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 ​​​​ I​​ start right into Paul’s exhortations on how we should conduct our lives.

Notice that what Paul​​ referred to​​ was not according to some kind of ‘Sinless Perfection’ – such as it was with the early Methodist Movement​​ (Wesley), far​​ from it.


Ephesians 2:1-3, NASB Net Version,


«1​​ And you were dead in your trespasses and​​ sins,​​ 


2​​ in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.​​ 


3​​ Among them we too all​​ formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.”​​ 


Paul reminding the believers in Christ how it was when they lived as unsaved ones….’walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air (Satan!!), of the spirit that is​​ now working​​ in the sons of disobedience’. ​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


As unsaved and thus unbelieving persons we were lost, and we were DEAD IN OUR SINS. We had been going on with things that were fueled and instigated by Satan, whom Paul called ‘The Prince of the​​ power of the​​ air’. If you are still walking in this sphere of unbelief and of lustful sins etcetera, then you are​​ entirely a lost soul, and have no salvation. You are thus under God’s wrath, says Eph. 2:3. This is real, and it is serious.


As Paul goes on teaching his Gospel Doctrine, he let us know how we should avoid living​​ like those mentioned in verse 2;​​ and notice also how he included himself as one who once was lost in sin, verse 3,​​ ‘we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh.​​ ​​ And he pointed back to Adam’s falling in sin (which we all inherited), ‘..and were​​ by nature​​ children of wrath, even as the rest’.


Therefore, when Paul touched in on morale and ethics, he went about with strong exhortation, even by strict warnings, that we as believers should keep a clean path in life. We are to be enemies of sin, even if we cannot manage​​ to live in ‘Sinless Perfection’.


So, from here on I shall go through all of Paul’s warnings and teachings regarding this.​​ It has to be based on his two epistles to the Church, Ephesians and Colossians. The so-called ‘Prison Epistles’.


Starting with Eph. 4:17-32, which is a strong passage telling​​ believers how things are to be handled and practiced, NASB,


17​​ So​​ this​​ I​​ say, and​​ affirm​​ together​​ with the​​ Lord, that you​​ walk​​ no​​ longer​​ just​​ as the​​ Gentiles​​ also​​ walk, in the​​ futility​​ of their​​ mind,​​ 

18​​ being​​ darkened​​ in their​​ understanding,​​ excluded​​ from the​​ life​​ of​​ God​​ because​​ of the​​ ignorance​​ that is in them,​​ because​​ of the​​ hardness​​ of their​​ heart;​​ 

19​​ and they, having​​ become​​ callous, have​​ given​​ themselves​​ over​​ to​​ sensuality​​ for the​​ practice​​ of​​ every​​ kind​​ of​​ impurity​​ with​​ greediness.​​ 

20​​ But you did not​​ learn​​ Christ​​ in​​ this​​ way,​​ 

21​​ if​​ indeed​​ you have​​ heard​​ Him and have been​​ taught​​ in Him,​​ just​​ as​​ truth​​ is in​​ Jesus,​​ 

22​​ that, in​​ reference​​ to your​​ former​​ manner​​ of​​ life, you​​ lay​​ aside​​ the​​ old​​ self, which is being​​ corrupted​​ in​​ accordance​​ with the​​ lusts​​ of​​ deceit,​​ 

23​​ and that you be​​ renewed​​ in the​​ spirit​​ of your​​ mind,​​ 

24​​ and​​ put​​ on the​​ new​​ self, which in the likeness of​​ God​​ has been​​ created​​ in​​ righteousness​​ and​​ holiness​​ of the​​ truth.​​ 

25​​ Therefore,​​ laying​​ aside​​ falsehood,​​ SPEAK​​ TRUTH​​ EACH​​ ONE​​ of you WITH HIS​​ NEIGHBOR, for we are​​ members​​ of​​ one​​ another.​​ 

26​​ BE​​ ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT​​ SIN; do not let the​​ sun​​ go​​ down​​ on your​​ anger,​​ 

27​​ and do not​​ give​​ the​​ devil​​ an​​ opportunity.​​ 

28​​ He who​​ steals​​ must​​ steal​​ no​​ longer; but​​ rather​​ he must​​ labor,​​ performing​​ with his​​ own​​ hands​​ what​​ is​​ good,​​ so​​ that he will​​ have​​ something to​​ share​​ with​​ one​​ who​​ has​​ need.​​ 

29​​ Let​​ no​​ *​​ unwholesome​​ word​​ proceed​​ from your​​ mouth, but​​ only​​ such​​ a word as is​​ good​​ for​​ edification​​ according to the​​ need​​ of the moment,​​ so​​ that it will​​ give​​ grace​​ to​​ those​​ who​​ hear.​​ 

30​​ Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.​​ 

31​​ Let​​ all​​ bitterness​​ and​​ wrath​​ and​​ anger​​ and​​ clamor​​ and​​ slander​​ be​​ put​​ away​​ from you,​​ along​​ with​​ all​​ malice.​​ 

32​​ Be​​ kind​​ to​​ one​​ another,​​ tender-hearted,​​ forgiving​​ each​​ other,​​ just​​ as​​ God​​ in​​ Christ​​ also​​ has​​ forgiven​​ you.​​ 

This long passage, seen as an exhortation, is a continuation of Eph. 2:1-3 which I already commented on.


But in this latter passage, Paul found it right to go​​ more into details, to be sure everybody would comprehend this. Not just as a repetition.


Ephesians 5:3-12​​ has more of the same, with a nuance to it, NASB,​​ 


«3​​ But​​ immorality​​ or​​ any​​ impurity​​ or​​ greed​​ must not​​ even​​ be​​ named​​ among​​ you,​​ as is​​ proper​​ among​​ saints;​​ 

4​​ and there must be no​​ filthiness​​ and​​ silly​​ talk,​​ or​​ coarse​​ jesting,​​ which​​ are not​​ fitting, but​​ rather​​ giving​​ of​​ thanks.​​ 

5​​ For​​ this​​ you​​ know​​ with​​ certainty, that​​ no​​ *​​ immoral​​ or​​ impure​​ person​​ or​​ covetous​​ man,​​ who​​ is an​​ idolater,​​ has​​ an​​ inheritance​​ in the​​ kingdom​​ of​​ Christ​​ and​​ God.​​ 

6​​ Let​​ no​​ one​​ deceive​​ you with​​ empty​​ words, for​​ because​​ of​​ these​​ things​​ the​​ wrath​​ of​​ God​​ comes​​ upon the​​ sons​​ of​​ disobedience.​​ 

7​​ Therefore​​ do not be​​ partakers​​ with them;​​ 

8​​ for you were​​ formerly​​ darkness, but​​ now​​ you are​​ Light​​ in the​​ Lord;​​ walk​​ as​​ children​​ of​​ Light​​ 

9​​ (for the​​ fruit​​ of the​​ Light​​ consists in​​ all​​ goodness​​ and​​ righteousness​​ and​​ truth​​ ),​​ 

10​​ trying​​ to​​ learn​​ what​​ is​​ pleasing​​ to the​​ Lord.​​ 

11​​ Do not​​ participate​​ in the​​ unfruitful​​ deeds​​ of​​ darkness, but​​ instead​​ even​​ expose​​ them;​​ 

12​​ for it is​​ disgraceful​​ even​​ to​​ speak​​ of the things which are​​ done​​ by them in​​ secret.”​​  ​​ ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


Col. 2:18-23​​ is an exhortation for us to stay away from false teachings/philosophies…of which, in modern times, there are many. Cults and sects has come along over the centuries since Paul wrote his warnings,

«18​​ Let​​ no​​ one​​ keep​​ defrauding​​ you of your​​ prize​​ by​​ delighting​​ in​​ self-abasement​​ and the​​ worship​​ of the​​ angels,​​ taking​​ his​​ stand​​ on visions he has​​ seen,​​ inflated​​ without​​ cause​​ by his​​ fleshly​​ mind,​​ 

19​​ and not​​ holding​​ fast​​ to the​​ head, from​​ whom​​ the​​ entire​​ body, being​​ supplied​​ and​​ held​​ together​​ by the​​ joints​​ and​​ ligaments,​​ grows​​ with a​​ growth​​ which is from​​ God.​​ 

20​​ If​​ you have​​ died​​ with​​ Christ​​ to the​​ elementary​​ principles​​ of the​​ world,​​ why, as​​ if​​ you were​​ living​​ in the​​ world, do you​​ submit​​ yourself to​​ decrees, such as,​​ 

21​​ "Do not​​ handle, do not​​ taste, do not​​ touch!"​​ 

22​​ (which​​ all​​ refer to things destined to​​ perish​​ with​​ use​​ )-in​​ accordance​​ with the​​ commandments​​ and​​ teachings​​ of​​ men?​​ 

23​​ These​​ are​​ matters​​ which​​ have, to be​​ sure, the​​ appearance​​ of​​ wisdom​​ in​​ self-made​​ religion​​ and​​ self-abasement​​ and​​ severe​​ treatment​​ of the​​ body, but are of​​ no​​ *​​ value​​ against​​ fleshly​​ indulgence.

Col. 3:5-14​​ is much the same as we found in Ephesians.​​ ​​ 


«5​​ Therefore​​ consider​​ the​​ members​​ of your​​ earthly​​ body as​​ dead​​ to​​ immorality,​​ impurity,​​ passion,​​ evil​​ desire, and​​ greed,​​ which​​ amounts​​ to​​ idolatry.​​ 

6​​ For it is​​ because​​ of​​ these​​ things​​ that the​​ wrath​​ of​​ God​​ will​​ come​​ upon the​​ sons​​ of​​ disobedience,​​ 

7​​ and in them you​​ also​​ once​​ walked,​​ when​​ you were​​ living​​ in them.​​ 

8​​ But​​ now​​ you​​ also,​​ put​​ them​​ all​​ aside:​​ anger,​​ wrath,​​ malice,​​ slander, and​​ abusive​​ speech​​ from your​​ mouth.​​ 

9​​ Do not​​ lie​​ to​​ one​​ another, since you​​ laid​​ aside​​ the​​ old​​ self​​ with its evil​​ practices,​​ 

10​​ and have​​ put​​ on the​​ new​​ self​​ who is being​​ renewed​​ to a​​ true​​ knowledge​​ according​​ to the​​ image​​ of the One who​​ created​​ him-​​ 

11​​ a renewal in​​ which​​ there​​ is​​ no​​ distinction between​​ Greek​​ and​​ Jew,​​ circumcised​​ and​​ uncircumcised,​​ barbarian,​​ Scythian,​​ slave​​ and​​ freeman, but​​ Christ​​ is​​ all, and in​​ all.​​ 

12​​ So, as those who have been​​ chosen​​ of​​ God,​​ holy​​ and​​ beloved,​​ put​​ on a​​ heart​​ of​​ compassion,​​ kindness,​​ humility,​​ gentleness​​ and​​ patience;​​ 

13​​ bearing​​ with​​ one​​ another, and​​ forgiving​​ each​​ other,​​ whoever​​ *​​ has​​ a​​ complaint​​ against​​ anyone;​​ just​​ as the​​ Lord​​ forgave​​ you,​​ so​​ also​​ should you.​​ 

14​​ Beyond​​ all​​ these​​ things​​ put on​​ love,​​ which​​ is the​​ perfect​​ bond​​ of​​ unity.


Paul could not have expressed himself better. He hits the ‘Bulls Eye’ straight on. And we better take heed to his exhortation.

Yes – I am fully aware of the Biblical fact that Jesus Christ abolished the Law of Moses on the cross, - and revealed this to Paul in 63 CE as he sat in jail.


And even if the Law and the ordinances are gone, the believer’s morale and ethics are not.


Thus we find all these instructions from Paul, so to​​ stay out of trouble​​ which comes from a sinful lifestyle.


In Ephesians and Colossians, we find Christ’s given norm regarding morale and ethics in Church. We must see to it, that we are obedient to this word of God through our apostle Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles.


Eph. 4:30, 31​​ once again, NASB,


30​​ Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.​​ 

31​​ Let​​ all​​ bitterness​​ and​​ wrath​​ and​​ anger​​ and​​ clamor​​ and​​ slander​​ be​​ put​​ away​​ from you,​​ along​​ with​​ all​​ malice.​​ 
















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 ​​​​ We must be aware of the Biblical fact,​​ -​​ that the ‘Mystery’ mentioned in Eph. 3:3 was an entirely NEW FRESH REVELATION which Christ had brought to Paul.

