The non-negotiable Biblical truth of Paul as our only teacher, as we find him as the APOSTLE TO THE GENTILES, how come most of Christianity is entirely disobedient to his teachings?
Checking out what practices as well as teachings which dominate Christianity today, we find that Paul is ignored very much!
The different Christian denominations are teaching and practicing various ordinances for their members. Opposing Paul’s Church epistles.
Keeping ordinances, which we cannot find taught by Paul.
Thus I will list up in this little article – not what Paul taught in his Church epistles – but rather WHAT HE DID NOT teach for us to believe on or practice.
Here we go. His teachings are only found in Ephesians and Colossians, regarding the Church dispensation, and so I will now mention his ‘NOT TO DO’ teachings….things he did not teach, since such things are NOT for the Church at all,
# Paul does not teach WATER BAPTISM – not in any form.
# Likewise he has nothing of BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.
# Paul has nothing for us on MIRACLES, SIGNS, WONDERS.
# Paul thus has nothing regarding MINISTRY GIFTS.
# Paul has no references to the Law of Moses – it is ABOLISHED.
# Paul did not teach that one had to be BORN AGAIN.
# Paul taught his believers of no HOLY COMMUNION.
# Likewise, we shall have no particular HOLY FEAST DAYS.
# Paul did not teach SABBATH KEEPING.
# Paul did not teach keeping of FOOD RESTRICTIONS.
# With Paul we cannot find the CHRISTMAS GOSPEL.
# Neither can we find THE SECOND ADVENT.
# Neither can we find THE GREAT TRIBULATION.
# And – God forbid – ANTI-CHRIST TO COME.
# Paul taught nothing regarding ISRAEL.
# Paul has nothing which tells us to make TITHING.
# Paul tells us nothing which should imply we are
# Paul tells us nothing regarding CONFESSION OF SINS.
# Paul tells us nothing of SHOWING OUR FAITH BY WORKS.
# Paul has nothing of a supposed KINGDOM OF GOD on earth.
# Paul has no directives for the Church leaders to dress up in
fancy PRIESTLY GARMENTS and coats to make impression
of being a ‘Holy Man of God’ before the congregation.
# Paul cannot be found as one who ever ordained PRIESTS.
IN SHORT: Paul has nothing of all those confusing
things we find in Christendom today!
You want to know WHAT EXCACTLY PAUL TAUGHT THE CHURCH, - please check out my many various articles/books which I have written. It’s all there… a fuller explanation of Paul’s Doctrine of Faith for this Church dispensation.
I will recommend to you to get hold of my free book, “PAUL’S REVELATION OF THE CHURCH”. You only have to email me and ask for it.
All inquiries will be kept one hundred percent confidential, and I shall not ever use your contact-info for advertising and such.
EPH. 2:8, 9, NASB,
“8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.”