the ground with no effect to his readers.

Now, let your thoughts dwell for a while on the fact that Kenneth Hagin Sr. – a heretic and a notorious liar over decades – was the father of the Word of Faith movement. Would you like to stand before the Lord one day, admitting to have followed this hopeless liar and heretic?​​ Are you a member in such a ‘Word of Faith’ assembly? ​​ Get out of it now – leave that fraudulent kind of spirituality, but I cannot give you any specific advise to where you should go, since I live in Norway. I am sure though, that there are several Churches that will be much better off for you that the place you are now.

Wouldn’t you rather get right​​ with the Lord​​ here​​ and now, saying a final goodbye​​ to this kind of​​ unbiblical​​ -​​ and therefore dangerous teachings?


Jan Lilleby, Editor.


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Scrutinizing the «Hosea Clock»!

Hosea ministered to the Northern Kingdom (the ten tribes) of Israel,

750 – 722 BC, in the time of king Jeroboam II (785-745 BC).

Jan Lilleby


 ​​​​ The so-called «Hosea Clock» has been mentioned in some of my earlier articles.

It has to do​​ both with the future Israel and with the Church dispensation, as far as the time-question is concerned.

In short: The prophecy spoken by Hosea tells of a​​ certain time to come, when Israel​​ will be revived as a nation for God; And thus followed by the Millennial Kingdom which was promised by the prophets.

Here I want to use the​​ context​​ in which Hosea prophesied, so that we should have no doubts that the time-aspect is trust worthy.

I shall use Amplified Bible for quotes.



Hos. 5:15,

I will return to My place (on high) until they acknowledge their offense and feel their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction and distress they will seek, inquire for, and require Me earnestly, saying..”​​ (thus it continues in chapt. 6)

Actually, the words in this verse are uttered by Hosea, but in the​​ metaphorical meaning​​ that these are spoken by Israel’s Messiah, the future Jesus Christ.

How so?

Because He here is​​ pointing​​ to the fact that He had been some place, and thereafter​​ left that place. ​​ Which place?

He had been with His people in Israel (as we read the four Gospels) – and He was killed by those who hated him, those who would not believe that He was God’s Messiah King.​​ We know this story, don’t we?

He actually​​ returned to His place in heaven. ​​ We read of Jesus’​​ ascension in Acts 1:9 and in Luke 24:51. Luke says,​​ -​​ was taken up into heaven.​​ Here we also get to know that Jesus actually​​ came from heaven,​​ since it says that He returned. He could not have ‘returned’ if He did not first come down here, from heaven on high.

But notice that He said a very important word,​​ until​​ they (Israel) ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR OFFENSE, or said with other words: Until they​​ confess their sins​​ of having killed their own Messiah!​​ As well as they will feel the heavy burden of guilt having done this. And in this regretful mindset they will seek Him – and they will say….what?

That is where the Hosea clock comes in, answering on​​ what Israel will say. So we read​​ in​​ Hos. 6: 1, 2,

“Come and let us return to the Lord, for He has torn so that He may heal us; He has stricken so that He may bind us up. ​​ 2:​​ After TWO DAYS He will REVIVE US; on the THIRD DAY He will raise us up that we MAY LIVE BEFORE HIM.”

Hosea wrote this down, and now we actually have an exact time​​ (by year)​​ for the coming of Jesus Christ from heaven! ​​ We cannot find any Bible Scripture saying against Hosea 6:1, 2. ​​ And notice that Israel​​ (verse 1)​​ is admitting to having been​​ torn (destroyed), and stricken​​ as a nation, so that in His return to earth, He will​​ then​​ heal them and mend all their wounds and afflictions. He shall “bind them up”- which means to​​ restitute them and give them back their right standing​​ with God as His​​ nation on earth.



If these “Two Days” had been ordinary calendar days, then it would have meant that Jesus would have come from heaven two days after that they died (as a nation) in 10th​​ of September 70 AD. That day was a Sunday, which means that Jesus would have come from heaven Tuesday 12th​​ of September. But that never happened. Thus we have to look for the other option: The two days are 2000 years. Peter’s words in his epistle come to mind, -​​ one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day in the eyes of God.​​ ( II Pet. 3:8).

We have to use the​​ Jewish calendar system​​ when putting this together.