His reference to this ‘Mystery’​​ was not​​ a manner of telling his believers that he was made aware that Christ really was the Messiah of God, the prophesied and promised King…to be seated on the throne of David in Zion.​​ That had nothing to do with any mystery…it had already been revealed to Israel through the prophets and their Scriptures. No, Paul​​ was writing of a​​ fresh new revelation​​ not given him in times​​ past, but was made known to him by the​​ visitation of Christ shortly before he wrote Ephesians.

Paul was taken by surprise when he was on his way to Damascus to arrest followers of Jesus there. And Jesus spoke to him in a powerful vision.​​ Acts 9:1-16, NASB,

1​​ Now Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,​​ 


2​​ and asked for letters from him to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, both men and women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.​​ 


3​​ As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him;​​ 


4​​ and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"​​ 


5​​ And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" And He said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting,​​ 


6​​ but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what * you must do."​​ 


7​​ The men who traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one.​​ 


8​​ Saul got up from the ground, and though his eyes were open, he could see nothing; and leading him by the hand, they brought him into Damascus.​​ 


9​​ And he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.​​ 


10​​ Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and the Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias." And he said, "Here I am, Lord."​​ 


11​​ And the Lord said to him, "Get up and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying,​​ 


12​​ and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him, so that he might regain his sight."​​ 


13​​ But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he did to Your saints at Jerusalem;​​ 


14​​ and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name."​​ 


15​​ But the​​ Lord​​ said​​ to him,​​ "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;​​ 


16​​ for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake."


(Editor’s emphasize).​​ 


One might call that incident for a ‘Revelation’ – but this was not what Paul wrote in Eph. 3:3.

I emphasized verse 15 above, since here we find the specific calling and future ministry of Paul. He was to preach to Gentiles, kings and the sons of Israel. Not Gentiles only, as some might think.​​ 

His following ministry is told mainly from Acts 13 to 28.

In this period of time, Paul had​​ not​​ gotten that revelation of the Mystery. His ministry was to tell Jews and proselytes, and also kings (see Acts​​ 23-26 chapters​​ regarding governor​​ Augustus Felix, governor​​ Porcius​​ Festus, and king Herod Agrippa II; and of course his meeting with Emperor Nero in Rome.)​​ Festus was in office at Caesarea from 59 to 62 CE.

In that period of time, Paul preached the so-called ‘Kingdom Gospel’ – that which God had promised their forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)​​ referred by Luke in Acts 13:30-38, NASB, ​​ - Paul’s speech telling Jews in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch about Jesus as Messiah,


30​​ "But God raised Him from the dead;​​ 


31​​ and for many days He appeared to those who came up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, the very ones who are now His witnesses to the people.​​ 


32​​ "And we preach to you the good news of the promise made to the fathers,​​ 


33​​ that God has fulfilled this promise to our children in that He raised up Jesus, as it is also written in the second Psalm, 'YOU ARE MY SON; TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU.'​​ 


34​​ "As for the fact that He raised Him up from the dead, no longer to return to decay, He has spoken in this way: 'I WILL GIVE YOU THE HOLY and SURE blessings OF DAVID.'​​ 


35​​ "Therefore He also says in another Psalm, 'YOU WILL NOT ALLOW YOUR HOLY ONE TO UNDERGO DECAY.'​​ 


36​​ "For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers and underwent decay;​​ 


37​​ but He whom God raised did not undergo decay.​​ 


38​​ "Therefore let it be known to you, brethren *, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you,​​ 


39​​ and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses.” ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


Notice how Paul’s references are NOT to any revealed ‘Mystery’, but to prophetic Scriptures.


The emphasized verse shows how the believers in Christ throughout Acts, Jews and proselytes (Gentiles) were forgiven their sins through faith in Jesus Christ. Sins, which the Law of Moses could​​ not​​ free them from.


Thus we also learn that Paul offered the Kingdom Gospel salvation to Israel’s believers mainly, but Gentiles were allowed into the assembly as proselytes – if they would observe the ordinances given in Acts 15 according to the Apostolic Conference at Jerusalem. It was around 45-46 CE when Paul was in Pisidia, and when God revealed His Mystery, told in Eph. 3:3 he was in Rome 63-64 CE.


The revelation of the ‘Mystery’ was yet to come, in which God revealed to Paul that also Gentiles had been given entrance freely (no longer just proselytes) and as heirs of Christ, Who had made both Gentiles and Jews into ‘One new Man’ by abolishing the Law of Moses (Eph. 2:14, 15).


When Paul started up his ministry (Acts 13:1-4) and for the rest of Acts history, he was preaching and teaching of Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah King to come back from heaven to rule from out of Zion, Jerusalem. The so-called millennial kingdom, Dan. 2:44. See also Rev. 20:4.


Same preaching actually as the twelve apostles, only, Paul was the one Jesus sent out into the dispersion in the Roman Empire and the provinces. But Peter and the eleven were sent only to Israel within its borders. Gal. 2:7, 8.


Paul was sent to the​​ nations​​ (Greek,​​ ethnos) which were​​ the Gentiles in Acts 9:15. But in those nations (provinces) there were​​ a lot of dispersed Jews and their synagogues. Notice that when Paul arrived​​ a place, he always went into the synagogue. On the Sabbath.


But in many synagogues there were Gentile proselytes. Paul did not in particular go out onto the market places​​ addressing Gentiles. No, he saw these in the synagogues everywhere. And when Jews did not want to listen to Paul, he turned to the Gentiles there, and they often took to the faith in Christ – thus​​ making the Jews angry and jealous. The free Grace Gospel​​ was not yet revealed to anyone. And the Law of Moses was still the foundation for teaching, added the good news that God had sent them His Messiah,​​ Jesus, according to the promises​​ given their forefathers.


Therefore we cannot read the free Grace Gospel of Paul from Ephesians and Colossians​​ into the previous Scriptures​​ in The New Testament. Only the two latter epistles have the revelation of the Mystery, with the Law of Moses abolished.


Acts has nothing on the church dispensation and the free Grace Gospel by faith alone. The Church cannot be found in any of the four gospels, Acts, and epistles written in same timeline as Acts. The Gospel of Paul, given to us by revelation, comes on the scene post-Acts, namely Ephesians and Colossians.


It’s​​ not​​ the Church we read of in Acts 2 and Pentecost. That was Israel and their Messianic believers with their leaders, Peter and the eleven, as God let the Holy Spirit fall upon them with signs and speaking in tongues. Peter​​ was​​ pointing to the prophecy of Joel. Prophecy is not the same as Mystery.


The entire time with the dispensation of the Church, the ‘One new Man’ is based upon what Christ revealed to Paul as told in Eph. 3:1-9 and Col. 1:25, 26. The Mystery, the free Grace of God given to us Gentiles (and individual Jews as well) – like as in Col. 3:10, 11, NASB,


«10​​ and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him-​​ 

11​​ a renewal in which there is​​ no​​ distinction between​​ Greek​​ and​​ Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.


But in Acts period there was a distinction between Jews and Gentiles. It was ‘Jews first, then Greek’ – Rom. 1:16.


The Kingdom Gospel was to be offered to Israel first, and if Gentiles wanted to go along, they were allowed only as proselytes. See Rom. 10-11 regarding this.


That Kingdom Gospel preached to Israel in Acts, was cancelled at the fall of Israel in Acts 28:25-28. It all ended there, including the sign-gifts and miracles and tongues, everything.


Instead Christ revealed the dispensation of the Church with its free Grace Gospel by faith alone, no works. Paul sums it up in Eph. 2:8, 9, NASB,

«8​​ For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;​​ 


9​​ not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.​​ 

















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 ​​​​ When checking out what exactly Paul wrote in his two prison epistles, Ephesians and Colossians, I cannot help noticing what is NOT there!

I have touched just a little bit in on that puzzle in a few of my writings, but let’s go and try to find out the real facts here.

When reading the two epistles, we find a strong reference and a permanent spiritual​​ conclusion​​ running through them: The believers addressed there, are described as saints. They were saved by their faith in Jesus Christ, - and Paul explicitly give them a​​ thorough lecturing​​ on what they have been given by God and Christ, as believers.

Paul even expressed​​ applause and high praise​​ to these fine believers, telling them he always remembered them in his prayers, Eph. 1:13-18, NASB net version,

«13​​ In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation -having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise,​​ 


14​​ who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory.​​ 


15​​ For this reason I too, having heard of the faith in the Lord Jesus which exists among you and your love for all the saints,​​ 


16​​ do not cease giving thanks for you, while making mention of you in my prayers;​​ 


17​​ that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.​​ 


18​​ I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


We notice that he declares by this praise and enthusiastic words, these addressees as SAVED BELIEVERS.​​ “..you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise”…


This is in the opening of the epistle to the Ephesians, yes, I know…so we have not yet checked on what references Paul eventually used from other Scriptures, if he used any at all. ​​ We shall find out.





These gospels were not available as written books before 73 CE at the earliest, and 92-93 at the latest. Paul’s teaching his Gospel of the free Grace of God in Christ, as we learn from Ephesians and Colossians (these were circular letters sent around to be read among all the Churches in Asia Minor in Paul’s time, 63-67 CE), thus could not have used these historical books at all. They did not exist in Paul’s lifetime. Luke’s Gospel and his Acts history, may have been issued around 62 CE says some historians. But it is more probable that Luke could have written his Gospel 73 CE,​​ after​​ the destruction of Israel.


This will no matter – 62 or 73 – not count that much: Luke was with Paul most of the time in question. So, as Luke collected much information from they who had witnessed Jesus in ministry, he surely must have shared this information with Paul, out of his note-books while still trying to finish his writings.


And Paul himself, being once a student under Gamaliel the Pharisee and teacher, as well as having witnessed what happened in the Passover in 28 CE with the crucifixion of Jesus and all the havoc and unrest around this drama. Paul’s first ‘public appearance’ in Acts 7:58​​ and his participation in Stephen’s stoning, happened around 6-7 years after the crucifixion​​ in 28 CE, - which gives us 34-35​​ CE. Paul is said to have been a young man at that event…probably around 23-25 years of age says scholars.


So what I am saying is that Paul did​​ not actually possess​​ any finished/published writings from any of the four Gospel writers.​​ Acts history most probably did not​​ appear for distribution until Luke’s Gospel was published first. He preferred to end the accounts of the apostles, by pointing to Paul’s eager attempts to have the Sanhedrin at Rome converted, Acts 28:30,31, NASB,


«30​​ And he​​ stayed​​ two​​ full​​ years​​ in his​​ own​​ rented​​ quarters​​ and was​​ welcoming​​ all​​ who​​ came​​ to him,​​ 

31​​ preaching​​ the​​ kingdom​​ of​​ God​​ and​​ teaching​​ concerning​​ the​​ Lord​​ Jesus​​ Christ​​ with​​ all​​ openness,​​ unhindered.

But he was pounding on Jewry’s closed door in vain. Israel did not repent to Jesus Christ, and 8 years later the nation was utterly destroyed and scattered in the civilized world.​​ A vast contingent of Jewish war prisoners were sent down to Alexandria by ships, and tried sold in the slave market there, but nobody​​ would buy. Thus Deut. 28:68 was fulfilled, as God actually returned Israel back to Egypt and the slavery from which He had delivered them some 1400 years earlier, ​​ NASB,

"The​​ LORD​​ will​​ bring​​ you​​ back​​ to​​ Egypt​​ in​​ ships, by the​​ way​​ about​​ which​​ I​​ spoke​​ to you, 'You will​​ never​​ see​​ it​​ again!' And​​ there​​ you will​​ offer​​ yourselves for​​ sale​​ to your​​ enemies​​ as​​ male​​ and​​ female​​ slaves​​ *, but​​ there​​ will be​​ no​​ buyer."

According to Flavius Josephus this took place in the years 71-72 CE. He tells of the original purpose was to have them as slaves to labor in the Egyptian mines. And yet, nobody wanted to buy them! (Book 6, chapt. 9). Most of the prisoners were sent the opposite way: To Rome, where 70 000 slaves were used to build the enormous Coliseum Arena during the rule of Caesar​​ Vespasian, followed shortly by his son​​ Titus.​​ Wikipedia has a notification on this project, - which took 8 years to accomplish, - ​​ -

Construction began under the emperor​​ Vespasian​​ (r. 69–79 AD) in 72[1]​​ and was completed in AD 80 under his successor and heir,​​ Titus​​ (r. 79–81).[2]​​ Further modifications were made during the reign of​​ Domitian​​ (r. 81–96).[3]​​ The three emperors who were patrons of the work are known as the​​ Flavian dynasty, and the amphitheatre was named the​​ Flavian Amphitheatre​​ (Latin:​​ Amphitheatrum Flavium;​​ Italian:​​ Anfiteatro Flavio​​ [aɱfiteˈaːtro​​ ˈflaːvjo]) by​​ later​​ classicists​​ and​​ archaeologists​​ for its association with their family name (Flavius).

Thus we can be certain that Paul’s Gospel revelation​​ (Eph. 3:1-9) was taught and preached in the Gentile world…mainly Asia Minor with cities like Ephesus, Hierapolis, Laodicea and Colossae, and others not mentioned specifically (probably Philadelphia, Sardis, Smyrna, etcetera). There exists no written material that should prove of Paul’s Grace Gospel …the Mystery revelation…ever was preached in the land of Israel.

The mentioned four Gospels were​​ published anonymously​​ (no names of the author written in the books). Not until 200 CE did Christian believers start writing the names in these books, but without any solid proof of this being entirely correct. But we can still trust the history​​ itself​​ to be true, and not fiction. The Gospel of Mark, for instance, may very well have been written by Peter, or at least by Peter​​ assisting Mark​​ in his effort. Many historians hold this as true.



There are no references found to any other Scripture, not by verse or by naming it. And absolutely nothing that are quoted from neither the four Gospels, nor the Acts.

But we do find partial​​ indirect​​ ones, such as the passage in Eph. 1:11, 12, ​​ NASB,

«11​​ Therefore​​ remember​​ that​​ formerly​​ you, the​​ Gentiles​​ in the​​ flesh, who are​​ called​​ "​​ Uncircumcision" by the so-called​​ "Circumcision," which is​​ performed​​ in the​​ flesh​​ by​​ human​​ hands​​ -​​ 

12​​ remember that you were at that​​ time​​ separate​​ from​​ Christ,​​ excluded​​ from the​​ commonwealth​​ of​​ Israel, and​​ strangers​​ to the​​ covenants​​ of​​ promise,​​ having​​ no​​ hope​​ and​​ without​​ God​​ in the​​ world.

Paul reminding his congregation in Ephesus of past status…they were formerly​​ such Gentiles who were called ‘Uncircumcision” ​​ (v. 11), and Paul pointed to the fact that they had no share in the ‘commonwealth of Israel’ –​​ which is taken from the Tora, the five books of Moses. But the passage is thus​​ not​​ built upon any part of the Tora, since Paul only used it to help his believers to understand that they no longer were influenced by such doctrine.



One would not expect to find anything of the sort in this epistle, since it is considered as a ‘twin-epistle’ to Ephesians.​​ Colossians has 55 verses which are exactly the same as found in Ephesians. Quite a remarkable likeness…but not if we think of Paul, and him distributing ‘one-and-the-same’ doctrine of faith to both of these congregations. The two epistles are the only ones which contain two substantial Bible truths, not found in any other epistles, namely the​​ revelation of the Mystery, and the spiritual bomb of declaring the Law of Moses as blotted out, entirely abolished!

So, when we learn this fact, we readily understand why Paul did not use any particular references to other Scriptures. He simply focused on his fresh NEW and sensational revelation given to him by direct visitation of Jesus Christ. There was no need to try to put in additional references there. He had already the greatest​​ reference that any believer can have: The revelation of Jesus Christ, and the instructions given Paul by Christ.

Thus we can more easily comprehend his opening phrase in Eph. 3:1-3, NASB,

«1​​ For​​ this​​ reason​​ I,​​ Paul, the​​ prisoner​​ of​​ Christ​​ Jesus​​ for the​​ sake​​ of you​​ Gentiles​​ -​​ 

2​​ if​​ indeed​​ you have​​ heard​​ of the​​ stewardship​​ of​​ God's​​ grace​​ which was​​ given​​ to me for you;​​ 

3​​ that by​​ revelation​​ there was​​ made​​ known​​ to me the​​ mystery, as I​​ wrote​​ before​​ in​​ brief.​​ 

4​​ By referring to​​ this, when you​​ read​​ you​​ can​​ understand​​ my​​ insight​​ into the​​ mystery​​ of​​ Christ,​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).





I already told above that Paul’s revelation was​​ fresh and new​​ when it was given him by Christ. The free international Grace Gospel of Christ, and even as the Law of Moses no longer existed. It was abolished. Israel was fallen and destroyed. The spiritual fall happened as we read Acts 28:25-28, with Paul getting a ‘No thanks’ from the Sanhedrin in Rome, the summer of 60 CE.​​ But ten​​ years later it resulted in Rome destroying Israel and laying their temple flat to the ground.

The following quotes are examples supporting this. The believers in the time of Acts never heard anyone preaching this:

Col. 1:13-23, regarding the greatness of Christ and His glorious power and might, ​​ NASB,

​​ 13​​ For He​​ rescued​​ us from the​​ domain​​ of​​ darkness, and​​ transferred​​ us to the​​ kingdom​​ of His​​ beloved​​ Son,​​ 

14​​ in​​ whom​​ we​​ have​​ redemption, the​​ forgiveness​​ of​​ sins.​​ 

15​​ He is the​​ image​​ of the​​ invisible​​ God, the​​ firstborn​​ of​​ all​​ creation.​​ 

16​​ For by Him​​ all​​ things​​ were​​ created, both in the​​ heavens​​ and on​​ earth,​​ visible​​ and​​ invisible,​​ whether​​ thrones​​ or​​ dominions​​ or​​ rulers​​ or​​ authorities​​ -all​​ things​​ have been​​ created​​ through​​ Him and for Him.​​ 

17​​ He is​​ before​​ all​​ things, and in Him​​ all​​ things​​ hold​​ together.​​ 

18​​ He is​​ also​​ head​​ of the​​ body, the​​ church; and He is the​​ beginning, the​​ firstborn​​ from the​​ dead,​​ so​​ that He​​ Himself​​ will​​ come​​ to​​ have​​ first​​ place​​ in​​ everything.​​ 

19​​ For it was the Father's​​ good​​ pleasure​​ for​​ all​​ the​​ fullness​​ to​​ dwell​​ in Him,​​ 

20​​ and​​ through​​ Him to​​ reconcile​​ all​​ things​​ to​​ Himself, having​​ made​​ peace​​ through​​ the​​ blood​​ of His​​ cross;​​ through​​ Him, I say,​​ whether​​ things on​​ earth​​ or​​ things in​​ heaven.​​ 

21​​ And although you were​​ formerly​​ alienated​​ and​​ hostile​​ in​​ mind, engaged in​​ evil​​ deeds,​​ 

22​​ yet​​ He has​​ now​​ reconciled​​ you in His​​ fleshly​​ body​​ through​​ death, in order to​​ present​​ you​​ before​​ Him​​ holy​​ and​​ blameless​​ and​​ beyond​​ reproach​​ -​​ 

23​​ if​​ indeed​​ you​​ continue​​ in the​​ faith​​ firmly​​ established​​ and​​ steadfast, and not​​ moved​​ away​​ from the​​ hope​​ of the​​ gospel​​ that you have​​ heard, which was​​ proclaimed​​ in​​ all​​ creation​​ under​​ heaven, and of​​ which​​ I,​​ Paul, was​​ made​​ a​​ minister.

Since Paul refers to the​​ heavenly Kingdom of Christ​​ (v. 13) – ‘the kingdom of His beloved Son’ –​​ we will understand that he did​​ not​​ speak of the former Acts-kingdom, namely the​​ millennial kingdom​​ which shall be established by Christ at His Second Advent.

He pointed to the heaven up above the heavens (Greek,​​ epiouranos) where now Christ is residing at the right hand of God His Father.

The​​ heaven up above the heavens is​​ not found as any part of faith doctrine in any of the four Gospels or Acts.

It can only be found in Ephesians and Colossians, and it belongs to the​​ new faith doctrine​​ of Paul given to him by Christ by revelation.

Thus Paul did formulate an excellent passage for us, which may be my very favorite passage, Eph. 2:8, 9, NASB,

«8​​ For by​​ grace​​ you have been​​ saved​​ through​​ faith; and that not of​​ yourselves, it is the​​ gift​​ of​​ God;​​ 

9​​ not as a​​ result​​ of​​ works,​​ so​​ that​​ no​​ one​​ may​​ boast.

Just think of the false teachings by diverse cults and sects in our time: None of these existed in the times of Paul and his helpers. The believers were all SAVED BY GRACE, no works or ordinances. There existed no false preachers like those from Jehovah’s Witnesses, blabbering about the 144 000 in Rev. 7 and 14, and there existed – thank God – no Mormon-sect like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, with their headquarters in Salt Lake City. Neither Pentecostal Movements persisting falsely, - that we​​ inherited the sign-gifts of​​ speaking in tongues, and miraculous healings. Neither the Adventist Movements, persisting AGAINST PAUL’S teaching of Sabbath and food ordinances abolished, as they openly try to keep Sabbath and such.

In Colossians we find Paul warning against a sect in his time, - the Jewish Philosophy Movement which tried to influence them by this falsehood (Col. 2:8-10) ​​ NASB,

«8​​ See​​ to it that​​ no​​ one​​ takes​​ you​​ captive​​ through​​ philosophy​​ and​​ empty​​ deception,​​ according​​ to the​​ tradition​​ of​​ men,​​ according​​ to the​​ elementary​​ principles​​ of the​​ world,​​ rather​​ than​​ *​​ according​​ to​​ Christ.​​ 

9​​ For in Him​​ all​​ the​​ fullness​​ of​​ Deity​​ dwells​​ in​​ bodily​​ form,​​ 

10​​ and in Him you have​​ been​​ made​​ complete, and He is the​​ head​​ over​​ all​​ rule​​ and​​ authority”.​​ 

People got saved in Paul’s time taking heed to​​ his Grace Gospel​​ teaching of Ephesians and Colossians, without the present hordes of false doctrines and teachers.​​ They were saved WITHOUT the rubbish and falsehood of these mentioned cults/sects! This still holds Biblically true; you are indeed saved without first having to subdue to any of these man-made false movements.


So, since we are entirely saved by faith alone, no works, it is a free GIFT OF GOD in Christ, there are a number of other things we cannot find in the two prison-epistles:

There are​​ no water baptisms. No baptism in the Holy Spirit. No super-natural sign-gifts of any kind, as in 1 Cor. 12-14. And no ‘Holy Communion’. No demanding of having to confess sin to get saved. No commandment by Christ saying, Sell everything you have got and give it to the poor, and then come follow Me. No showing of works/deeds to prove you have faith, like in James. No expected coming of Christ from heaven, with fire and doom as told in 2 Thes. 2. No tithing. No ‘rapture’ up in clouds for believers, like in 1 Thes. 4. And on and on…


















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 ​​​​ The Lord’s own statements regarding His mission on earth cannot be disputed, Mat. 15:24, ​​ NASB net version:​​ 

21​​ Jesus went away from there, and withdrew into the district of Tyre and Sidon.​​ 


22​​ And a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed."​​ 


23​​ But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, "Send her away, because she keeps shouting at us."​​ 


24​​ But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."​​  ​​ ​​ ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


This Bible passage has been and still is a spiritual ‘Hot Potato’ in Christendom.


Nobody wants to touch it, and much less trying to explain this very blunt statement from Jesus.


Does not the ‘Great Commission’ in Mat. 28 say that He sent the apostles out to preach in the whole wide world (in which Israel would rank only as a minority)?


And in Charismatic and Pentecostal camps, it seem to bring up​​ too many questions​​ to try to really explain His statement away – for it would actually mean that these denominations, known for their persistent claims that the sign gifts and healing miracles are meant for the believers in our time, - could no longer say that this would be true. And their fiercely quoting of Bible passages,​​ like for instance Mark 16:15-20 where signs and miracles are pointed out, ​​ NASB,


«15​​ And He​​ said​​ to them,​​ "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.​​ 


16​​ "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.​​ 


17​​ "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;​​ 


18​​ they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover *."​​ 


19​​ So​​ then, when the​​ Lord​​ Jesus​​ had​​ spoken​​ to them, He was​​ received​​ up into​​ heaven​​ and​​ sat​​ down​​ at the​​ right​​ hand​​ of​​ God.​​ 


20​​ And they​​ went​​ out and​​ preached​​ everywhere, while the​​ Lord​​ worked​​ with them, and​​ confirmed​​ the​​ word​​ by the​​ signs​​ that​​ followed.] [And they promptly reported all these instructions to Peter and his companions. And​​ after​​ that, Jesus Himself sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. ]​​ 


And it doesn’t help the Bible readers that many, yes, most Bible translations are very shallow and in lack of better take on the Greek originals, using words as..go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.. –​​ or as in Mat. 28:​​ 19, ​​ NASB,

19​​ "Go​​ therefore​​ and​​ make​​ disciples​​ of​​ all​​ the​​ nations,​​ baptizing​​ them in the​​ name​​ of the​​ Father​​ and the​​ Son​​ and the​​ Holy​​ Spirit,”

For in Greek it is put much more weight on the​​ context​​ than in any other language. The real context here was that He sent them TO ISRAEL, exclusively.