Counting​​ 360 days (one Jewish year) x 2000 gives us 720 000 calendar days, and if converted into​​ the​​ Gregorian calendar which we have, this makes up 1972,6 years, adding the 70 years to when Israel was destroyed, we get 2042 and also make adjustments in regard to leap years, it is fair to say 2041 as the year of Jesus coming from heaven.​​ 

It will actually give us​​ November 17th​​ 2041, when the counting started at 10th​​ September 70 AD.

That is the day which then becomes the first day of that THIRD​​ DAY: The Millennial Kingdom. Thus the Great Tribulation is ended 16th​​ of November of course.​​ (In another article, I have added that it​​ might​​ also come to that Jesus arrives in the Passover 2041, which is in springtime, and not in November.) ​​ I shall come back to this.

So having this settled, we have to subtract these​​ 7 years of tribulation for Israel, and get 2034​​ AD​​ as the year in which that Great Tribulation is started.

That leaves us to reason that the Church dispensation will have to end at this year at the latest. However, it might also come to that God will find it​​ convenient​​ to take us to heaven​​ in good time​​ before that tribulation is starting up. If it is 2034, then we have only 12 years left on earth before taken into heaven. It is a​​ sensational​​ short interval of time, isn’t it?​​ But God’s prophet to the Northern Kingdom (the ten tribes) he was a real​​ truth-teller. There would not​​ fall one single syllable or utterance from his lips​​ which would not be a true Word of God! ​​ This you can take to the bank, and they will favor you with interest! And there is no other, eventually opposing Word of God to say against the truth told in Hos. 5:15; 6:1-​​ 3.

But still, it might come to​​ that God takes​​ us into heaven several years before that.​​ (See my article​​ “Can the Present Dispensation Be Concluded Much Earlier Than the Great Tribulation For Israel?”.)

There is no doubt that Hosea 5:15 as well as 6:1, 2 have the​​ coming of the Lord​​ Jesus Christ as the topic and context.​​ 

It is pointing to Israel as a revived nation, as they will seek the Lord Jesus and utter great regrets over what they did to Him 2000 years ago​​ – another prophet in the Bible say straight forward that they​​ shall mourn and lamenting with tears before Christ at His return, like a woman over her only son (having died).​​ 

Hosea 6:3 must also be quoted here,

“Yes, let us know Him; let us be zealous to know the Lord. His going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn,​​ and He will come to us, as the rain (from heaven), as the latter rain that waters the earth.”

“His going forth is prepared” it says. That is a hint towards Elijah who shall come and make​​ everything restored and ready​​ for the coming of Messiah Jesus (Mat. 17:11). Jesus said this​​ after John the Baptist was beheaded​​ by Antipas, so this proves that He spoke of the​​ real Elijah, and not “one like Elijah, John the Baptist”.

Hosea used the imagery of rain falling from the​​ clouds,​​ speaking of Christ’s return. Rev. 19:11-14​​ shows us​​ when Christ will appear in the​​ clouds​​ of heaven, and riding a white horse​​ followed by an army of God’s angels. It is Christ Who will fall upon Israel (as a relief from the tribulation) like when latter rain falls on the dry soil, watering the earth.

Jesus knew this, since He had read Daniels Book, mentioning “One like a Son of Man, who came with clouds of heaven” – Dan.​​ 7:13.

Jesus used this ‘nickname’ if you will, Son of Man, many times in His earthly ministry. It was​​ recognizable​​ to the learned Jews​​ who heard Him, and they got angry over Jesus’ using this name on Himself!

I mentioned that Jesus would rather come in the Passover than in November 2041.

The seven years of tribulation can also be held as a time-frame, in the sense that it might not take full seven years of tribulation. It can be shortened. Thus, it is​​ absolutely probable​​ that Jesus would come at Passover – especially when He said to his people, right before the crucifixion, that​​ -​​ you shall not see me again before you say –​​ Blessed​​ is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

Well, that particular line/sentence is a quote from Psalm 118:26 – the Passover Psalm in Jewry which is sung every year at that time,​​ 

Blessed is He who comes​​ in the name of the Lord; we bless you from the house of the Lord”.

So it may be a fair and reasonable assertion that Jesus will come in Passover 2041 instead of November. But – it will remain to be seen of course.

I fully have confidence in Hosea’s prediction of the three prophetic days, which are three millennia. Hosea spoke in​​ full inspiration​​ of God and the Holy Spirit, I am sure.










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