Not to the Gentiles (nations, Greek​​ ethnos).

The Greek word for ‘All the world’ ​​ - when also talking of the peoples there, is​​ cosmos. This word is used of nation, landscape, places, the whole creation, the universe.​​ Jesus spoke of the ‘Cosmos Israel’ – as we learn of the​​ right context.

In this context seen with Jesus sending His apostles out to preach, it was just like the mission Jesus told of Himself: Sent to the lost sheep of the house OF ISRAEL.

Peter and the eleven were sent to continue this exclusive ministry to Israel and the Jews, just as it was with the Lord.

Before He went to the cross, Jesus pointed out to the disciples that they SHOULD​​ NOT GO OUT​​ ON THE ROAD TO THE GENTILES:

Mat. 10:5-8, NASB,

«5​​ These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: "Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans;​​ 


6​​ but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.​​ 


7​​ "And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'​​ 


8​​ "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.»​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


This ‘Mission Policy’ of Jesus had not changed since Mat.​​ 15 and the heathen woman up until Mat. 28 and the ‘Great Commission’.


In the latter, He certainly had not changed His mind…and​​ so​​ suddenly told them to go to the whole world, including Gentile nations.


I am a Norwegian, living in Norway. There is historical evidence that the Gospel telling of Jesus Christ came to us around 850 CE – almost a millennia since the apostles went out preaching. The Gospel have to be seen as a​​ local process going on in Israel only, however getting out into the Provinces of the Empire later on, with Paul and his fellow ministers like told in Acts.​​ 


But weak and shallow Bible translations allows for great misunderstanding in Bible truths and how to apply these to our lives today.


We are in need of a better division of the Word of God, so that we can be sure what has been written, and to whom.


Paul in 57 CE, writing the epistle to the Romans, taught the same as Jesus had established in Mat. 15, of His mission, Rom. 15:8, NASB,


«8​​ For I​​ say​​ that​​ Christ​​ has​​ become​​ a​​ servant​​ to the​​ circumcision​​ on​​ behalf​​ of the​​ truth​​ of​​ God​​ to​​ confirm​​ the​​ promises​​ given to the​​ fathers,


Jesus was portrayed by Paul correctly, still – 28 years later than His saying in Mat. 15:24 of Himself as sent ONLY to Israel (circumcised ones) …thus​​ confirming the promises first given to the forefathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob).


Yes – I know: ​​ Verses 9 to 12 speaks of the Gentiles. But this is in the understanding of them​​ not in a free manner, but as PROSELYTES.​​ Paul explains it very clearly in Rom. 11, as we find Gentiles in the times of Acts only allowed as proselytes, spiritually grafted into the good olive tree (the Messianic​​ body of Jewish Jesus-believers).


The free Gospel of Grace by faith alone was not revealed by Christ, until 63-64​​ CE when Paul sat in jail and wrote the epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians.


What I am pointing to here is: ​​ All kinds of Gospel mission worked by the apostles since Pentecost in Acts 2, in the year 28 CE​​ until the ending of Acts 62 CE​​ was exclusively to Israel and not the entire globe with all the nations. God was offering to Israel the Kingdom on earth, with Jesus as their anointed Messiah King, in Greek,​​ Cristos, thus in English, Christ.


Peter had this commission laid upon him as well as the eleven with him. Unlike Paul who had been given – at that time (Acts 9:15) to go to Gentiles, Kings, and Israel, NASB,


«15​​ But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;​​ 


16​​ for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake."


So consequently Paul​​ mentioned this fact in Gal. 2:7-9, ​​ NASB,


​​ 7​​ But on the contrary, seeing that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the​​ uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised​​ 

8​​ (for He who effectually worked for Peter in his apostleship to the​​ circumcised​​ effectually worked for me also to the Gentiles ),​​ 


9​​ and recognizing the grace that had been given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised.​​ 


Paul went (as we can learn from Acts history!) not only to Israel, not only to kings (check out Agrippa II and Caesar Nero), but he went out to the Gentile nations…where he met both Jews and Gentiles, often in the synagogues in the Empire.


Peter had an ‘incident’ with speaking to Gentiles, seen in Acts 10 and 11, which happened around 9 years after Pentecost in Acts 2.​​ His errand to the house of the Roman Captain Cornelius in Caesarea had the brethren in Jerusalem upset! ​​ Peter had​​ gone into the house of a Gentile! And this is forbidden in the Law of Moses!


Acts 11:1-18, NASB, is a total clarification of the entire incident, of Peter ignoring the Law of Moses and thus having fellowship with an unclean Gentile,


«1​​ Now the apostles and the brethren who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.​​ 


2​​ And when Peter came up to Jerusalem, those who were circumcised took issue with him,​​ 


3​​ saying, "You went to uncircumcised men and ate with them."​​ 


4​​ But Peter began speaking and proceeded to explain to them in orderly sequence, saying,​​ 


5​​ "I was in the city of Joppa praying; and in a trance I saw a vision, an object coming down like a great sheet lowered by four corners from the sky; and it came right down to me,​​ 


6​​ and when I had fixed my gaze on it and was observing it I saw the four-footed animals of the earth and the wild beasts and the crawling creatures and the birds of the air.​​ 


7​​ "I also heard a voice saying to me, 'Get up, Peter; kill and eat.'​​ 


8​​ "But I said, 'By no means, Lord, for nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'​​ 


9​​ "But a voice from heaven answered a second time, 'What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.'​​ 


10​​ "This happened three times, and everything was drawn back up into the sky.​​ 


11​​ "And behold, at that moment three men appeared at the house in which we were staying, having been sent to me from Caesarea.​​ 


12​​ "The Spirit told me to go with them without misgivings. These six brethren also went with me and we entered the man's house.​​ 


13​​ "And he reported to us how he had seen the angel standing in his house, and saying, 'Send to Joppa and have Simon, who is also called Peter, brought here;​​ 


14​​ and he will speak words to you by which you will be saved, you and all your household.'​​ 


15​​ "And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as He did upon us at the beginning.​​ 


16​​ "And I remembered the word of the Lord, how He used to say, 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'​​ 


17​​ "Therefore if God gave to them the same gift as He gave to us also after believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?"​​ 


18​​ When they heard this, they quieted down and glorified God, saying, "Well then, God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life."​​ 


(Editor’s emphasize)

As we dwell on verse 18, and the conclusion made by the brethren in Jerusalem on Peter’s escapade in Caesarea, we find for the first time in Acts, that the Word of God, the Kingdom-gospel preached by the twelve, had​​ finally been given​​ ALSO​​ to Gentile proselytes.​​ This ALSO, was a word uttered 9 years after Pentecost in Acts 2. Which means that the apostles had only ministered to Israel inside its borders. Fully in accord with the Great Commission in Mat. 28 and Mark 16. The bad translations are to be blamed.

The apostles and their associates were​​ astonished​​ by what had happened in the house of Cornelius….it was obviously the very first time in New Testament history that Gentiles had gotten the Gospel.

But again, allow me to repeat it: Did not Jesus tell His flock to go ‘Into all the world, preaching to all creation’ – such as quoted from Mat. 28 and Mark 16?

NO, HE OBVIOUSLY HAD NOT! Jesus has been wrongly translated in regard to His sending out the twelve. He sent them to ISRAEL AND THE CIRCUMCISED…the Jews only. And now, that exemption made with the audience in the house of Cornelius (about 40 persons).​​ This was however a ‘One Off’ – and Peter did not re-organize his ministry, but went only to Jews – the circumcised. Acts shows us this.



Paul’s teaching on the sign-gifts in 1 Cor. 12-14 tells us that these were ONLY GIVEN FOR ISRAEL’s sake,​​ in​​ that they should believe in the message preached by the twelve. And later on, the thirteenth apostle, Paul.

Because it was for Israel Jesus had sent both His twelve apostles, as well as the additional one, Paul. So consequently we have certain proof of sign-gifts given ONLY for them to go to Israel and proselytes.

Sign-gifts freely given among Gentile nations around the whole world cannot be found in the Bible at all!

Sign-gifts were exclusively given to Jews and proselytes in the specific timeline with the apostles. Acts is a written witness to this Biblical truth; truth which is opposed,​​ twisted,​​ and perverted by Charismatics and Pentecostal movements.

They shut their eyes for this truth, and oppose the Bible…saying that we have sign-gifts (tongues speaking, prophecy, healings, miracles) in the Church in our time as well. Pointing to the infamous ‘Azusa Street Revival’ 1906-1913 in Los Angeles, led by William Seymour and Charles Fox Parham. (See my articles on this).

Their slogan in the printed tracts was ‘Pentecost Has Come’ – and thus telling Christians that the Pentecost told in Acts 2 with tongues and signs had come again, after being absent for over 1800 years!​​ Paul shows us in Eph. 2:14, 15 that the Law of Moses was abolished (however it was kept up during Acts) – and revealed to Paul in 63 CE as he sat in jail. Pentecost was one of the ordinances to keep, a feast day, commanded Israel in the Law.​​ But how could these bewildered Christians in Azusa Street​​ 1906-1913 claim that​​ Pentecost had come back again, if the Bible tells us that​​ Pentecost is abolished…being part of the Law?​​ Col. 2:14-17 tells us straight to the point,

14​​ having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.​​ 

15​​ When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.​​ 


16​​ Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in​​ respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-​​ 


17​​ things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.​​ 


We know now that their saying was a total lie.

Not only Charismatics and Pentecostals are out of line here, but Adventist Movements are as well – keeping parts of the Law of Moses, including food ordinances and Sabbath.​​ 

Several denominations grew up from out of this lie. America in particular, has been​​ unfortunately​​ strewn with heretic groups of believers in this heresy of signs and miracles coming back. No, it never came back. What came was a series of frauds and manipulators who found a way of grabbing the believers hard earned money, by making false miracle-promises to them so they would give the pastors money to get the blessings of God in their lives!

As Israel fell away from God as a nation for Him, seen in Acts 28:25-28, the whole Kingdom-message including the following signs etcetera, was abolished and entirely suspended.

There has​​ not been a single healing, miracle, sign, tongues speaking in Biblical genuine manner, since Paul had the revelation of the Mystery, as we learn in Ephesians 1-3 chapters. Eph. 3:1-5​​ is clarifying, NASB,

1​​ For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles -​​ 


2​​ if indeed you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace which was given to me for you;​​ 


3​​ that by​​ revelation​​ there was​​ made​​ known​​ to me the​​ mystery, as I​​ wrote​​ before​​ in​​ brief.​​ 


4​​ By referring to this, when you read you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,​​ 


5​​ which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit;​​ 


In this new revelation told by Paul for us Gentiles, there is not a single shred of evidence for sign-gifts promised to us, the Body of Christ, the One New Man, as Paul called it.

There is a wide gap between the Kingdom-gospel preached in Acts and the free Grace Gospel taught in Ephesians and Colossians! These two types​​ of gospels are entirely different. The Kingdom-gospel was for Israel as a nation for God with its proselytes.

But the free Grace Gospel, that of the ‘Unsearchable riches of Christ’​​ is​​ for ALL PEOPLES IN THE WORLD. There exist no partition between a believing Jew and a believing Gentile. They are made into ‘One New Man, Eph. 2:14, 15.

So, my dear friends, whether Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Lutherans, Catholics or others…the Post-Acts body – the ‘One New Man’,​​ has not been equipped with any sign-gifts whatsoever. No tongues speaking, no prophesying, no healings, no casting out demons, no nothing!​​ We have been given the inheritance and promise of the heaven up above with Jesus Christ, and we are already …in the eyes of Godplaced there, hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3); and according to Eph. 1:3 we are also thus blessed with all spiritual blessings in Jesus Christ in heaven. It cannot get better than that. It outruns all sign-gifts and healings and whatever we can imagine here on earth.

It’s a Biblical true fact, and we should try to be loyal to this. Cast away all lies you may have taken to heart, such as I mentioned above, and take Ephesians and Colossians and Paul, the apostle to us Gentiles, to heart instead!

Eph. 4:30, NASB,

« Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.”



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The whole ‘Rapture Theology’​​ taught by Paul in 1 Thes. 4, was a promise given only to the Kingdom-believers in Acts, as they were expecting the imminent return of Jesus Christ. The apostles knew that He would come back from heaven as soon as Israel had repented and accepted Jesus as their Messiah.

I have written articles on this already, and I thought that it would be sufficient to help believers understand it rightly.

But I think it may be necessary to remind about this Biblical fact once more, thus I wrote this article.

We shall see this by comparing the teachings of Paul in Acts period, with what he taught Post-Acts.​​ We will confront the Thessalonian-epistles with the Post-Acts epistles – Ephesians and Colossians.



Paul’s mention of the Second Advent is undoubtedly and inevitably connected to the coming of Jesus, to establish His millennial kingdom for Israel. In Greek, this​​ coming​​ is told by the word​​ Parousia.​​ It depicts Jesus as one Who will arrive​​ down here on earth, and not only up in the clouds.​​ 

The so-called ‘Rapture’ as we find it in Christian teachings (Pentecostals as well as with Evangelicals) is believed to be a narrative, with Jesus rapturing His believers up to Himself as He appears in the clouds, and from there​​ to​​ bring these up with Him​​ back to heaven. This is a false concept. What would have happened if the rapture had taken place in the time of Acts, would have been that these raptured ones (together with the ones raised from the dead) would have been​​ gathered by Christ and then​​ at once brought down to land them in Israel, namely in Jerusalem.​​ These would from that day have been citizens of the Kingdom of God on earth, the so-called millennial reign of Christ (Dan. 2:44: Luke 1:32, 33; Rev. 20:4). The whole ‘package’ of 1 Thes. 4…raising of​​ the dead and rapture thereafter, had only to do with the EXPECTED RETURN OF JESUS TO ESTABLISH THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM ON EARTH. It had nothing to do with the promised heavenly calling given to the Church, the Body of Christ, also called ‘One new Man’ by Paul.

The Church shall NOT be saved by the Second Advent, for this had only to​​ do with the earthly kingdom, but​​ we, the Church dispensation, are going to heaven up above, Greek​​ epiouranos. The heaven up above the heavens.


1 Thes. 4:13-18,​​ NASB net version,​​ 

«13​​ But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.​​ 


14​​ For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.​​ 


15​​ For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.​​ 


16​​ For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.​​ 


17​​ Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.​​ 


18​​ Therefore comfort one another with these words.


​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


It is verse 17 which brings in a false concept, by misunderstanding this text:​​ “..and so we shall always be with the Lord” –​​ as if this should mean with Jesus​​ in heaven.


But this is not the case. They were meant to be with the Lord in the Kingdom of Israel, as Jesus would become their King and ruler.





Post-Acts writings by Paul​​ are based upon God having revealed to Paul a different salvation than that of the Messianic Israel in Acts period: The​​ epiouranos heaven, up above the heavens,​​ is speaking NOT of the millennial kingdom for Israel, but the eternal everlasting heavenly salvation promised to the Church, the ‘One new Man’ in Eph. 2:14, 15; Col. 2:13-17.


In Thessalonians we find the Second Advent, with Jesus coming from heaven with a punishment of fire against all ungodly people, seen on the clouds in the sky with a great parade of Himself together with a host of warrior angels (Rev. 19). Thus killing the Anti-Christ and casting him and the False Prophet into the ‘Lake of fire’;​​ but bringing the present believers (at that time)​​ into His kingdom on earth,​​ 2 Thes. 2:1-14. ​​ 


But as I mentioned above, this was only a narrative which pertained to an eventual Second Advent​​ in the time of Acts.​​ Israel never repented and took to the faith in Christ as a nation, but they fell away from God, as seen in Acts 28:25-28. And just eight​​ years later than Paul’s two years in Rome in custody​​ (62), Israel was destroyed by the Roman army – 70 CE.


Things told in Thessalonians​​ are totally absent in the Post-Acts epistles of Paul.


We find​​ not a trace​​ of any judgement against Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, and not​​ any​​ kind of​​ judgement against unbelievers at all.​​ The salvation of the Church, the Body of Christ, shall happen at the ‘Day of Redemption’ as we read Eph. 4:30. The Post-Acts saints, like ourselves, will be taken into the​​ epiouranos heaven​​ by God’s direct intervention​​ super-naturally. Not​​ rapture as described in 1 Thes. 4, but a​​ transfer by the Holy Spirit​​ (don’t think vertically or horizontally) into a​​ higher dimension…actually outside of, and above the physical universe!​​ We cannot get there by smartly constructed rockets and spaceships.​​ 


The departure of the Church at that ‘Day of Redemption’ is not to be mistaken as a judgmental act of God against the sinful world. If it were, then Paul would have told us in his two Church epistles. But instead he points us out as a flock of believers being blessed in the above heavens in Christ. Actually, he points us as such ones already​​ before​​ we are taken into the heavens, Eph. 1:1-3, NASB,


«1​​ Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus:​​ 


2​​ Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.​​ 


3​​ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,​​ who​​ has blessed us​​ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ”.

​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


Now, dear fellow believers, - where in the Thessalonians can we ever find such a teaching?​​ Nowhere at all. The heavens up above the heavens are not mentioned at all. We can only find that​​ epiouranos heaven​​ taught in Ephesians and Colossians, the two ‘Mystery epistles’.


Our future physical ‘ascension’ up into the high heavens has been told in Col. 3:1-4, NASB,


1​​ Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.​​ 


2​​ Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.​​ 


3​​ For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.​​ 


4​​ When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also​​ will be revealed with Him in glory.​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


This mentioned ‘Glory’ is a glory – NOT on earth, but up in the​​ epiouranos heaven.​​ Which means, consequently, that we have to be brought up there by God and the Holy Spirit to be seen together with Him in that glory. Jesus is NOT coming down on earth to His Church, but He brings the Church up to Himself. And so we are to be appearing or revealed with Him in heavenly glory.


This will all take place on that blessed ‘Day of Redemption’ – Eph. 4:30, NASB, ​​ (I also quote verses 31 and 32…for these are tied to Paul’s exhortation),


«30​​ Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for​​ the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.​​ 


31​​ Let​​ all​​ bitterness​​ and​​ wrath​​ and​​ anger​​ and​​ clamor​​ and​​ slander​​ be​​ put​​ away​​ from you,​​ along​​ with​​ all​​ malice.​​ 


32​​ Be​​ kind​​ to​​ one​​ another,​​ tender-hearted,​​ forgiving​​ each​​ other,​​ just​​ as​​ God​​ in​​ Christ​​ also​​ has​​ forgiven​​ you.















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As a follow up of my first article in this matter, here is Part II: which is the original article I referred to in that first one.

Let’s check out what exactly kind of heresy J. R. Church preached!

I comment on the article below and pointing to certain issues in it.​​ 




Published Feb 6, 2024,​​ on

Prophesy in the News ​​ website.


#A ​​​​ “It was on Nov. 2, 1917, that the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, promising a homeland for the Jews. Thirty years later, on November 29, 1947, the British government placed the matter of Israel’s future before the United Nations, resulting in another historic declaration—the establishment of the State of Israel. A few months later, on May 14, 1948, the nation was born.

The restoration of Israel is one of the most controversial political issues of the century. Palestinians have claimed that the land is theirs and that the Jews have no right to even one square foot of it, though the area had been under the control of the Turkish government for some 400 years,​​ ­not under Palestinian control.

Just who deserves the land? Do the Jews? Do the Palestinians? Do Jews have a right to control the land in the so-called “occupied West Bank” areas?

Though the U.N. established Israel in 1948, most of the world no longer supports the concept of Jewish sovereignty. They regret ever giving them any territory in the Middle East. The controversy rages today as much as it ever did. The children of Abraham are still fighting it out!

If the fate of the Israeli government were placed in the hands of any human court, the verdict would probably be disastrous. Time and time again, the U.N. has taken the side of the Arabs against Israel.

While dedicated Christians around the world are in favor of Israel’s existence, their governments are not. The only political ally on the side of Israel is the United States—and many in Washington, D.C., are wavering. In light of these developments, let us appeal to the court of heaven for the final verdict in the case.

God Owns the Land

#B ​​​​ There is one verse of Scripture which declares the absolute ownership of not only the Middle East but the entire world: “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1).

Since God created the Earth, the right to ownership is His. Whether man recognizes the existence of God or not is irrelevant, for in the final analysis, God will lay claim to His Earth. He not only owns the world but also everyone in it. Among the continents, however, there is one special area to which God lays a unique claim. It is the land of Israel. There are several places in the Bible where God calls the land “My land.” For instance, in Ezekiel 38:16, God condemns the mighty Gog and Magog for the invasion of His land:

 “And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land” (Ezekiel 38:16). Here, God emphatically calls the land of Israel His land.

That claim is repeated in Joel 3:2: “I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

Both of these verses pronounce a judgment upon Gentile nations for their part in denying the Jews a right to live in God’s land. Notice that God calls Israel “My people,” and He calls their land “My land.”

When Gentile nations challenge the integrity of the land and its people, God steps forward to proclaim His judgment upon them.

A Covenant with Abraham

#C ​​​​ God is the absolute Owner of the land, and as such, had every right to evict the Jewish people 20 centuries ago. But He also has the right to bring them back in this generation. God is Sovereign over the land. Let us review Genesis 17 —the days of Abraham—and determine God’s sovereign disposition over His land.

“And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:7-8).

There can be no doubt that such a covenant was declared and recorded 4,000 years ago. Ah, but the Arabs also claim to be descendants of Abraham. They are children of Ishmael. Does not the land then also belong to them? You may recall the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, while the Jews are descendants of Abraham’s other son, Isaac.

Isaac’s Inheritance

The controversy was settled in Genesis 26:3-4. It is there that God narrows down the covenant to exclude the children of Ishmael. It was to Isaac that God said: “Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father; And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 26:3-4). God not only promised the land to Isaac, but He gave what the Scripture declares to be “all these countries.” In fact, He used the term twice in His promise to Isaac.

Jacob’s Inheritance

However, Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau, and there is a good deal of evidence that the Palestinian people who live in the land today could be descendants of Esau. Do they not also have a claim to the land? God has decided that they do not have any claim on the Promised Land. He narrowed the inheritance of the land to Jacob and his descendants: “And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and kings shall come out of thy loins; And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land” (Genesis 35:11-12).

The proclamation is clear. God has promised the land to Jacob and his descendants—namely the 12 tribes of Israel. When we consider these three covenants together, the line of descent to which the land is promised is evident. In each case, God narrowed His promise of the land—from Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob, and then to his descendants after him.

The Verdict

#D ​​​​ In view of God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we must declare a verdict in favor of Jacob’s descendants. We have no choice. We stand without reservation on the side of Israel. We must conclude that the land of Israel has been given to the people of Israel—to the descendants of Jacob. However, we know that the people were evicted from their land almost 2,000 years ago. It is the prophetic Scripture to which we must look for the final disposition of the land—and the prophecies do not differ from the original covenant.

Had It Not Been for Israel

#E​​ ​​ Humanly speaking, we owe our eternal destiny to Jacob’s descendants. If there had been no Israel, there would have been no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible, and no Savior. In John 4:22, Jesus Himself summed up all of this in one simple statement. He said, “…for salvation is of the Jews.”

Regardless of our nationality or background, we owe a spiritual debt to the Jewish people that can never be calculated. The first 11 chapters of Genesis serve as an introduction to the main theme of the Bible. They fill in the background and set the stage for all that is to follow.

From that point forward, the Bible is essentially the history of Abraham and the nation that descended from him through Isaac and Jacob.

The Bible is basically the story of Israel embracing both the past and future. Geographically, the Bible is set in the land of Israel, and historically, its theme is the people of Israel. It is a Jewish Bible penned by Jewish men, giving both the history and the future of the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Even the New Testament is a Jewish book.

The most important person in the New Testament, Jesus Christ, was a Jew. Furthermore, He did not lose His Jewish identity after His death and resurrection. Sixty-three years after His crucifixion, Revelation 5:5 still referred to Jesus as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David.”

He is still identified with the family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus is forever a Jew.

Furthermore, Jews penned all of the New Testament books. Contrary to the opinions of some, I am convinced that Luke was a Jew. The twelve Apostles were Jews. Paul, who became the Apostle to the Gentiles, was a Jew. Most of the co-workers of these great men were also Jews.

The writer of Hebrews tells us that the ultimate goal of all true believers is a “city which hath foundations whose Builder and Maker is God” (Heb. 11:10). In Revelation 21, the holy city New Jerusalem is described as having gates and foundations. On its gates are inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. On its foundations are the names of the twelve apostles of Jesus.

Every name inscribed in the New Jerusalem is a Jewish name. I must say that no one with an anti-Semitic prejudice could ever feel comfortable in the New Jerusalem.

This article first appeared in the Prophecy in the News magazine in February 2008.”




Paragraph ​​ #A:

Church calls the UN-Declaration of Israel in 1948 by a direct error – quote:​​ …the nation was born.

This concept or anticipation of Israel as a nation which ‘was born’ on May 14th, 1948, is both unbiblical as well as directly impossible.

You see, Christian friends, that Israel DIED as a nation for God in 70 CE when God used ‘His army’ (Mat. 22:7) to execute it. They sent them as slaves back to Egypt on ships in 71-72 CE and thus fulfilled Moses’ prophesy of their DEATH in Deut. 28:68, ​​ NASB net version,

"The​​ LORD​​ will​​ bring​​ you​​ back​​ to​​ Egypt​​ in​​ ships, by the​​ way​​ about​​ which​​ I​​ spoke​​ to you, 'You will​​ never​​ see​​ it​​ again!' And​​ there​​ you will​​ offer​​ yourselves for​​ sale​​ to your​​ enemies​​ as​​ male​​ and​​ female​​ slaves​​ *, but​​ there​​ will be​​ no​​ buyer."

The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus ​​ wrote in his book works that they sent a huge contingent of war prisoners from the age of 17 – plus their eventual spouses – to the slave markets in Alexandria, so the market collapsed entirely!

Hoseah, the prophet who chastised the Northern Kingdom (10 tribes), spoke in behalf of the dead nation Israel in Hos. 6:1-3, telling of the future Israel of God at the coming of the Lord and the millennial kingdom is established,

1​​ "Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.​​ 


2​​ "He will​​ revive​​ us​​ after​​ two​​ days; He will​​ raise​​ us up on the​​ third​​ day, That we may​​ live​​ before​​ Him.​​ 


3​​ "So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth."


Israel was NOT born in 1948, but shall be REVIVED – raised from the dead​​ as a nation – at the arrival of their Messiah, Jesus. Verse 2, which I emphasized.


These three ‘Days’ mentioned by Hosea, are not regular calendar days; they are three millennia. Verse 3 says: He will COME TO US LIKE THE RAIN. ​​ This is the Second Advent, and the nation cannot be legally in the land before the arrival of Jesus from heaven, Mat. 22:29-31 is clear,


«29​​ "But immediately​​ after the tribulation​​ of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.​​ 


30​​ "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.​​ 


31​​ "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.


Jesus said, AFTER THE TRIBULATION…He shall gather the Israel of God from their dispersion, and thus bring them into the land.


J.R. Church taught heresy when he wrote that Israel was back in the land and born as a nation in 1948.

Paragraph #B:


J. R. Church​​ continued​​ in heresy, and used the old cliché of ‘God owns the land’ – as if that is the same as if Israel​​ would​​ own it!


It can’t be told much dumber than that. This is typical Christian Zionist’s blabbering with their ‘loud mouths’.


We have to remind about​​ what God said​​ to the Hebrews at the foot of Mt. Horeb in Ex. 19:5, 6, ​​ NASB,


5​​ 'Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine;​​ 


6​​ and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the sons of Israel." ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


Here is the core of all Biblical truth when discussing​​ Israel’s right to have a land:​​ Verse 5 explicitly says that they should be God’s own people..in the same breath as His words of Himself as the one Who owns the earth! ​​ THE BIG IF!


IF​​ you obey My voice,​​ IF​​ you keep My covenant, THEN Israel should be God’s own people on earth and the land become theirs.


They certainly DID NOT LISTEN to the voice of God: They denied Jesus Christ and had Him crucified, and their denial of Him continued the next thirty years throughout the Acts…until God had them destroyed entirely in 70 CE by the using the Roman Army.


Peter referred to Moses’ prophecy​​ (Deut. 18:19)​​ in Acts 3:13-23, NASB - the second speech after Pentecost,


13​​ "The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus, the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release Him.​​ 


14​​ "But you disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,​​ 


15​​ but put to death the Prince of life, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.​​ 



16​​ "And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all.​​ 


17​​ "And now, brethren, I know that you acted in ignorance, just as your rulers did also.​​ 


18​​ "But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled.​​ 


19​​ "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;​​ 


20​​ and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you,​​ 


21​​ whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.​​ 


22​​ "Moses​​ said, 'THE​​ LORD​​ GOD​​ WILL​​ RAISE​​ UP FOR YOU A​​ PROPHET​​ LIKE​​ ME FROM YOUR​​ BRETHREN; TO HIM YOU SHALL​​ GIVE​​ HEED​​ to​​ everything​​ He​​ says​​ to you.​​ 


23​​ 'And it will be that​​ every​​ soul​​ that does not​​ heed​​ that​​ prophet​​ shall be​​ utterly​​ destroyed​​ from​​ among​​ the​​ people.”​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


The​​ ‘voice of your God’​​ as in Ex. 19:5, 6 quoted above, here is compressed down to a specific person, the man Jesus Christ whom they had crucified. Obeying Jesus would be the same as obeying the voice of God Jehovah. ​​ But IF they did not obey His word, God should have them​​ ‘destroyed from among the people’ –​​ as we just read Peter’s speech.


This ungodly disobedience was kept up throughout Acts – and God​​ so​​ concluded in Acts 28:25-28 that they fell from Him as a nation, and from that time on the Grace-gospel has been SENT TO US GENTILES. Paul was the messenger who told Jewry of this serious crime against Christ!​​ Sanhedrin’s reaction to Paul in Rome Acts 28:25-28 was a point of no return for Israel as a nation for God. Sanhedrin did not fulfill God’s claim to have the nation repent to Christ. And just 8 years later the nation was entirely destroyed by Rome.


He had warned them times and times again over the centuries past, but still they would not listen to the voice of their God,​​ -​​ the voice of Jesus Christ.


God took back the land, and the nation has been​​ illegally occupying it since 1948. ​​ J.R. Church was teaching heresy on Israel and their whereabouts.


Paragraph #C:


Under this Paragraph #C, J.R. Church is pointing to the forefathers and what God promised them, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


This falls flat on its own lack of context in this matter. God’s promises cannot and​​ will not ever be fulfilled​​ to those who will not obey Him, and believe on Jesus Christ. This argument of ‘promise’ is dead in the water.


It is reported that over 80% of Israel’s population now has the Babylonian Talmud as their official religion. Talmud has blasphemies against Jesus written in it. Talmud is the​​ written Pharisaic doctrine​​ which they preached in the time of Jesus.​​ It was written in Babylon 500​​ CE.


God promised them the land, but what happened? ​​ They were brought back to Egypt in 71-72 CE as low down ‘crap’: Namely as slaves! ​​ The lowest possible status a human being can have. So low that the Bible pronounce Israel as dead.


Paragraph #D:


We have no choice but to agree in favor with the descendants of Israel, that they have the right to the land, say J.R. Church.


Well, we already know​​ how big a lie​​ this is: God judged the Jews in 70 CE to lose their land because of their​​ lack of obedience to the voice of God.​​ This is entirely non-negotiable.


Thus history shows that God​​ allowed for Arabs and nomads​​ and some​​ tribal Jews to use the land through the following​​ centuries. They had His permission obviously to use the soil to grow diverse agricultural food. It was, in other words, kept going and kempt by these folk and did not get overtaken by desserts.


This is in line with Jesus’ prophecy of the delivered man in Mat. 12, as He used the incident to demonize the future Zionist Israel: The ‘demon Israel’ found the house he had been cast out of, as – quote,


43​​ "Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.​​ 


44​​ "Then it says,​​ 'I will return to my house from which I came '; and when it comes, it finds it​​ unoccupied, swept, and put in order.​​ 


I emphasized verse 44,​​ as we see that Jesus prophesied of the future Zionist occupants. They (the demon) FOUND THE HOUSE UNOCCUPIED, SWEPT AND IN ORDER.


Shure it was in order: The Gentile groups, and also some Jews, had kept the land up by using its soil to grow food-basics;​​ Corn, vegetables and fruit - the lot.


The conspiring Jewish Zionists wanted to steal the land from these largely unarmed folks and farmers. Piece of cake!


Paragraph #E:


J.R. church had become an expert in using arguments for Christian Zionism, by taking Bible quotes and Bible history out of context.


The whole end argumentation under paragraph E is like that.


‘Oh…my oh my….we would not even have gotten the Gospel, or Jesus, or..’ - an​​ endless list of what we would not have gotten unless God had His people Israel.


And he expertly kept on shutting his spiritual eyes for the stern fact that this​​ ‘people of God’​​ could only be His own IF they obeyed His voice. ​​ Mr.​​ Church completely white-washed Israel’s grave sins, as if they had done nothing but glorious deeds throughout history.


This is so pathetic it is screaming back at you.


J.R. Church as well as his followers​​ is just another example of heretics who made up their private ‘universe’ of Zionism as the only right doctrine regarding Israel. What the Bible actually shows us is of no interest at all.


I have in the above writing​​ proved​​ to the reader that Zionism is not of God. It is no doubt a set of kinky ideas and heresy composed by man, well helped by Satan, the father of lies (John 8:44).


Christian Zionism has​​ supported and partially created​​ a​​ demonic​​ monster, a murdering nation, armed by modern weaponry from USA. The present Gaza war is a full display of the​​ demonic nature​​ of this illicit nation! Media reports of 27 000 dead in the bombings of Gaza by the Israeli army (Feb. 2024).



















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 ​​ ​​​​ Lately I have been receiving unwanted email-propaganda from a​​ minister named J. R. Church (based in USA). He is obviously a Christian Zionist, representing thus a wide-spread heresy…that of God already having taken the Jews back to the land and so fulfilling prophesies of the Bible.

I don’t know the guy, but his latest email had this headline: “God gave Israel the Land”.

This minister cannot really have read the Bible, and he certainly has not gotten educated in Bible History!​​ 

For in the year of 70 CE the Roman Empire had Israel​​ destroyed and deported, scattered in the civilized world. On the very same calendar day as when the Babylonian king destroyed Jerusalem, taking them captive – Sunday 10 September 586 BC, - and it was Emperor Vespasian’s son, Titus, who was the Commander of the forces​​ in 70 CE.​​ IMAGE: Jerusalem’s temple burning 70 CE.

Flavius Josephus​​ mentions​​ this disaster in his book works, and in detail he described captive Jews (prisoners of war) sent by sea vessels down to Alexandria, Egypt, to be sold as slaves. All men from the age of 17 and also their wives were sent off. But the market was inflated and no one bought any of them. They​​ were let go, and so they drifted out into the nations in the Middle East as​​ well as in​​ Asia Minor…by the tens of thousands.

This took place 71-72 CE.



Moses was the FIRST one who prophesied about this sad end of the nation Israel, Deut. 28:68, NASB net version,

"The​​ LORD​​ will​​ bring​​ you​​ back​​ to​​ Egypt​​ in​​ ships, by the​​ way​​ about​​ which​​ I​​ spoke​​ to you, 'You will​​ never​​ see​​ it​​ again!' And​​ there​​ you will​​ offer​​ yourselves for​​ sale​​ to your​​ enemies​​ as​​ male​​ and​​ female​​ slaves​​ *, but​​ there​​ will be​​ no​​ buyer." ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).

Here we get it spelled out to us: God brought Israel​​ BACK TO EGYPT….meaning He annulled, yes, even REVERSED the disobedient nation, and​​ had them thrown back into slavery, a slavery He had once delivered them from back in the days of Moses and Aaron.

How can a Christian minister – such​​ as this one I​​ mentioned,​​ Mr. Church, be so totally ignorant and Biblically illiterate…as to ignore such hard evidence?

And how can all the other Christian Zionists do this as well?



In His prophetic parable of the ‘Barren Fig Tree’ in Luke 13:4-9 we learn,

4​​ "Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?​​ 


5​​ "I tell you, no, but unless * you repent, you will all likewise perish."​​ 


6​​ And He began telling this parable: "A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any.​​ 


7​​ "And he said to the vineyard-keeper, 'Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without * finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?'​​ 


8​​ "And he answered and said to him, 'Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer;​​ 


9​​ and if it bears fruit next * year, fine; but if not, cut it down.'​​ "


Jesus had already pointed out to the audience that the Galileans who got killed by the Romans​​ recently, were not​​ worse sinners than any others. But unless the nation​​ of​​ Israel would​​ not​​ repent (and believe on Jesus)​​ they would be killed likewise! ​​ And so He continues by mention the ones killed by the tower-collapse in Siloam – for they were not worse culprits than those who lived in Jerusalem.


And thus He laid out His prophesy of the ‘Barren Fig Tree’ which was another image used to describe the UNBELIEVING Israel….a nation which was about​​ to be killed by the Roman battle axe if they did not repent and believe on Jesus the Messiah. Check verse 5 once again, and you will clearly understand what Jesus was prophesying.


Verse 7 is a key-word:​​ The owner of the vineyard (Jesus) had been looking for ‘fruit’ on that Fig tree (Israel) FOR THREE YEARS ​​ (Jesus ministered for three years, that is a historical fact) – but found none. The fruit He mentioned was another word for ‘Faith’. He found no faith (the nation as a whole) – and this was the reason He said of this Fig tree:​​ Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground?” ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


The reason for Israel being destroyed in 70 CE was that they – after over 30 years of the apostles’ preaching to them – still would not believe (have fruit) – and time was up for them: The Fig tree was cut down. Why should that dead tree be allowed to​​ USE UP THE GROUND​​ when it was proven that it would not bear fruit?


This pointed towards the 30 years of desperate ministry of the apostles to have the nation repent to Jesus as their Messiah. This is what Jesus meant in verse 8, which depicted the work of the apostles: Give this barren tree one more year (season) so I can put in fertilizer…thus causing the tree eventually to bear fruit again!


But notice the verse 9, in which the apostles actually agreed to the owner’s conclusion: But if it will not bear fruit, then CUT IT DOWN.


The grand conclusion to this well-known prophetic parable​​ can only be this: Jesus clearly told all that Israel without any faith in Him, Jesus the Messiah, CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO STAY IN ISRAEL’S LAND. They first have to repent and receive their Messiah.





In Mat. 22:2-7 (NASB) we find Jesus’ parable in which He told the​​ reason and the method of God’s judgement on Israel​​ for their denial of Jesus as Messiah. What was going to happen when God destroyed the nation, using the Roman army as His executioners,


«2​​ "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king * who gave a wedding feast for his son.​​ 


3​​ "And he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling * to come.​​ 


4​​ "Again he sent out other slaves saying, 'Tell those who have been invited, "Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast."'​​ 



5​​ "But they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another * to his business,​​ 


6​​ and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them.​​ 


7"But the king was enraged, and he sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and set their city on fire.” ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


The reason given – that which triggered the harsh revenge from the angry King (Jesus) – was that the invited wedding guests not only said no thanks, but they mistreated and killed these servants (the apostles!) – verse 6.


Thus the infuriated king sent His armies (the Romans)​​ and destroyed those murderers and set heir city on fire,​​ verse 7.


This happened in the years 66-70 CE and ended with the total disaster for Israel.


This total destruction, as told already above, was followed by that huge deportation of war prisoners, sending them by ships to Egypt to be sold as slaves.


The Israel as a nation for God on earth, was utterly destroyed, annulled and reversed…back to where they came from, - Egypt!


So, Christian Zionists can just shut up their lying mouths and their heretical practices, and stop this nonsense of ‘God having given back the land to Israel’.


No, God has not given the land to Israel:​​ He took it back from them, and haven’t since that year 70 CE reversed His divine decision. They are still under the Mosaic curse of Deut. 28, and are occupiers of the Land illegally in the eyes of God. Jesus actually demonized them in Mat. 12:22, 23; 43-45 --​​ and the incident of the demon possessed man – and likened them to the​​ demon​​ He had cast out of him: When it had roamed around with no​​ other​​ place (house) to live in, it returned to the ‘house’ taking with it seven other demons, and lived there.​​ And so it should go with Israel, thus the last will be worse than the first with them! Read for yourself,


22​​ Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw.​​ 


23​​ All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, "This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?"  ​​​​ - ​​ - ​​ -


43​​ "Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.​​ 


44​​ "Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came '; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.​​ 


45​​ "Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.​​ That is the way it will also be with this evil generation."

(Editor’s emphasize).​​ 


This was what happened in the years before 1948 and the UN Declaration of May 14, - since the Balfour letter​​ of the British Government in 1917​​ was sent, and the Austrian-Hungarian​​ journalist in Vienna,​​ Theodor Herzl,​​ took initiative to propagate for a state to the Jews in Palestine. Most of us know that history.


That ‘demon Israel’ who had been cast out of the Land, returned as he brought with him seven other ‘demons’ – Gentile immigrants (falsely calling themselves Jews, but they were Khazars and other ethnical folk groups) – and they just took back the place, applauded by the Gentiles (nations).​​ Only around 2-5% of Israel’s population today is genuine Jews of the lineage of Abraham. All others are actually Gentiles. This could​​ not​​ possibly make up for ‘Israel back in their Land’ – and​​ so​​ the Jews are​​ still dispersed​​ fully in the nations. They don’t want to immigrate to Israel due to all the dangers in the Middle-East. It is a known fact.






The genuine real ‘Homecoming’ for Israel are told us in Mat. 24:29-31, NASB,


«29​​ "But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.​​ 


30​​ "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.​​ 


31​​ "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.” ​​​​ (Edotor’s emphasize).​​ 


Christ​​ gathering​​ the dispersed Jews from the earth happens in a singular operation, as told in verse 21. It is non-negotiable fact of prophecy.


AFTER the Great Tribulation of seven Jewish calendar years, Jesus will come down from heaven followed by His mighty warrior angels (Rev. 19, 20).


In the meanwhile it is clear that the Holy Bible displays an Israel which cannot​​ LEGALLY​​ stay in the Land before Messiah Jesus returns from heaven.


In our time, it is therefore clear that the present Israel is an illicit enterprise what God is concerned! They​​ stole the land​​ without God first having given it back to them.


I recommend to you my free​​ book “Book of Acts: The Story of Israel’s Falling Away From God”​​ –​​ you can just email me, and I shall send this Word-book to you by email for free!




I found out, by checking the website​​ prophecy in the News, this

morning – February 8, 2024, that this minister actually passed

due to cancer back in 2011. ​​ But the ministry he launched is still

operating – they seem to have their base in Oklahoma City, USA.

Please disregard my mention of him above as if he still is alive!

My criticism and apologetics against Zionism has to be up against

those ministers , who now fills the post Mr. Church had, and my

judgmental uttering of them as heretics will stand fast.

Christian Zionism must take much of the blame for this

illicit nation, Israel’s, killings and mayhem in the Middle-east.


















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 ​​​​ Many of you may have sifted through my articles in which I explain the Biblical truth of the Law of Moses having been abolished.

My main quotes has been (and still is) Eph. 2:14, 15; Col. 2:14-17, reading,


From AMP net version:

«14For He Himself is our peace​​ and​​ our bond of unity. He who made both​​ groups—[Jews and Gentiles]—into​​ one body and broke down the barrier, the dividing wall [of spiritual antagonism between us],​​ 

15by abolishing in His [own crucified] flesh the hostility​​ caused by​​ the Law with its commandments​​ contained​​ in ordinances [which He satisfied]; so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thereby establishing peace.” ​​ (Eph. 2:14, 15)


«14having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of legal demands [which were in force] against us and which were hostile to us. And this certificate He has set aside​​ and​​ completely removed by nailing it to the cross.​​ 

15When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.​​ 

16Therefore let no one judge you in regard to food and drink or in regard to [the observance of] a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day.​​ 

17Such things are only a shadow of what is to come​​ and​​ they have only symbolic value; but the substance [the reality of what is foreshadowed] belongs to Christ.”​​ (Col. 2:14-17)


From NASB net version:

​​ 14​​ For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall,​​ 

15​​ by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace,”​​ (Eph. 2:14, 15)​​ 



«14​​ having​​ canceled​​ out the​​ certificate​​ of​​ debt​​ consisting of​​ decrees​​ against​​ us,​​ which​​ was​​ hostile​​ to us; and He has​​ taken​​ it out of the​​ way, having​​ nailed​​ it to the​​ cross.


15​​ When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.​​ 


16​​ Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-​​ 


17​​ things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”​​ (Col. 2:14-17)



These few quotes from Ephesians and Colossians does away with all uncertainty and wavering doubt regarding whether the Law of Moses really has been abolished, and actually blotted out.





The reason I say this, is to clarify​​ what manner of understanding​​ we have to employ to get this whole thing straight.


It is obvious to us that even if the Law of Moses has been ‘littered’ – the ethics and morale found in it are NOT.


For instance, we just read above Col. 2:16, 17 which is Paul’s way of telling us that the abolishment of the Law is first and foremost those things which​​ fore-shadowed​​ the things to come: Christ and His fulfillment of the Law and the prophets.


Thus Paul points out for us that all Law-based​​ ordinances​​ have ended…such as holy feast days, New Moon calendar adjustments, Sabbaths, food rules of what to eat and what not, - for these things were just part of what God pointed to in that He should one day send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for all sin.


The absence of the Law of Moses​​ does not mean​​ that from now on everything is lawful.​​ Just go ahead, get drunk, get yourself as many illegal mistresses you want, steal​​ as much as you want, kill and extort and make havoc…it is now all lawful and you shall not be punished!”


Only fools think like that. Every normal believing Christian will easily understand that the morale and all ethics mentioned in the Law is STILL VALID and should be followed.




Eph. 5:3-8 is a sharp exhortation from Paul’s hand – and we find same morale as in the Law, ​​ NASB net version,


«3​​ But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints;​​ 


4​​ and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.​​ 


5​​ For this you know with certainty,​​ that no * immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.​​ 


6​​ Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the​​ wrath of God comes​​ upon the sons of disobedience.​​ 


7​​ Therefore do not be partakers with them;​​ 


8​​ for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord;​​ walk as children of Light.” ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


Particularly verse 5 is very sharp, as Paul not only refers to​​ hetero-sexual immorality (adultery), and greed of money – which is classified as idolatry, but indeed he also warns against​​ homo-sexuality.​​ The word​​ ‘impure person’​​ is found in Romans too, where he exhorts and warns against all types of sinfulness, like Rom. 1:21-32 ​​ NASB net version, ​​ I have emphasized verse 24 ​​ -


«21​​ For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.​​ 


22​​ Professing to be wise, they became fools,​​ 


23​​ and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.​​ 


24​​ Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts​​ to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.​​ 


25​​ For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.​​ 


26​​ For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural *,​​ 


27​​ and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.​​ 


28​​ And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge * God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,​​ 


29​​ being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips,​​ 


30​​ slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,​​ 


31​​ without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;​​ 


32​​ and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.”​​ 

We clearly see that the use of​​ ‘impurity’​​ in verse 24 refers to homo-sexual practices. It is flat out condemned by God in His Holy Bible.


As a Christian, I cannot engage in all sorts of campaigns against the gay ‘Rainbow’ communities in the world. When I write about these things, it is to tell CHRISTIANS that they cannot expect to be saved by Christ if they live and practice a gay lifestyle….living out their lusts and pleasures. Neither can a Christian expect to get saved if he or she lives out a sinful lifestyle, not honoring their marital contract. The world out there is something I can only try to​​ influence, warning against this. But I cannot physically stop anyone. I cannot interfere with their lives. That is what Paul refers to when he said that we shall be ‘Light in the world’. We​​ influence​​ the world so it will take to the faith in Christ and get saved by faith.


The abolishment and the blotting out of the Law of Moses are not in such a way that we can now do as we like. We will have to fight sin, and keep away from sin as much as we manage. We must be enemies of sin. In our lives.




A key-word is used by Paul: ​​ “Natural function” ​​ - ​​ verse 27.


The Bible thus classifies homo-sexuality as an​​ unnatural and perverse​​ sexual practice.


Thus the natural practice must be….hetero-sexual. Man with a woman.​​ Alternately a life without any sexual relationship, called celibacy.​​ 


God did not create Adam and then create for him Allan…so they could have that kind of​​ homo-sexual relationship. No, thank God, He created for him Eve, and so humankind was started,​​ and up until this very day people are having children and when these children become adults, they marry and get their own childrenand so on and so forth.​​ Its not ‘Rocket Science’. It’s enough with ‘The Flowers and the Bees’-​​ theology to understand that​​ two-sexes lifestyle​​ is the normal, and shall stay so as long as humankind exists.


The Pride-festivals held in the streets of many cities are a clear expression of their rebellion against what is a​​ natural lifestyle.​​ They try to make the unnatural and perverse lifestyle become a new normal.​​ 


Time will show how this ends.


Actually, the Bible already has foretold of what the end of this will be: Jude, verses 1-16, NASB net version,



«1​​ Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ:​​ 


2​​ May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.​​ 


3​​ Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.​​ 


4​​ For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.​​ 


5​​ Now I desire to remind you, though you know all things once for all, that the Lord, after saving a people out of the land of Egypt, subsequently destroyed those who did not believe.​​ 


6​​ And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day,​​ 


7​​ just as​​ Sodom and Gomorrah​​ and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.​​ 


8​​ Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties.​​ 


9​​ But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!"​​ 


10​​ But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed.​​ 


11​​ Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.​​ 


12​​ These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;​​ 


13​​ wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.​​ 


14​​ It was also about these men that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord came with many thousands of His holy ones,​​ 


15​​ to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."​​ 


16​​ These are grumblers, finding fault, following after their own lusts; they speak arrogantly, flattering people for the sake of gaining an advantage.


Editor’s emphasize.


Verse 7 quoted from AMP net version reads,


«..just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the adjacent cities, since they in the same way as these​​ angels​​ indulged in gross immoral freedom​​ and​​ unnatural vice and sensual perversity. They are exhibited [in plain sight] as an example in undergoing the punishment of everlasting fire.


We see that the words ​​ ‘unnatural vice and sensual perversity’​​ are used, where NASB says​​ ‘Indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh’.​​ So it cannot be any doubt that the Bible is pointing to homo-sexual life style and practices. Jude therefore found it right to point to​​ Sodom and Gomorrah​​ for warning the believers in his time.​​ But also pointing forward to the end time.


Yes – Christ took away, and He abolished and blotted out the Law of Moses with its commandments and ordinances, but He did not blotted out the regular and ever valid morale and ethics portrayed in the Bible!


Take care!


Eph. 4:30 speaks of the very same matter, NASB net version,


« Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.





















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 ​​​​ In several of my articles as well as books​​ I have mentioned this Biblical truth.

However, here we shall have yet a closer look at it. Shure, Jesus Christ will return to earth, to Israel so He can establish the long promised millennial kingdom to them.

The prophet Zechariah was so​​ specific​​ that he foretold that Jesus should ‘land’ on top of Mt. Olives,​​ Zec. 14:4-7 ​​ NASB net version,

​​ “4​​ In that day​​ His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south.​​ 

5​​ You will​​ flee​​ by the​​ valley​​ of My​​ mountains, for the​​ valley​​ of the​​ mountains​​ will​​ reach​​ to​​ Azel; yes, you will​​ flee​​ just​​ as you​​ fled​​ before​​ *​​ the​​ earthquake​​ in the​​ days​​ of​​ Uzziah​​ king​​ of​​ Judah. Then the​​ LORD, my​​ God, will​​ come, and​​ all​​ the​​ holy​​ ones​​ with Him!​​ 


6​​ In that​​ day​​ there will be​​ no​​ light; the​​ luminaries​​ will​​ dwindle.​​ 


7​​ For it will be a​​ unique​​ day​​ which​​ is​​ known​​ to the​​ LORD,​​ neither​​ day​​ nor​​ night, but it will​​ come​​ about that at​​ evening​​ time​​ there will be​​ light.


So, we know that Jesus shall return in a specific day. To whom? To ISRAEL…since we find a very specific geographic point on the GPS-navigator:​​ On top of Mt. Olives. ​​ Same place where His apostles were eyewitnesses to His ascension,​​ ten days​​ before Pentecost in 28 CE,​​ Acts 1:9-11, NASB net version,


9​​ And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.​​ 


10​​ And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them.​​ 


11​​ They also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."


The angels appearing to the apostles after Jesus was taken up, said that He would return​​ in the same way as they had just seen He was taken up. I think this also includes WHERE, namely Mt. Olives.​​ Jesus told them​​ not to leave​​ Jerusalem…which in this narrative proves that they​​ all​​ were​​ actually​​ in the city. He did not ascend from any of the streets in town, but from Mt. Olives. However, the two angels did not explain to them by quoting Zechariah 14:4 on how the mount would be split in two, from east to west creating a deep valley.


This will not contradict Rev. 19:11-16 where we find Him descending from the sky in a great glorious parade sitting on a white horse, accompanied by His army of angels, for He is seen on the sky,​​ not​​ on the ground below, ​​ NASB net version,


​​ 11​​ And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.​​ 

12​​ His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.​​ 


13​​ He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.​​ 


14​​ And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses.​​ 


15​​ From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine * press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.​​ 


16​​ And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS."


Reading the rest of the chapter, we find Jesus and His angelic warrior angels go into battle against Anti-Christ and the False Prophet, verses 17-21,


«17​​ Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice, saying to all the birds which fly in midheaven, "Come, assemble for the great supper of God,​​ 

18​​ so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men, both free men and slaves, and small and great."​​ 


19​​ And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army.​​ 


20​​ And the​​ beast​​ was​​ seized, and with him the​​ false​​ prophet​​ who​​ performed​​ the​​ signs​​ in his​​ presence, by​​ which​​ he​​ deceived​​ those​​ who had​​ received​​ the​​ mark​​ of the​​ beast​​ and​​ those​​ who​​ worshiped​​ his​​ image;​​ these​​ two​​ were​​ thrown​​ alive​​ into the​​ lake​​ of​​ fire​​ which​​ burns​​ with​​ brimstone.​​ 


21​​ And the​​ rest​​ were​​ killed​​ with the​​ sword​​ which​​ came​​ from the​​ mouth​​ of Him who​​ sat​​ on the​​ horse, and​​ all​​ the​​ birds​​ were​​ filled​​ with their​​ flesh.​​ (Editor’s emphasize).


Paul deals with this scenario in 2 Thes. 1:6-10, NASB net version,


«6​​ For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you,​​ 


7​​ and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming​​ fire,​​ 


8​​ dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.​​ 


9​​ These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power,​​ 


10​​ when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed -for our testimony to you was believed.(Editor’s emphasize).


Jesus Himself told of His Second Advent, Mat. 24:29-31, NASB net version,


«29​​ "But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.​​ 


30​​ "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.



31​​ "And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.


Notice that the genuine​​ real Israel of God​​ (not the present Zionist Israel!) is going to be gathered in the new nation AFTER the Great Tribulation. In other words, Israel cannot become the nation of God again before Jesus arrives from heaven! ​​ The present Zionist Israel is an illicit enterprise what God is concerned. He certainly has not made that ungodly Zionist nation steal back the land from the Palestinians. Just a side remark.


But as we now easily comprehend, Jesus is not coming from heaven to be with His Church. He is coming to His own place,​​ the land of Israel​​ – and shall establish His millennial Kingdom (Rev. 20:4).




The Church which is His body, the​​ ‘One new Man’​​ in Eph. 2:14, 15, shall be taken supernaturally into the epiouranos-heaven​​ (the heaven above the heavens) as seen in Col. 3:1-4, ​​ NASB net version,


«1​​ Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.​​ 


2​​ Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.​​ 


3​​ For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.​​ 


4​​ When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.


Can you find anything at all in this quote, speaking of the Second Advent? ​​ I can’t and I know why: Paul’s revelation of the Mystery (Eph. 3:1-9) and thus the free Grace Gospel of Christ to us Gentiles/Jews alike, has nothing to do with the millennial kingdom promised. We are called by Christ to come up to heaven!


Set your mind on heaven up above, not on the earth…says Paul.


It seems​​ obvious to me that​​ our day of ascension will come​​ some time before God turns to Israel to deal with them. He starts​​ up this operation (the​​ Great Tribulation) by sending down Elijah and Moses, the two witnesses in Rev. 11.​​ The Church, the Body of Christ, will be​​ already in heaven​​ before God sends His two witnesses to chastise Israel.


So, it is​​ not​​ going to be Jesus coming down to His Church, but the Church coming up to Him!


The Post-Acts Body of Christian believers do not belong to the​​ Acts-body which was for the Kingdom, expecting the Second Advent in the days of the apostles.


The Church is an​​ entirely different body of believers, having the heaven up above as hope, and not the earth down here.​​ We are making up an international body of believers in Christ, and are not just Jews with their proselytes as found throughout Acts.


Eph. 4:30 is very clarifying, NASB net version,


30​​ Do not​​ grieve​​ the​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ of​​ God, by​​ whom​​ you were​​ sealed​​ for the​​ day​​ of​​ redemption.


The day of redemption:​​ This is the future day in which God shall transfer His believers into heaven. This is not a day of death, but of eternal unending salvation in glory in Christ.






















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(From​​ eyewitnesstohistory.com)


I have taken the liberty to publish a short historic account on

the great fire in Rome. This because Paul,​​ the apostle

to the Gentiles,​​ was there during this disaster.

Paul did not mention the fire in any of the three epistles

he wrote, - Philemon, Ephesians and Colossians.

It is not clear whether these were written​​ before, during

or after​​ the disastrous fire. It will remain speculation.

But probably he wrote before that fire…my guess.


Jan Lilleby, editor.




The Burning of Rome, 64 AD



Emperor Nero

 ​​​​ During the night of July 18, 64 AD, fire broke out in the merchant area of the city of Rome. Fanned by summer winds, the flames quickly spread through the dry, wooden structures of the Imperial City. Soon the fire took on a life of its own consuming all in its path for six days and seven nights. When the conflagration finally ran its course it left seventy percent of the city in smoldering ruins.​​ 

Rumors soon arose accusing the Emperor Nero of ordering the torching of the city and standing on the summit of the Palatine playing his lyre as flames devoured the world around him. These rumors have never been confirmed. In fact, Nero rushed to Rome from his palace in Antium (Anzio) and ran about the city all that first night without his guards directing efforts to quell the blaze. But the rumors persisted and the Emperor looked for a scapegoat. He found it in the Christians, at that time a rather obscure religious sect with a small following in the city. To appease the masses, Nero literally had his victims fed to the lions during giant spectacles held in the city's remaining amphitheater.​​ 

From the ashes of the fire rose a more spectacular Rome. A city made of marble and stone with wide streets, pedestrian arcades and ample supplies of water to quell any future blaze. The debris from the fire was used to fill the malaria-ridden marshes that had plagued the city for generations.​​ 

The Horror of Fire

The historian Tacitus was born in the year 56 or 57 probably in Rome. He was in Rome during the great fire. During his lifetime he wrote a number of histories chronicling the reigns of the early emperors. The following eye witness account comes from his final work​​ The Annals​​ written around the year 116:



“Now started the most terrible and destructive fire which Rome had ever experienced. It began in the Circus, where it adjoins the Palatine and Caelian hills. Breaking out in shops selling inflammable goods, and fanned by the wind, the conflagration instantly grew and swept the whole length of the Circus. There were no walled mansions or temples, or any other obstructions, which could arrest it. First, the fire swept violently over the level spaces. Then it climbed the hills - but returned to ravage the lower ground again. It outstripped every counter-measure. The ancient city's narrow winding streets and irregular blocks encouraged its progress.​​ 

Terrified, shrieking women, helpless old and young, people intent on their own safety, people unselfishly supporting invalids or waiting for them, fugitives and lingerers alike - all heightened the confusion. When people looked back, menacing flames sprang up before them or outflanked them. When they escaped to a neighboring quarter, the fire followed - even districts believed remote proved to be involved. Finally, with no idea where or what to flee, they crowded on to the country roads, or lay in the fields. Some who had lost everything - even their food for the day - could have escaped, but preferred to die. So did others, who had failed to rescue their loved ones. Nobody dared fight the flames. Attempts to do so were prevented by menacing gangs. Torches, too, were openly thrown in, by men crying that they acted under orders. Perhaps they had received orders. Or they may just have wanted to plunder unhampered.​​ 

Ancient Rome highlighting the Forum

Nero was at Antium. He returned to the city only when the fire was approaching the mansion he had built to link the Gardens of Maecenas to the Palatine. The flames could not be prevented from overwhelming the whole of the Palatine, including his palace. Nevertheless, for the relief of the homeless, fugitive masses he threw open the Field of Mars, including Agrippa's public buildings, and even his own Gardens. Nero also constructed​​ emergency accommodation for the destitute multitude. Food was brought from Ostia and neighboring towns, and the price of corn was cut to less than Ľ sesterce a pound. Yet these measures, for all their popular character, earned no gratitude. For a rumor had spread that, while the city was burning, Nero had gone on his private stage and, comparing modern calamities with ancient, had sung of the destruction of Troy.​​ 

By the sixth day enormous demolitions had confronted the raging flames with bare ground and open sky, and the fire was finally stamped out at the foot of the Esquiline Hill. But before panic had subsided, or hope revived, flames broke out again in the more open regions of the city. Here there were fewer casualties; but the destruction of temples and pleasure arcades was even worse. This new conflagration caused additional ill-feeling because it started on Tigellinus' estate in the Aemilian district. For people believed that Nero was ambitious to found a new city to be called after himself.​​ 

Of Rome's fourteen districts only four remained intact. Three were leveled to the ground. The other seven were reduced to a few scorched and mangled ruins."​​ 

References:​​    Duruy, Victor, History of Rome vol. V (1883); Grant, Michael (translator), Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome, (1989.




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